WW2 Propaganda
Flames never rise from crematorium chimneys, so what exactly has been incinerated all this time, truth? Eighty years on, WW2 propaganda suppresses White people into guilt, shame, and self-loathing and also to annihilate from conceptual thought any trace of a homogenous and ethnocentric homeland; free from usury, debt slavery and crucifying ethnocidal decimations.
- Forward
- Introduction
- Concentration Camps
- Auschwitz-Birkenau
- Inflated death toll
- Propaganda Chimney
- Rudolf Höss
- Gas Chambers
- Mass Cremation
- Electrocuted & Vaporised
- Tattoo Machines
- Memorial and Museum
- Treblinka
- Dachau
- Buchenwald
- Publications
- Simon Wiesenthal
- Anne Frank Diaries
- Rudolf Vrba’s “I Cannot Forgive”
- Olga Lengyel’s “Five Chimneys”
- Kitty Hart’s "Return to Auschwitz"
- Martin Gray’s “For Those I Loved”
- Jean Francis Steiner’s “Treblinka”
- Miklos Nyiszli’s “Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account”
- Filip Müller’s “Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers”
- Truthful Survivor Books Not Given Prominence
- Paul Rassinier—The Holocaust Victim Who Argued Against the “Gas Chambers”
- Martin Gilbert’s “Auschwitz and the Allies”
- Herman Rosenblat’s “Angel at the Fence”
- Binjamin Wilkomirski’s “Fragments”
- “Survivor” Swindlers 1—The Philip Auerbach Case
- “Survivor” Swindlers 2—The Werner Nachmann Case
- “Survivor” Swindlers 3—The Semen Domnitser Case
- Nuremburg
- Hollywood
- Truth as a Victim
- Robert Faurisson
- Lady Michèle Renouf
- Richard Williamson
- Ursula Haverbeck
- Germar Rudolf
- Jürgen Graf
- Gerd Honsik
- Wilhelm Stäglich
- Fredrick Töben
- Conclusion
Propaganda is a modern Latin word, the neuter plural gerundive form of propagare, meaning 'to spread' or 'to propagate', thus propaganda means the things which are to be propagated. Originally this word derived from a new administrative body (congregation) of the Catholic Church created in 1622 as part of the Counter-Reformation, called the Congregatio de Propaganda Fide (Congregation for Propagating the Faith), or informally simply Propaganda. Its activity was aimed at "propagating" the Catholic faith in non-Catholic countries.
Identifying propaganda has always been a problem. The main difficulties have involved differentiating propaganda from other types of persuasion, and avoiding a biased approach. Richard Alan Nelson provides a definition of the term:
Propaganda can often be recognised by the rhetorical strategies used in its design. In the 1930s, the Institute for Propaganda Analysis identified a variety of propaganda techniques that were commonly used in newspapers and on the radio, which were the mass media of the time period. Propaganda techniques include "name calling" (using derogatory labels), "bandwagon" (expressing the social appeal of a message), or "glittering generalities" (using positive but imprecise language). The propagandist seeks to change the way people understand an issue or situation for the purpose of changing their actions and expectations in ways that are desirable to the interest group.
Propaganda, in this sense, serves as a corollary to censorship in which the same purpose is achieved, not by filling people's minds with approved information, but by preventing people from being confronted with opposing points of view. What sets propaganda apart from other forms of advocacy is the willingness of the propagandist to change people's understanding through deception and confusion rather than persuasion and understanding. The leaders of an organization know the information to be one sided or untrue, but this may not be true for the rank and file members who help to disseminate the propaganda.
The German Corpse Factory or Kadaververwertungsanstalt (literally "Carcass-Utilisation Factory"), also sometimes called the "German Corpse-Rendering Works" or "Tallow Factory" was one of the most notorious anti-German atrocity propaganda stories circulated in World War I. According to the story, the Kadaververwertungsanstalt was a special installation supposedly operated by the Germans in which, because fats were so scarce in Germany due to the British naval blockade, German battlefield corpses were rendered down for fat, which was then used to manufacture nitroglycerine, candles, lubricants, and even boot dubbin.
