Al Goldstein, Jewish "King" of Porn.
Pornography essentially short-circuits other systems, becoming not only addictive, but also undermining secure attachment, mutual relatedness, and intimacy.
Jewish people comprise roughly 2% of the American population, but are overwhelmingly overrepresented in the porn industry. The porn industry could be reasonably characterised as a uniquely Jewish industry — ironic, given that pornography was banned in Israel because it causes “great harm to children.” As Benjamin Garland writes, “saying the pornography industry is Jewish is like saying the sky is blue.”.
Those Jews who enter the pornography industry have done so as individuals pursuing the American dream.
Jewish men dominate the porn industry writes journalist Luke Ford.
Though only 2 percent of the American population, Jews dominate porn. Most of the leading male performers through the 1980s had Jewish parents. Leading Jewish pornographers include Wesley Emerson, Paul Fishbein, Lenny Friedlander, Paul Norman, Bobby Hollander, Rubin Gottesman, Hank Weinstein, Fred Hirsh and his children Steve and Marjorie, Steve Orenstein, Theodore Rothstein, and Rueben Sturman.
Luke Ford was raised as a Seventh Day Adventist in Australia. He came to Los Angeles to study and after coming down with chronic fatigue syndrome, spent his time in convalescence listening to Dennis Prager’s radio program. As a result of listening to Prager, he converted to orthodox Judaism.

Since Los Angeles is the center of the pornography industry and since Ford was also interested in pornography, he noticed that Jews dominate the porn industry in Hollywood and decided to discuss the issue on his website. Jews accounted for most of the leading male performers of the 1970s and '80s.
Hebrew "studs" included Buck Adams, Bobby Astyr, (Bobby Charles) R. Bolla (Robert Kerman), Jerry Butler (Paul Siderman), Seymore Butts (Adam Glasser), Roger Caine (Al Levitsky), David Christopher (Bernie Cohen), Steve Drake, Jesse Eastern, Jamie Gillis (Jamie Gurman), Ron Jeremy (Hyatt), Michael Knight, William Margold, Ashley Moore (Steve Tucker), David Morris, George Payne, Ed Powers (Mark Arnold aka Mark Krinski), Harry Reems (Herbert Streicher), Dave Ruby, Herschel Savage (Harvey Cowen), Carter Stevens (Mal Warub), Marc Stevens, Paul Thomas (Phil Tobias), Marc Wallice (Marc Goldberg), Randy West (Andy Abrams) and Jack Wrangler.
If four people compete for a job, and three of them are goyim [non-Jews], the Jew, all things being equal, will get the job. That's the way I work. If I've got three actors going for a part, and one of them is Jewish, and they're all in the same ballpark... Sue me.
Jewish female performers include Avalon, Jenny Baxter (Jenny Wexler), Busty Belle (Tracy Praeger), Chelsea Blake, Tiffany Blake, Bunny Bleu (Kim Warner), J.R. Carrington, Lee Carroll (Leslie Barris), Blair Castle/Brooke Fields (Allison Shandibal), Courtney/Natasha/Eden (Natasha Zimmerman), Daphne (Daphne Franks), Barbara Dare (Stacy Mitnick), April Diamond, Jeanna Fine, Alexis Gold, Terri Hall, Heather Hart, Nina Hartley (Hartman), C.J. Laing (Wendy Miller), Frankie Leigh (Cynthia Hope Geller), Gloria Leonard, Traci Lords (Nora Louise Kuzma), Amber Lynn, Tonisha Mills, Melissa Monet, Susan Nero, Scarlett O. (Catherine Goldberg), Tawny Pearl (Susan Pearlman), Nina Preta, Tracey Prince, Raylene, Janey Robbins (Robin Lieberman), Mila Shegol, Alexandra Silk, Susan Sloan, Annie Sprinkle (Ellen Steinberg), Karen Summer (Dana Alper), Cindy West, Zara Whites (Amy Kooiman) and Ona Zee (Ona Simms).
English professor Jay Gertzman writes about the disproportionate influence of Jews in the sex book trade:
This irrepressible insistence, seen as characteristic of Jewish merchants in particular, and of ethnic middlemen minorities in general, helped confer pariah status on the erotic book dealers. Here, the one-hundred-percent moralist warned, was a tightly knit group of workers single-mindedly driven to material success, an apparently autonomous minority that had chosen to pursue its own "godless, unAmerican" goals with a strange and foreign intensity. When added to the disreputable nature of the business, as attested to by the denunciations of various authority figures, and by police action against the "promoters," as postal inspectors termed them, the identity of the erotica distributor as clannish - employing "their own kind" - and aloof - with their own, ethnic, allegiances - became fixed. Here was a kind of "parasite" with whom one would, on occasion, itch to deal, but would remain chary of trusting, especially because the dealer was so good at what he did.
Perhaps the most well known public face of pornography was Hugh Hefner, a Gentile of Swedish origin, but while Hugh Hefner was out making his brand synonymous with the good life, a team of Jewish editors made his magazine one of the popular, and most progressive reads among perverts around.
Ashley Mattingly, 33 was discovered by police calling to her home to perform a welfare check. She is believed to have taken her own life and left behind "notes". Ashley had "struggled with alcohol and substance abuse", she was determined to get her life on track and was even training to become a pilot, according to her friends.

