Broadcasting communication is a tool used for dissemination. Dissemination is a lens—sometimes a distorting one—that tackles basic issues such as interaction, presence, and space and time on the agenda of any future communication theory in general. Dissemination focuses on the message being relayed from one main source to one large audience without the exchange of dialogue in between.
Edward Henry Willis, known as Baron Willis was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's most prolific writer for television; he also wrote 34 stage plays and a number of feature films. In the 1970s he turned to novels, including a spy story, The Left-Handed Sleeper. Willis was elected Chairman of the Labour League of Youth as the candidate of the left in 1937. In 1939, along with much of the League of Youth leadership, he joined the Young Communist League, the youth branch of the Communist Party of Great Britain. In 1941 he became the General Secretary of the Young Communist League.
So, in the interests of survival, they trained themselves to be agreeing machines instead of thinking machines. All their minds had to do was to discover what other people were thinking, and then they thought that, too.
Identity politics, as a mode of categorising, are closely connected to the ascription that some social groups are oppressed (such as women, ethnic minorities, and sexual minorities); that is, the idea that individuals belonging to those groups are, by virtue of their identity, more vulnerable to forms of oppression such as cultural imperialism. Both a majority and minority group phenomenon, racial identity politics can develop as a reaction to the historical legacy of race-based oppression of a people as well as a general group identity issue, as "racial identity politics utilizes racial consciousness or the group's collective memory and experiences as the essential framework for interpreting the actions and interests of all other social groups.". According to Doctor Who casting director Andy Pryor, the backlash to the series’ race-swapping of real-world historical figure Sir Isaac Newton has nothing to do with historical accuracy or a growing exhaustion with identity-politics, but is instead based solely in – you guessed it – viewers’ own racist attitudes.

Digital Spy’s David Opie then turned their discussion to how “there’s been backlash from so-called ‘fans’ of Doctor Who in regard to these particular castings, that they’re too ‘woke’, for want of a better word,” subsequently asking the casting director, “You’ve engaged a bit with this discussion online, but I wondered if you had anything else to add on this response to castings such as these?”. In turn, Pryor asserted, “It’s sad that we’re in a time where people villainise minorities.”.
Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right..
Cultural Marxists claim race is a social and historical construct based on an abstract that divides humanity into humanities. That it is a label that fixes individuals into categories from which they cannot escape. It is the key element behind the organisation and hierarchy of the Atlantic world from the 16th century onwards. They state Europeans became aware of human diversity very early on, as there had been "Black people living in Europe since antiquity".