Historian Piers Brendon has called it "the most appalling atrocity story" of World War I, while journalist Phillip Knightley has called it "the most popular atrocity story of the war." After the war John Charteris, the British former Chief of Army Intelligence, allegedly stated in a speech that he had invented the story for propaganda purposes, with the principal aim of getting the Chinese to join the war against Germany. Recent scholars do not credit the claim that Charteris created the story. Propaganda historian Randal Marlin says "the real source for the story is to be found in the pages of the Northcliffe press", referring to newspapers owned by Lord Northcliffe.
During June and July 1943, two prominent representatives of the Moscow-based “Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee” toured the United States and raised more than two million dollars for the Soviet war effort at a series of mass meetings. At each of these rallies, Soviet Jewish leader Solomon Mikhoels [served as chairman during World War II] showed the crowd a bar of soap that he said was made from Jewish corpses. After the war, the soap story was given important legitimacy at the main Nuremberg trial. L. N. Smirnov, Chief Counsellor of Justice for the USSR, declared to the Tribunal:
It is worth emphasising here that the “evidence” presented at the Nuremberg Tribunal for the bogus soap story was no less substantial than the “evidence” presented for the claims of mass extermination in “gas chambers.”. After the war, supposed Holocaust victims were solemnly buried, in the form of soap bars, in Jewish cemeteries. In 1948, for example, four such bars wrapped in a funeral shroud were ceremoniously buried according to Jewish religious ritual at the Haifa cemetery in Israel.
Other bars of “Jewish soap” has been displayed as grim Holocaust relics at the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, the Stutthof Museum near Gdansk (Danzig), the Yivo Institute in New York, the Holocaust Museum in Philadelphia, the Jewish Holocaust Centre in Melbourne (Australia), and at various locations in Israel.
Unlike the stigmatising holocaust industry, there are no expensive purchasable tickets to view the suppressed factualities written onto these very pages; the real cost it seems is the ignorant castigation of not only me but thousands of others before me who have freely published this invaluable information. In evaluated view of these efforts, I request that you decide for yourself by creating and substantiating a genuinely informed opinion from assessing factual evidence that is oh so not popular in most social circles where facts are scoffed at, rendered down with ridicule and eventually silenced unspeakable, suppressed under a repressive, anti-social construct of repressive tollerance.
Deborah Lipstadt lawyer is Anthony Robert Julius, in 1999 Julius married Dina Rabinovitch, daughter of infamous Rabbi Nachum Eliezer Rabinovitch.
Rabbi Rabinovitch said:
People cannot seem to fathom after landing on the winning side of WW2 that allied and soviet propaganda during and after that WW2 could, just might, be false. Irrespecive of this questioning the Holocaust has become illegal in 17 countries including: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, and Switzerland.
Upon the holocaust mememorial in the Hague the Germanic people have been demonised as the Amalek (blood lickers).
In Judaism, Amalekites came to represent the archetypal enemy of the Jews. In Jewish folklore, the Amalekites are considered to be the symbol of evil. Three of the 613 mitzvot (commandments) involve Amalek:
- 598 Deut. 25:17 – Remember what Amalek did to the Israelites.
- 599 Deut. 25:19 – Wipe out the descendants of Amalek.
- 600 Deut. 25:19 – Not to forget Amalek's atrocities and ambush on our journey from Egypt in the desert.
When you cannot question anything, through fear of being socially outcast, stigmatised or worse prosecuted and locked up; then you begin to ask why the petitioned authorities attempt to suppress and stifle those genuinely seeking to substantiate the truth in hindsight of this matter.