Sexual pornography degrades the Nature of all who are involved. A beautiful nude woman is art; a camera between her knees to explore her private parts is pornography.
If a magazine’s history can be divided into eras, the 1960s should be remembered as Playboy’s Jewish decade. Those were the years in which a cadre of young Jewish editors, including Lehrman, created the playboy publication
- Hefner was just Playboy’s WASP public face; Jewish editors worked behind the scenes.
- ADL presented Hefner with its first “Torch of
LibertyFreedom” award. - Luke Ford, writer on Jews, Hollywood & Porn – raised SDA, but converted to Judaism.
- Rabbi Dresner on Hollywood encouraging young people to rebel.
- Rabbi Daniel Lapin: American distress over their deteriorating culture & the role of Jews.
- Luke Ford, author of 100 Years of Sex in Films: The big machers [in the pornography] industry are Jewish.
- Luke Ford’s webpage Jews in Porn: Secular Jews dominate the production and distribution of porn.
- Jewish involvement in Porn – “two fingers to the entire WASP establishment”.
- Madonna’s conversion to Judaism
In 1980, the ADL presented pornography pioneer Hugh Hefner with its first “Torch of Liberty Freedom” award, praising the Playboy founder’s “unique idea for a magazine and a philosophy of social change” and his “far-reaching impact, not only on the publishing industry, but on the mores of American society as well.” The son-in-law of Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner settled allegations of insider trading in Playboy stock, agreeing to resolve a lawsuit by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for $168,352.
the whole staff, practically, was Jewish
The ADL also awarded Hugh Hefner “their American Freedom Award at a fashionable black-tie dinner-dance” in 1980, praising Hefner because “the empire he founded has had a far-reaching impact, not only on the publishing industry, but on the mores of American society as well.”. William A. Marovitz, a Jew who is married to former Playboy Enterprises Inc. Chief Executive Officer Christie Hefner (Hugh Hefners daughter), made $100,952 on the trades, according to the SEC complaint filed in a federal court in Chicago. Marovitz bought and sold shares of Playboy in his own brokerage accounts between 2004 and 2009,” the SEC said.
Al Goldstein was born in Williamsburg, Brooklyn to a Jewish family. He served in the Army as a photographer (in the Signal Corps) and was a photojournalist, taking pictures of Jacqueline Kennedy on a 1962 state trip to Pakistan and spending several days in a Cuban jail for taking unauthorised photos of Fidel Castro's brother, Raúl.

I believe in me. I'm God. Screw God. God is your need to believe in some super being. I am the super being. I am your God, admit it.
Goldstein sold insurance; wrote freelance articles; sold rugs, encyclopedias, and his own blood; and landed a job as an industrial spy infiltrating a labor union. In November 1968 in New York, Al and his partner Jim Buckley, investing $175 each, founded Screw, a weekly tabloid. It featured reviews of porn movies, peep shows, erotic massage parlors, brothels, escorts and other offerings of the adult entertainment industry. At its peak, Screw sold 140,000 copies a week. Arrested 19 times on obscenity charges, he spent millions on First Amendment lawsuits, ultimately scoring a major victory when a federal judge dismissed an obscenity case in 1974.
“Love is a deception and a trap. Love is as big a myth that God sits with his flowing white beard in a throne and looks at us.”.
Notable Jewish pornographers, like Al Goldstein, would later beat obscenity prosecutions by exploiting the wording of the Miller test. For instance, Goldstein brags in his autobiography about defeating obscenity prosecutors by “put[ting them] in the position of having to admit to a boner on the stand” to prove whether his material “appealed to prurient interest” or not. The precedents obtained by Goldstein effectively precluded the ability to make obscenity convictions and paved the way for the normalisation of hardcore pornography.
What makes Al Goldstein? Al Goldstein’s a fucking legend. How many people legalised pornography? I mean fucking Fishbein is coasting, and Ron Jeremy is coasting. I changed the law.
In the March 11, 1974, issue of Screw Goldstein ran an ad seeking subscribers to a new magazine, Bitch, which "brings women's sexuality out of the closet for the first time" and also "takes women out of politics and puts them back on their back where they belong.". The first issue "contained an explosive symposium about blowjobs by four women who talk about giving head and what they like and don't like about it". In 1979, Goldstein began Death magazine. It lasted four issues. In 1976-1977 National Screw was published; the June 1977 issue of the magazine contained, according to its cover, an interview with (peadophile) Allen Ginsberg.

In 2001, on Saint Martin, an island in the Lesser Antilles, Goldstein planned to open the Rabbit Ranch, the first of what he hoped would be a chain of 10 to 30 bordellos that would flourish wherever prostitution is legal. He intended to use the profits to finance his second run for sheriff. The brothel never opened; authorities refused to give him a license because he was not a citizen of that nation. "We didn't bribe the right people or something," he said.
I am probably the epitome of everything the Nazis hated: the Jew pornographer who besmirches the pure morals of the white Aryan world. Hitler would have thought of me as the Devil incarnate.