The first accusation against the Germans of the mass murder of Jews in war-time Europe was made by the Polish Jew Rafael Lemkin in his book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, published in New York in 1943. Somewhat coincidentally, Lemkin was later to draw up the useless U.N. Genocide Convention [reserved for "designated" ethnic groups, meaning themselves], which seeks to outlaw “racialism”. His book claimed that the Nazis had destroyed millions of Jews, perhaps as many as six millions. This, by 1943, would have been remarkable indeed, since the action was allegedly started only in the summer of 1942. At such a rate, the entire world Jewish population would have been exterminated by 1945.
After the war, propaganda estimates spiralled to heights even more fantastic. Kurt Gerstein, an anti-Nazi who claimed to have infiltrated the S.S., told the French interrogator Raymond Cartier that he knew that no less than forty million concentration camp internees had been gassed. In his first signed memorandum of April 26th, 1945, he reduced the figure to 25 million, but even this was too bizarre for French Intelligence and in his second memorandum, signed at Rottweil on May 4th, 1945, he brought the figure closer to the six million preferred at the Nuremberg Trials. After his two “confessions” he hanged himself at Cherche Midi prison in Paris.
Gerstein alleged that during the war he passed on information concerning the murder of Jews to the Swedish Government through a German baron but for some inexplicable reason his report was “filed away and forgotten”. He also claimed that in August, 1942 he informed the Papal nuncio in Berlin about the whole “extermination programme”, but the reverend person merely told him to “Get out.” The Gerstein statements abound with claims to have witnessed the most gigantic mass executions (twelve thousand in a single day at Belzec), while the second memorandum describes a visit by Hitler to a concentration camp in Poland on June 6th, 1942 which is known never to have taken place.
The story of six million Jews exterminated during the war was given final authority at the Nuremberg Trials by the statement of Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl. He had been an assistant of Eichmann’s, but was in fact a rather strange person in the service of American Intelligence who had written several books under the pseudonym of Walter Hagen. Hoettl also worked for Soviet espionage, collaborating with two Jewish emigrants from Vienna, Perger and Verber, who acted as U.S. officers during the preliminary inquiries of the Nuremberg Trials. It is remarkable that the testimony of this highly dubious person Hoettl is said to constitute the only “proof” regarding the murder of six million Jews.
To understand the anti-Germanic WW2 sentiment against Germanic peoples read the following (in hindsight 60 years later, of Europe being flooded with non-European migrants):
Luis Nizers describes viability of extermination and sterilisation then elaborates outbreeding birthrate of “pure Germans” to neutralise aggressiveness; medicines without cure and compulsory migration. He recommends revitalisation of a democratic culture be implemented by every conceivable instrument for invading the mind. Nizer outlined the possible function of the church, motion picture, theatre, radio, the press, and labour unions.
In Hooton's article “Breed war strain out of Germans”, New York daily newspaper Picture Magazine, 4. In January 1943, Earnest Hooton proposed to eradicate the German people by infiltrating them slowly with masses of non-European male immigrants, thereby breeding “war strains” out of them. Hooton sat on the Committee on the Negro, a group that “focused on the anatomy of blacks and reflected the racism of the time.”.
Theodore N. Kaufman advocated the genocide through sterilisation of all Germans and the territorial dismemberment of Germany. Kaufmann was an American Jewish businessman and writer known for his racist and eliminationist views on Germans. "Thanks to the Jew Kaufmann, we Germans know only too well what to expect in case of defeat." - Dr. Goebbels.
Henry Morgenthau Jr's plan was to demilitarise, deinductrialise and partition Germany and send the German people into slavery for other nations. Morgenthau remained for several years an active member of the group campaigning for a "harsh peace" for Germany. Morgenthau was the United States Secretary of the Treasury during most of the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
It should be emphasised straight away that there is not a single document in existence which proves that the Germans intended to, or carried out, the deliberate murder of Jews. In Poliakov and Wulf’s Das Dritte Reich und die Juden: Dokumente und Aufsätze (Berlin, 1955), the most that they can assemble are statements extracted after the war from people like Hoettl, Ohlendorf and Wisliceny, the latter under torture in a Soviet prison. In the absence of any evidence, therefore, Poliakov is forced to write: “The three or four people chiefly involved in drawing up the plan for total extermination are dead, and no documents survive.” This seems very convenient.