One of Goldstein's best friends was Larry Flynt. Goldstein said that Flynt's Hustler magazine, founded seven years after Screw, stole the Hustler format from Screw, but that he was not angry. According to Goldstein, Flynt succeeded in creating a national publication, at which he had failed. Goldstein married five times and had a son, Jordan Ari Goldstein, with his third wife, Gina. According to Goldstein, he and Jordan had a close relationship until the Goldsteins' divorce. They became estranged after Al called Gina "a contemptible vagina".
Larry Flynt was born in Lakeville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, the first of three children of Larry Claxton Flynt Sr and Edith, a homemaker. Despite being only 15 years old, joined the United States Army using a counterfeit birth certificate. In early 1965, Flynt took $1,800 from his savings and bought his mother's bar in Dayton, Ohio, called the Keewee. He refitted it and was soon making $1,000 a week; he used the profits to buy two other bars. Flynt decided to open a new, higher-class bar, which would also be the first in the area to feature nude hostess dancers; he named it the Hustler Club.

From 1968 onward, with the help of his brother Jimmy and later his girlfriend Althea Leasure, he opened Hustler Clubs in Akron, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Toledo, Ohio. Soon each club grossed between $260,000 and $520,000 a year. In January 1972, Flynt created the Hustler Newsletter, a two-page, black-and-white publication about his clubs. This item became so popular with his customers that by May 1972, he expanded the Hustler Newsletter to 16 pages, then to 32 pages in August 1973. Later Flynt decided to turn the Hustler Newsletter into a sexually explicit magazine with national distribution.
Flynt's daughter, Tonya Flynt-Vega, accused him of sexually abusing her as a child. In the 1998 book, Hustled: My Journey from Fear to Faith, Flynt-Vega writes about her father showing her images from Hustler and while he did so, he began touching her, had her remove her bathing suit, assaulted her orally, then showed her his erection and tried to penetrate her.
On March 6, 1978, during a legal battle related to obscenity in Gwinnett County, Georgia, Flynt and his lawyer were shot on the sidewalk in Lawrenceville by Joseph Paul Franklin. The shooting left Flynt partially paralyzed with permanent spinal cord damage, and in need of a wheelchair. Flynt's attorney was seriously wounded. Franklin, a serial killer, also shot Vernon Jordan; he targeted others in a killing spree from 1977 to 1980. Violently opposed to 'miscegenation,' he confessed to the shootings many years later, claiming he was outraged by an interracial photo shoot in Hustler.

Outraged by a derogatory cartoon published in Hustler in 1976, Kathy Keeton, filed a libel suit against Flynt in Ohio. Her lawsuit was dismissed because she had missed the deadline under the statute of limitations. She then filed a new lawsuit in New Hampshire, where Hustler's sales were very small. The question of whether she could sue there reached the U.S. Supreme Court in 1983, with Flynt losing the case.

In May 2021, VICE News published and reported on a copy of Flynt's 322-page FBI file, which the outlet obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. It contained details of his 1983 arrest for disrupting the U.S. Supreme Court during the Keeton hearing and the unconfirmed claim of a confidential informant that Flynt had asked a mercenary to rig his wheelchair with C-4 explosives so he could blow himself up during that same hearing, taking all of the justices with him.
While Flynt is not Jewish, he was a notable donor to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). While the ADL is one of the chief organisations spearheading the censorship of hate speech on social media platforms and at the level of the federal government, the ADL also has a history of supporting freedom of expression for pornographers. I.E: The ADL does not believe that the First Amendment should protect speech that criticises Jews, but it does believe that the First Amendment should protect pornographers.
Reuben Sturman, sometimes referred as the "Walt Disney of Porn", was an American pornographer and businessman from Ohio, who co-founded sex toys company Doc Johnson. Sturman, the son of immigrant Russian Jews, grew up on Cleveland's East Side. He served in the Army Air Forces during World War II and then went on to study at Western Reserve University, graduating in 1948, before starting his own business selling comic books from his car. By the late 1950s, his business had swelled to a major wholesale magazine company with affiliates in several American cities.
During the 1960s, Sturman started selling magazines with sexual content, a product he discovered could make profits that outmatched anything that could be achieved by selling any kind of comic book. By the late 1960s, Sturman was the biggest distributor of adult magazines in the U.S. His first problems with the authorities started in 1964, when Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents raided a Cleveland warehouse, confiscating copies of a magazine entitled Sex Life of a Cop. This was the start of over two decades of legal difficulties.
In my opinion, based upon twenty-three years of experience in pornography and obscenity investigations and study, it is practically impossible to be in the retail end of the pornography industry without dealing in some fashion with organised crime.
Though his operations were raided and large volumes of magazines were confiscated on numerous occasions, Sturman managed to avoid prosecution by counter-suits, shady business practices and by using at least 20 different aliases to protect his identity. Sturman became increasingly involved in semi-legal or criminal activities during this time, and had connections with the Gambino crime family.
It is the belief of state, federal, and local law enforcement that the pornography industry is controlled by organised crime families. If they do not own the business outright, they most certainly extract street tax from independent smut peddlers.
Sturman's refusal to pay taxes properly finally brought him down. In 1989, Sturman was convicted of tax evasion and sentenced to 10 years in jail and $2.5 million in fines. Another charge, this time for the interstate transportation of obscene material, resulted in a plea bargain for Sturman, but he was later caught trying to bribe a juror, via his ex-wife, and was sentenced to 19 additional years for extortion. He briefly escaped prison in Boron, California, but was re-apprehended in Anaheim.
Sovereign News was housed in a three-story, red-brick building, surrounded by chain-link fences and barbed wire and protected by the most modern and sophisticated electronic surveillance devices money can buy (Potter, 1986; Satchell, 1979). Sturman controlled pornography distribution warehouses in Baltimore, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Denver, Milwaukee, Buffalo, Toronto, Los Angeles, and Detroit. In addition, he was the principle owner of between 300 and 800 retail pornography stores around the country (May and Hosenball, 1981).
Sturman’s Sovereign News Empire dominated the pornography industry and created an environment in which smaller operators and their distributors were dependent upon Sovereign News for their survival. A confidential FBI memorandum on the pornography industry said that Sturman’s business practices have included the strong-arm shakedowns of other dealers, distributors, and suppliers throughout the United States, particularly on the West Coast.”
Seth Warshavsky (born 1973) is a Jewish pornographer and the founder of Internet Entertainment Group (IEG). During the dot-com bubble, Warshavsky's welcome of media attention made him the face of the online pornography industry to a public fascinated with what was then virtually the only segment of the dot-com industry operating at a profit. On February 10, 1998, he testified at a hearing on Internet Indecency before the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. Beginning in 1996, with the profits from a phone-sex operation he started while living in the Oregon building in Seattle, Washington, he had friends at AT&T who would find him sex-related numbers.

Warshavsky was involved in many of the early Internet's porn-related media controversies, including:
- The distribution of a homemade pornographic video starring Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee.
- A 1996 lawsuit over use of the domain name candyland. Hasbro v Internet Entertainment Group (Founded by Seth Warshavsky) 1996 WL 84853.
- A 1998 lawsuit over a sex video of Pamela Anderson and Bret Michaels (never aired by IEG).
- A 1998 lawsuit by actor Kelsey Grammer over another sex video (also never aired).
- The Our First Time hoax.
- Nude photographs of Laura Schlessinger in 1998.
- Papalvisit.com, a website with information about the 1999 visit to the U.S. by Pope John Paul II that also featured salacious stories and links to pornographic websites.
- The investment and creation, with David Marshlack, of VoyeurDorm.Com.
Warshavsky converted a warehouse in Seattle into the studios of IEG's flagship website, Clublove.com. The website used computer technology that was cutting edge for its day. The business model was similar to that of a live peep show. For a monthly membership fee plus an hourly charge, customers could watch postcard-sized, low-resolution images of women strip and touch themselves in real time. For more money, they could talk to the camgirls over the phone and direct them. In 1999, Warshavsky was rated number 40 on Time Magazine's list of 50 "most important figures in technology."
David F. Friedman is by far the biggest name associated with sexploitation. In 1963, he produced Scum of the Earth!, using the pseudonym Davis Freeman. Scum of the Earth! is considered the first in the “roughie” subgenre of sexploitation. Roughies, in general, were violent revenge films. In the beginning they would show a woman, or multiple women, being brutally raped or otherwise abused and tortured by men; and then by the end the men would be shown on the receiving end of the graphic violence. Also in 1963, Friedman produced Blood Feast, which is considered the first in the “gore” or “splatter” genre.
Later, in 1969, using the pseudonym Herman Traeger, Friedman produced Love Camp 7. This was the first film of the most bizarre sexploitation subgenre of all: “Nazisploitation.” Nazisploitation films were over-the-top, sex and gore, horror fantasy films about cartoonish German “Nazis” conducting all kinds of deranged experiments on Jewish concentration camp inmates. The mother of all Nazisploitation films was Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS, which was, again, produced by Friedman/Traeger.
Stephen Michael Cohen is an American who gained notoriety after acquiring control of the domain name Sex.com in 1995. He also has citizenship in Mexico, Israel and in the principality of Monaco. He was later implicated in involvement in running the controversial peer-to-peer service EarthStation 5. In the 1980s, he operated a paid-membership bulletin board system (BBS) called the French Connection, geared toward swinging and other sexual topics, and by the late 1980s, he organised swinger get-togethers at a home in Orange County, California. In 1990, he was arrested for operating a sex club in a residential zone; he was found not guilty by a jury verdict.
Prof. Nathan Abrams is a Jewish Professor of American History at Aberdeen University in UK. He boasts that Jews are the driving force behind the worldwide modern pornographic industry and that their motivation is in part to destroy Gentile morals.

In a respected and scholarly magazine of Jewish intellectuals, (The Jewish Quarterly, winter 2004) Jewish professor Nathan Abrams in an article titled, “Triple Exthnics,” proudly documents the leading role of Gentile-hating Jews in pornography.
A story little told is that of Jews in Hollywood’s seedier cousin, the adult film industry. Perhaps we’d prefer that the ‘triple exthnics’ didn’t exist, but there’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue’ Jews. Jewish activity in the porn industry divides into two (sometimes overlapping) groups: pornographers and performers. Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography. … In the postwar era, America’s most notorious pornographer was Reuben Sturman, the ‘Walt Disney of Porn’. According to the US Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s Sturman controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country. … It was said that Sturman did not simply control the adult-entertainment industry; he was the industry. … Many are entirely secular, Jews in name only. Sturman, however, identified as a Jew – he was a generous donor to Jewish charities.