The Germans had an extraordinary propensity for recording everything on paper in the most careful detail, yet among the thousands of captured documents of the S.D. and Gestapo, the records of the Reich Security Head Office, the files of Himmler’s headquarters and Hitler’s own war directives there is not a single order for the extermination of Jews or anyone else. It will be seen later that this has, in fact, been admitted by the World Centre of Contemporary Jewish Documentation at Tel-Aviv. Attempts to find “veiled allusions” to genocide in speeches like that of Himmler’s to his S.S. Obergruppenführers at Posen in 1943 are likewise quite hopeless.
Concentration Camps
From 1933 to 1945, it is claimed NSDAP Germany operated more than a thousand concentration camps (German: Konzentrationslager), including subcamps on its own territory and in parts of German-occupied Europe. Concentration camps are conventionally held to have been invented by the British during the Second Boer War.
Mass concentration and internment of a Jewish instigated insurgency that formulated an attempted communist overthrow of a democratically elected National Socialist Germany. There is no doubt that thousands died at Auschwitz of a horrific disease named typhus that spread from inmate to inmate, carried by a bloodsucking, transient vector of parasitic body lice.
But despite nationalist grievances, there was and still is no actual scientific evidence to back up and corroborate the endless accusations of wilful mass murder as found at this now infamous WW2 internment camp? The gas chambers presented by the museum are a scientific impossibility, as is of burning thousands of bodies in cremation pits amidst the rising water table which caused outbreak after outbreak of deadly, virulent strains of waterborne typhus.
Aushwitz Propaganda Chimney
In 1947, the occupying Red Army i.e. Soviets built a fake chimney (for the specific purpose of propaganda) next to the Auschwitz I alleged “gas chamber” to make the building appear more convincing when viewing from the front. The red brick 30ft chimney is not even attached to the “gas chamber” building.
Inflated death toll
Franciszek Piper, former Head of Historical department of the Auschwitz Museum has through the mainstream media sources been credited with bringing the down Aushwitz official death toll (from his scientific analysis of the sources and findings on the deportations to Auschwitz) from four million to one and a half million; a somewhat significant reduction of almost three million deaths.
When Professor Piper findings are viewed in more detail we find that that out of this academic's assertion of a death toll total of 1.1 million 'Jewish' detainee deaths, about eighty-one per cent of Jews transported to Auschwitz by the Holocaust trains, or 890,000 men, women, and children, met their deaths immediately upon arrival and were “not registered”; however no forensic evidence to substantiate this allegation exists today.
There is one survey of the Jewish question in Europe during World War Two and the conditions of Germany’s concentration camps which is almost unique in its honesty and objectivity, the three-volume Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War, Geneva, 1948. This comprehensive account from an entirely neutral source incorporated and expanded the findings of two previous works: Documents sur I’activité du CICR en faveur des civils detenus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939–1945 (Geneva, 1946), and Inter Arma Caritas: the Work of the ICRC during the Second World War (Geneva, 1947).
One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps towards the end of the war. Says the Report: “In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st, 1945. In March, 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp...” (Vol. III, p. 83). Clearly, the German authorities were at pains to relieve the dire situation as far as they were able.
The Red Cross are quite explicit in stating that food supplies ceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of German transportation, and in the interests of interned Jews they had protested on March 15th, 1944 against “the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies” (Inter Arma Caritas, p. 78). By October 2nd, 1944, the ICRC warned the German Foreign Office of the impending collapse of the German transportation system, declaring that starvation conditions for people throughout Germany were becoming inevitable. In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis-occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber.
It admits that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but its complete silence on the subject of planned extermination is ample refutation of the Six Million legend. Like the Vatican representatives with whom they worked, the Red Cross found itself unable to indulge in the irresponsible charges of genocide which had become the order of the day. So far as the genuine mortality rate is concerned, the Report points out that most of the Jewish doctors from the camps were being used to combat typhus on the eastern front, so that they were unavailable when the typhus epidemics of 1945 broke out in the camps (Vol. I, p. 204 ff).
Camp Commander: Rudolf Höss
Having been tortured, Rudolf Höss, who was the commander of Auschwitz from 1940 to 1943, almost certainly lied to save the lives of his wife and children. Even if torture and duress cannot be proven, the overwhelming reason for recognising the utter falsity of the Höss confession is that the gassing method he described was not scientifically plausible. Yet, Höss’s conviction has stood, by inference, as a testament to the cruelty of Germans in general, since he was tried at Nuremberg, in 1947, and subsequently hanged on April 16th, 1947, in Poland.
On March 11, 1946, the British took Höss into custody and immediately began questioning him. Höss signed a statement under oath in German (later given document number NO-1210 by the IMT) on March 14 (March 15?) at 2:30 in the morning. Two days later on March 16, Höss signed a statement under oath in English:
I, personally, arranged on orders received from Himmler in May 1941 the gassing of two million persons between June/July 1941 and the end of 1943 during which time I was commandant of Auschwitz
Höss later signed an affidavit that was quoted extensively at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. It was this affidavit that laid the foundation for and later validated the extermination story of Auschwitz. The affidavit, in English, dated April 5, 1946, read in part:
I, RUDOLF FRANZ FERDINAND HOESS, being first duly sworn, depose and say as follows: 2. I commanded Auschwitz until 1 December 1943, and estimate that at least 2,500,000 victims were executed and exterminated there by gassing and burning, and at least another half million succumbed to starvation and disease, making a total dead of about 3,000,000. This figure represents about 70% or 80% of all persons sent to Auschwitz as prisoners, the remainder having been selected and used for slave labour in the concentration camp industries. Included among the executed and burnt were approximately 20,000 Russian prisoners of war (previously screened out of Prisoner of War cages by the Gestapo) who were delivered to Auschwitz in Wehrmacht transports operated by regular Wehrmacht officers and men. The remainder of the total number of victims included about 100,000 German Jews, and great numbers of citizens, mostly Jewish, from Holland, France, Belgium, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Greece, or other countries. We executed about 400,000 Hungarian Jews alone in the summer of 1944.
The Höss “confession” further alleges that Jews were already being exterminated by gas in the summer of 1941 at three other camps: Belzec, Treblinka and Wolzek. The “Wolzek” camp mentioned by Höss is a total invention. No such camp existed, and the name is no longer mentioned in Holocaust literature. Moreover, those who accept the Holocaust story currently claim that gassings of Jews did not begin at Auschwitz, Treblinka, or Belzec until sometime in 1942.
On May 8, 1945, the Soviet “Extraordinary State Commission” issued its estimate that the number of victims at Auschwitz and Birkenau had been four million. The subsequent Polish Commission of investigation into the numbers of victims, which ran from 1945 to 1946, agreed with the Soviet report. In 1947, the Supreme National Tribunal in Poland condemned Höss in part for the deaths of between three and four million people. Later, Höss attempted to reduce his estimate of the Auschwitz death toll to 1.13 million, but it did him no good. On the basis of this verdict, Polish authorities executed Höss at Auschwitz. In 1991, Kazimierz Smolen, long-time director of the State Auschwitz Museum, declared, “In my view, no one can deny the number of 4 million".
For more than 30 years, Rudolf Höss has been the best witness to Auschwitz gassing claims. In many ways, the entire weight of claims of mass gassing rests on his testimony; with Höss removed from the chain of evidence, there is no link among various scattered documents and testimonies that combine to provide the “proof” of Nazi gassings.