Abrams shows how the corruption and debasement of Gentiles and Christian morality is a primary part of their motivation for intentionally infecting the Gentile community with pornography.
Is there a deeper reason, beyond the mere financial, as to why Jews in particular have become involved in porn? … Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.” Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged. … Extending the subversive thesis, Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America.
Opposition to Jewish extremist subversion of Gentile, Christian or Muslim morality is frequently defined as anti-Semitic “hatred” in the Jewish dominated media. Abrams writing in a Jewish journal for a presumably Jewish audience writes matter-of-factly about the “atavistic hatred” against us by Jewish pornographers and their motivation to “weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion.”
Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. Astyr remembers having “to run or fight for it in grammar school because I was a Jew. It could very well be that part of my porn career is an ‘up yours’ to these people.
Obviously, there are no articles in the mainstream media exposing Jewish “atavistic hatred” against Gentiles by the promoters of pornographic depravity. Abrams even goes on to talk about the roots of this revolutionary Jewish attack on European values.
Jews were also at the vanguard of the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse and Paul Goodman replaced Marx, Trotsky and Lenin as required revolutionary reading. … Pacheco was one Jewish porn star who read Reich’s intellectual marriage of Freud and Marx. … In light of the relatively tolerant Jewish view of sex, why are we ashamed of the Jewish role in the porn industry? We might not like it, but the Jewish role in this field has been significant and it is about time it was written about seriously.
Notice that all those mentioned: Reich, Marcuse, Goodman, Marx, Trotsky, Lenin and Freud are Jews. From Freud to Goodman, all represent a Jewish revolution against traditional European values and morality.
MindGeek (formerly Manwin) is a privately held Canadian company that primarily focuses on pornography. It is owned by Feras Antoon, Bernd Bergmair (Bernard Bergemar), David Marmorstein and newly Leonardo DaSilva and operates many popular pornographic websites, including video sharing services Pornhub, RedTube, and YouPorn, as well as adult film production companies Brazzers, Digital Playground, Men.com, Reality Kings, Sean Cody, and WhyNotBi.com, among others. A spokesperson for the company stated that they are "one of the top five bandwidth consumption companies in the world".

It has been subject to a number of lawsuits and filed litigation against its competitors. MindGeek was sued in California for hosting non-consensual pornography produced by GirlsDoPorn, which coerced women into appearing in their videos under false pretenses. In January 2021, a class action lawsuit making similar claims was launched in Montreal for anyone who had pornography photos and videos, some of which may have been taken when they were underage, shared on MindGeek's sites without their consent, since 2007.

The lawsuit stated that MindGeek knowingly did not "investigate or question its business partner regarding the mounting evidence of sex trafficking". In February 2021, a U.S.-based civil class action lawsuit was launched against MindGeek on behalf of child sex trafficking victims whose child sexual abuse material was uploaded to Pornhub. Many journalistic outlets accuse the company of having a monopoly over the online pornography industry, with 3 out of the 10 most popular online pornography sites owned by MindGeek.
Viewing pornography doesn't necessarily cause violent behavior; however, I believe that if someone has aggressive or violent tendencies, viewing violent pornography may exacerbate those tendencies by giving the viewer the idea that fantasies might be "normal."
- Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer of Wisconsin, speaking of his routine before hunting for a victim said, “Just…using pictures of past victims…the pornography videos, the magazines…” Jeffrey Dahmer killed 17 boys and men.
- Ted Bundy, convicted rapist and mutilation murderer of Washington, said that hard-core pornography had a "crystallizing effect" on his violent tendencies and his acting out during the 1970s.
- Arthur Gary Bishop from Utah, executed for raping and murdering five boys in the 1980s, said pornography's "effect on me was devastating."
- Andrei Chikatilo, a Russian serial killer, murdered at least 53 women and children. "…with pictures of naked women in his prison cell, he blamed pornography as the cause of this troubles."
- Wisconsin resident Ed Gein, the first serial killer, aka The Butcher of Plainfield, and inspiration for movies such as Psycho, Maniac, and The Silence of the Lambs "accumulated a library of anatomy books, porn magazines, horror and adventure novel…" in the 1950s.
- John Wayne Gacy's wife filed for divorce in 1976 because "Gacy's moods had become erratic, and she had found Gacy's pornographic magazine collection which was all centered around young boys." Gacy killed at least 33 young men and boys in Chicago, Illinois.
- The nickname BTK (bind, torture, kill) was given to Dennis Rader, a Kansas native, who killed 10 people. "He kept meticulous records of his fantasies and crimes in what he called his 'mother lode' collection of pornography."
- David Berkowitz killed over a dozen people in New York. He joined a cult and was introduced to "drug use, sadistic pornography and violent crime." The cult also created and distributed child pornography.
- Richard Ramirez was exposed to explicit pictures of his cousin "raping Vietnamese women and severing the heads of Vietcong soldiers." He in turn killed at least 13 people in California.
- Edmund Kemper, a California serial killer and necrophile known as the Co-ed Killer, used pornography and detective magazines for erotic stimulation; he picked up women who were hitch-hiking, then killed, and raped them post-mortem.
- Ottis Toole from Florida became obsessed with gay pornography. He "committed his first murder at the age of 14." During his killing spree, accompanied by Henry Lee Lucas, he killed 108 people.