Gas Chambers
Each year for decades, tens of thousands of visitors to Auschwitz have been shown an execution “gas chamber” in the main camp, supposedly in its “original state.” In January 1995, the prestigious French weekly magazine L'Express acknowledged that “everything” about this “gas chamber” is “false,” and that it is, in fact, a deceitful postwar reconstruction.
American execution technician Fred A. Leuchter (an expert on gas execution chambers) compiled a report titled “The Leuchter Report: An Engineering Report on the Alleged Execution Gas Chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau, and Majdanek, Poland”. The investigation began in 1988 to investigate the feasibility of mass homicidal gassings, specifically at Auschwitz.
Dr. William B. Lindsey, a research chemist employed for 33 years by the Dupont Corporation, likewise testified in a 1985 court case that the Auschwitz gassing story is technically impossible. Based on a careful on-site examination of the “gas chambers” at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, and on his years of experience, he declared: “I have come to the conclusion that no one was wilfully or purposefully killed with Zyklon B [hydrocyanic acid gas] in this manner. I consider it absolutely impossible".
‘French’Jew historian Olga Wormser-Migot likewise concluded in her detailed 1968 study of the German concentration camp system that the stories of execution gas chambers in Germany proper and Austria are mythical. Part of the reason for the persistence of baseless ‘gas chamber’ stories, she wrote, is confusion about the distinction between a gas chamber and a crematory. Another factor, perhaps more basic, is an ‘unconscious desire’ to keep alive the memory of the evil wartime treatment of the Jews. Psychologically, the ‘gas chamber’ has become one of the “leitmotifs of the heroic epic of the deportation“.
Mass Cremation
Cremation specialists have confirmed that thousands of corpses could not possibly have been cremated every day throughout the spring and summer of 1944 at Auschwitz, as has often been alleged. Ivan Lagacé, manager of a large crematory in Canada, testified in court in April 1988 that the Auschwitz cremation story is technically impossible. The allegation that 10,000 or even 20,000 corpses were burned every day at Auschwitz in the summer of 1944 in crematoriums and open pits is simply “preposterous” and “beyond the realm of reality,” he declared under oath.
Electrocuted and Vaporised
At one time, it was seriously claimed that at Auschwitz, Jews were systematically killed with electricity. American newspapers in February 1945, citing a Soviet eyewitness report from the recently-liberated camp, told readers that the methodical Germans had killed Jews there using an “electric conveyor belt on which hundreds of persons could be electrocuted simultaneously [and] then moved on into furnaces.
They were burned almost instantly, producing fertiliser for nearby cabbage fields.” And at the Nuremberg Tribunal, chief US prosecutor Robert Jackson charged that the Germans had used a “newly invented” device to instantaneously “vaporise” 20,000 Jews near Auschwitz “in such a way that there was no trace left of them.” No reputable historian now accepts either of these fanciful tales.
Tattoo Machines
Of all the multifarious “symbols of the holocaust” (and EVERYTHING about the holocaust is symbolic), probably no symbol is more powerful than the “holocaust tattoos” of the “holocaust survivors.” Wherever you find lying jews, you find “survivors;” wherever you find “survivors,” you find “holocaust tattoos.”
Excerpts from Edwin Black, IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporation; long description of the complexity of the registration number system, which allegedly included a reference to the inmate’s occupation, in case the Germans needed certain skills:
In other words, the alleged tattoo reference number was of such importance that the tattooing could not be entrusted to a mere inmate. In addition to which, the whole system could be frustrated by the inmates at any time, simply by re-tattooing each other and altering the numbers on the tattoos. The fact that tattoos can always be altered or covered would render any tattooing system useless for identification purposes. Since the holocaust tattoos we see are nearly always very crude, the alterations would be less noticeable, thus further defeating their alleged purpose.