- The Grim Sleeper, Lonnie Franklin Jr., "had a penchant for prostitutes and pornography." A resident of LA, he would pick up prostitutes, take pornographic pictures of his victims, then strangle them to death. His killing spree included 11 murders.
- In the 2013 murder case of Tia Sharp, a 12-year-old girl from the UK, the judge declared to murderer Stuart Hazell, "the records of your internet searching on your mobile phone make abundantly clear that you were looking out for pornographic pictures of pre-teen girls."
- In 2013, on the day Mark Bridger, a UK native,abducted April Jones, he "viewed online photographs of a young girl and a pornographic cartoon depicting...rape."
- Daniel William Marsh double murder [not serial as criteria is three victims or more between "cooling off" periods], obsessed throughout his life with killing, became preoccupied with bestgore.com, a website that promoted "gore porn" and amateur videos of actual gory events.
Ted Bundy describing pornography as sexual compulsion leading him towards compulsive violence that he called "destructive energy":
Jeffrey Dahmer also describes his compulsion as sexaulised, when he began to enact his fantasies.
There is plenty of evidence to suggest that Jews see and use pornography as a weapon, to subvert and destroy white, Western culture and civilisation. One piece of very unambiguous evidence was given by the IDF in 2002. After occupying the West Bank town of Ramallah, the Israeli occupation forces seized the local television stations and began broadcasting hardcore pornography to “psychological[ly] shock” and demoralize the residents. The distribution of hardcore pornography can be shown to achieve a similar end in America and Western Europe as well.

Jewish scholars like Professor Abrams have described the porn industry as an extension of the sexual revolutionary attack on Western culture led by Jewish Marxists like Wilhelm Reich and Herbert Marcuse, who inspired many of the Jewish pornographers at the vanguard of pornography legalisation during the 70s. One such Jewish pornographer remembers going to porn studios with “my hair down to my ass, a copy of Wilhelm Reich’s Sexual Revolution under my arm, and yelling about work, ‘love and sex.’”.
These movements illustrate why Jews see the promotion of sexual decadence as beneficial for the Jewish community, and how the Jewish community sees pornography as a cultural weapon.
Within the literature of these influential Jewish Marxist intellectuals and activists, there is an unmistakable, consistent, and vicious streak of hostility towards religion, conventional sexual morality, and strong gentile families. The Jewish identity of these intellectuals and their anti-family attitudes are not coincidental: these Jewish figures consciously identified as Jewish and saw the annihilation of conservative social institutions to be in the interest of the Jewish community at large, because they believed that doing so would make society resistant to antisemitism.

Once pornography is contextualised as a Jewish phenomenon, and particularly as one expression of the Jewish revolution against the traditional family, its role in “creating a crisis of reproduction for the white race” becomes immediately apparent, especially when associated with other Jewish “accomplishments” and agendas. Birthrates have plummeted in the Western world. Below replacement birth rates have been used by governing parties of America and Western Europe to justify mass replacement migration from the third world (also note that major refugee and immigration organisations are overwhelmingly Jewish). Why have birth rates collapsed?
Note that Hollywood, like the porn industry, is overwhelmingly Jewish. In the words of Rabbi Dresner, Hollywood is the principal institution laying siege on “the traditional family” in America and throughout the world with its cultural products that promote “‘rebellion, self-fulfillment, and promiscuity’ and a ‘debased view of the human body and spirit.’” Because of Hollywood, “the avant-garde has become the man on the street. Bohemia is Broadway. The filthy jokes formerly restricted to burlesque houses and certain nightclubs’ are now available on ‘films and TV for the millions. Las Vegas is no longer a city but a condition.’”
Combine the influence of Hollywood with that of hardcore internet pornography, and it is no wonder that people are less willing to start and raise a family. As discussed earlier, the assault on Christian sexual morality is deliberate. There is even some evidence suggesting that its impact on reproductivity is deliberate as well. Dr. Andrew Joyce brings attention to the enormous mass-media campaign led by Jewish entertainment and media executives during the middle of the 20th century to “fight fascism” and to “make white Americans find their own ethnocentrism abhorrent.”.
In Pornography Use and Loneliness: A Bidirectional Recursive Model and Pilot Investigation, Butler, Pereyra, Drap, Leonhardt, and Skinner (2018) surveyed 1,247 participants in English-speaking countries around the world to develop a sophisticated statistical model of how various factors related to loneliness and pornography use. Overall, they found that porn use was significantly associated with loneliness. In addition, loneliness was significantly associated with pornography use, suggesting a two-way relationship.
In fact, for each “unit” of porn use, loneliness increased significantly by a factor of 0.20. For each unit of loneliness, porn used increased by a factor of 0.16. In addition, as shown in prior research, pornography use was greater for men and was lower for married people. Greater religiousness reduced pornography use, and higher educational level was associated with reduced loneliness.
The authors discuss that pornography use is associated with relationship distress, disrupted attachment, and strain on pair bonding. Harm to relationships is due to pornography’s “sexual script, consisting of eroticism, objectification, promiscuity, and misogyny which is on its face antithetical to secure attachment… conceptually linked to loneliness"—a perspective supported by the analysis of Pornhub videos' depictions of sexuality.
- When it comes to the topic of porn, one of the most common questions is whether or not it can actually be addictive. According to many addiction experts, it absolutely can be.
- Research indicates that porn consumers can become desensitised to porn, often needing to consume more porn, more extreme forms of porn, or consume porn more often in order to get the same response they once did.
- A deeper look into how the brain works reveals that addictions to harmful substances like tobacco have striking similarities to porn compulsion, including impaired decision-making.
- Because of neuroplasticity, our brains constantly change in healthy ways that help us learn and complete tasks more efficiently. Yet, supernormal stimuli such as porn can trigger measurable changes that can influence our lives in unhealthy ways.
- When a person is suffering from an addiction or compulsion, their stress response and their addiction can become intertwined in unhealthy ways, thus creating an unhealthy coping cycle.
- Countless studies consistently show that porn consumers tend to struggle in their relationships. From poorer relationship quality to an increased likelihood of cheating, research suggests that porn plays a major role in fueling unhealthy relationship dynamics.
- For people whose partners consume porn, feelings of rejection, mistrust, anger, and shame are unfortunately common.
- Research indicates that consuming porn can normalise sexual objectification, which can have profound consequences in the ways porn consumers view and treat others.
- Ironically, despite porn’s promise of improving consumers’ sex lives, there is growing evidence that porn consumption is linked to sexual dysfunction and less sexual satisfaction.
- Many porn consumers use porn as a self-soothing technique when they’re feeling lonely or depressed, but research suggests that porn may actually fuel mental health issues, rather than help them.
- Sex trafficking shares a variety of symbiotic connections to pornography. Even in the production of mainstream porn, sex trafficking can still occur—and it happens more often than most people think.
- In the porn industry, there is virtually no way to guarantee that any piece of pornographic content is truly consensual, ethical, or even legal.
- Most young people are getting at least some of their education about sex from porn, whether they mean to or not. This is especially concerning, considering how wildly unrealistic and toxic porn can be.
- As few as 1 in 3 and as many as 9 in 10 porn videos depict sexual violence or aggression. That’s especially concerning, considering that research indicates that these sexually violent narratives can bleed into consumers’ attitudes and behaviors.
- Porn is incomparably more accessible and more extreme than anything available before the internet. A couple of ratty old centerfold magazines found in the park are nothing compared to the hardcore, high-definition videos that minors have access to today.
In Till Porn Do Us Part? A Longitudinal Examination of Pornography Use and Divorce, Perry and Schleifer (2018) conducted a longitudinal study of married individuals spanning from 2006 to 2014. Surveying 2,120 married adults, they found that, overall, the chance of divorce doubled for both men and women who started using porn after getting married. Across the whole sample, the divorce rate was 6 percent for non-porn users and 11 percent for porn users.
The rates of divorce with porn use were higher for women who started using porn, nearly tripling from 6 to 16 percent, whereas for men, porn use was associated with an increase from 5 to 10 percent in divorce rates. Stopping porn use was associated with a reduced risk of divorce only for women. For women who stopped using porn, the divorce rate was 6 percent, compared with 18 percent for women who continued to report porn use for the duration of the study.
Finally, researchers found that the association between pornography use and divorce was much higher for younger people. Half of the 20-year-olds who began using pornography after marriage divorced (versus 6 percent who did not start using porn), 28 percent of 30-year-olds, and 12 percent of 40-year-olds. By the age of 50, beginning pornography use did not significantly affect the divorce rate. For those who reported being happiest about getting married, beginning porn use was associated with higher divorce rates: 12 percent versus 3 percent for those who did not begin using porn.
According to Abrams, because “‘the leading male performers through the 1980s came from secular Jewish upbringings and the females from Roman Catholic day schools,’ the standard porn scenario became as a result a Jewish fantasy of schtupping the Catholic shiksa.”. Repeating what he was told by Ron Jeremy, Kulich corroborates that Jews are in porn “to fuck Roman Catholic chicks” and “fulfill like every fantasy that every Jewish boy has ever had.”. Harvey Cohen has also allegedly stated: “As you’re aware, it’s a Jewish fantasy to screw gentile women. . . Besides, why would Jewish pornographers care about gentile fantasy?”
Shiksa is a Yiddish pejorative amounting to “gentile whore.” Unclean Lips: Jews, Obscenity and American Culture goes further, defining it as “‘unclean creature,’ reptile; abomination, detestation, uncleanliness.”
This attitude can be extrapolated to the broader Jewish entertainment industry, notwithstanding the enormous amount of sexual predation by Jews in other fields, such as the infamous Jeffrey Epstein child sex trafficking operation and its constellation of complicit Jewish modeling agents. This is doubtless one reason why Stanley Kubrick, who made esoteric Jewish elite sexual abuse cults a central topic in his films, said that “Hitler was right about almost everything.”. The Jewish Washington Football Team (formerly Redskins) owner Dan Snyder has been accused of making lewd videos of his cheerleaders and pimping them out to friends, which is one instance in a discernible trend of Jewish entertainment executives preying on “shiksa” actresses and gentile-employee cattle.
Turning to Hollywood, Larry David commented on SNL about the “very disturbing pattern” of Jewish sexual harassers in the film industry. The Tablet Mag article “The Specifically Jewy Perviness of Harvey Weinstein” explains why this is, by describing Weinstein as “a character straight out of Philip Roth, playing out his revenge fantasies on the Goyim.”
But the shikses, ah, the shikses are something else again [. . .] I am so awed that I am in a state of desire beyond a hard-on. My circumcised little dong is simply shriveled up with veneration. Maybe it’s dread. How do they get so gorgeous, so healthy, so blonde? My contempt for what they believe in is more than neutralised by my adoration of the way they look, the way they move and laugh and speak.
This trend extends to Jewish pornographers as well. For instance, Ron Jeremy — whom the Jewish Daily Forward describes as “your goofy Jewish uncle” — was recently charged with 28 counts of sexual violence, following a flurry of allegations in which Jeremy is accused of violent rape and of “sexually assault[ing] a 15-year-old girl at a party in Santa Clarita.” The porn industry is notorious for sex trafficking and for taking advantage of vulnerable people; in his essays, Luke Ford has likened the porn industry to the “white slave trade.”
There was a series of cases where the rapes of kidnapped, underage girls were uploaded to and featured on major Jewish porn sites which often refused to take the videos down. Additionally, last year the owners of a porn production company, Michael Pratt and Mathew Wolfe (not confirmed to be Jewish, though the former is a common Jewish surname), were charged with multiple counts of sexual trafficking. Pratt is still at large (perhaps hiding in Israel). Several years ago, Jean-François Gariépy brought attention to a similar scandal by conducting an interview with a young white girl who was lured into hardcore porn through modeling gigs and forced into acting in interracial abuse videos. Gariépy’s interview makes it horrifically clear that the girl is being viciously exploited, as she is evidently not all there and appears to have the cognitive faculties of a child.
On this topic, note that Jews like Seymore Butts and Mike Kulich have specialised in the “interracial abuse” porn genre, which glorifies degrading black male on white female sexual violence. The reluctance of white female actresses to star in these films has frustrated Jewish pornographers like James Deen, who says it is “irritating and disgusting and annoying. . . It’s racist and it’s belittling and it’s keeping me from making a good product.” While this kind of “product” is less profitable, Jewish pornographers have nevertheless taken it upon themselves to normalize and promote the genre as part of a “Crusade for Racial Equality.”
The story of Greg Lansky is also extremely telling. Greg Lansky is known as the “Steven Spielberg of porn” for his work of turning porn into what Rolling Stone describes as “high art.” Lansky has also been working to “mainstream” porn by advertising to the widest audience possible: “Adult companies need to learn to have a digestible social media presence — one that is safe for work, safe for the audience that wants to enjoy the brand. If they want to cross that border for graphic 18+ content they can click a link.” Lansky is talking about advertising his product on social media platforms, where it will reach impressionable young children. For this reason, Ad Age calls Lansky “a master of SFW marketing.”
As pointed out in a French article written by Jacky Goldberg, Lansky’s “art” is more than porn; it is a “political gesture.” What genre is the focus of Lansky’s “artistic” pornography? According to Rolling Stone, it is “interracial sex and. . . portrayals of white women being sexually dominated by well-endowed black men.” To promote this genre, Lansky has also associated himself with a variety of highly influential rappers, including Kanye West. In one publicity stunt, Lansky offered Kanye a contract to direct an interracial porn film for his brand. Lansky is “congratulated by the African-American community” for his interracial pornography, and Kanye West has publicly promoted Lansky’s pornography, which West praises as his favorite genre.

As Lansky himself stated several paragraphs above, he sees his work in the porn industry as a fight against discrimination, so his “artistic” interracial porn brand is very obviously intended to glamourize interracial sexual relationships, specifically between black men and white women (this should be contextualised alongside the massive push for interracial couples, largely black men and white women again, by Jewish advertising agencies). Of course, Lansky’s product is also frequently posted alongside anti-white hate screeds and calls to “rape white bitches” on social media platforms.
How many of the African and Middle Eastern rapists that have sexually assaulted and murdered scores of white women and schoolchildren throughout America, Western Europe, and South Africa were consumers of pornographic material depicting small and very young-looking white women in schoolgirl costumes being violently sodomised by Africans?
Pornography — just like abortion, feminism, gay rights, and the normalisation of pedophilia — is promoted by the wealthiest and most tightly organised ethnic group on the planet as a form of ethnic political activism. Jews see pornography as a tool for fighting “fascism” and social discrimination, and for making society safe for Jews. The porn industry is one branch of a large Jewish Cultural-Marxist project to deconstruct the values of white, Western civilisation, to gut Western ways of constructing meaning, and to render our culture disordered and meaningless. Pornography is a weapon, a form of Jewish “cultural terrorism,” and Jews candidly admit it. Do not take my words for it. Addressing the Jewish community, Rabbi Daniel Lapin writes:
Instead of focusing on imagined enemies, we should ask whether dogmatic commitment to a secular-liberal vision is encouraging dislike for the Jewish community. Without such honest self-appraisal, Jews will become more and more disliked — not by crazed individuals but by decent Americans distressed over their rapidly deteriorating culture and the role of Jews in that agenda. It cannot escape the notice of ordinary Americans coping with the challenge of raising responsible children in a hostile world that many Jewish names and groups lead the fight for policies these Americans see as causing the country’s decline.