You expect a tattoo to fade a bit, but this is very sloppy work, considering that the “tattoos” are alleged to have been of such crucial importance for identification and labour management purposes. Note as well that the location is not standardised: sometimes they appear on the inside of the arm, sometimes the outside. According to one yarn, the inmates were allowed to “choose” where they wanted their tattoos! Since any tattoo can be covered by another tattoo, the location must be absolutely standardised if the tattoo is to serve for the possible identification of escaped inmates: that way, any person with a tattoo in that location would be suspect. Failing to put the tattoo in the same place each time would render it even more useless than ever.
In other words, there is no evidence that it ever happened, except for the tens of thousands of “survivors” displaying their “holocaust tattoos”, 55 years after the war. There are no documents, no tattooing equipment, nothing.
If the Germans were busy murdering people by the millions, why the hell would they care about identifying them afterwards?
Another source for this fantastic yarn is Tadeusz Iwaszko, La deportazione al campo e la registrazione dei prigionieri, in: “Auschwitz. Il campo nazista della morte” [“Deportation to the Camp and Registration of the Prisoners”, in: “Auschwitz: The Nazi Death Camp”, by F. Piper and T. Swiebocka, Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum Publications, 1997, p. 54. The most amusing part (about how the machine proved “impractical” – like the height-measuring head-shot contraptions and other bizarre contraptions described by “survivors”) is usually deleted. Actually the whole passage is more or less a quotation from the “affidavit” of Tadeusz Iwaszko, naturally prepared following the Communist takeover of Poland. Remember, these are the same people who gave us the “quicklime trains”, “electrical chambers at Belzec” and the “steam chambers” and “vacuum chambers” at Treblinka. According to “Tadeusz Iwaszko” (whoever he was), the “interchangeable needles” were 1 cm long, 10 times the depth of an ordinary tattoo. In addition to causing a puncture wound, this would cause the ink to migrate beyond the intended location, blurring the tattoo, and, to some extent, defeating its intended purpose – legibility. Iwaszko’s affidavit reads, in part, as follows:
In other words, the Germans are alleged to have used a sort of stencil formed of needles, which could then be transformed at will into a stencil for any other number. The “metal plate” would probably require at least one hundred needles (see below) as well as an extremely complex mechanism permitting the formation of a different stencil for each five-digit number (i.e., needle 1 in position A1 would be moved laterally by a lever mechanism to position A9, for example), and so on for 100 needles, and, presumably, 100 levers (or perhaps it was computerized).
All to save a few minutes tattoo work with one needle! Where are the plans, designs, specification sheets, patents, order forms, manufacturing reports, provisional and final acceptance forms, delivery vouchers, inventory reports, etc. for this Rube Goldberg device? No such “metal plate” has ever been found. No documents relating to it have ever been found. No tattooing needles or other equipment has ever been found. In practice, such a “plate” would probably cause a puncture wound followed by anaerobic infection, in addition to infecting the entire camp with hepatitis, syphilis, staph infections, possible septicaemia and even gangrene. And if the “plate” was to be autoclaved after each inmate, how many thousands of “metal plates” would they need? Where did they all disappear to? Either the needles were interchanged in position only, or new needles were inserted from the back. Which is it?
Memorial and Museum
In 2019, 2,320,000 people visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, including visitors from Poland (at least 396,000), United Kingdom (200,000), United States (120,000), Italy (104,000), Germany (73,000), Spain (70,000), France (67,000), Israel (59,000), Ireland (42,000), and Sweden (40,000). The first exhibition in the barracks opened in 1947. In Stalinist Poland, on the seventh anniversary of the first deportation of Polish captives to Auschwitz, the exhibition was revised with the assistance of former inmates. The exhibition was influenced by the Cold War and next to pictures of Jewish ghettos, photos of slums in the US were presented.
In 1979, the newly elected Polish Pope John Paul II celebrated mass on the grounds of Auschwitz II to some 500,000 people, and announced that Edith Stein would be beatified; he called the camp a "Golgotha of our times". The 50th anniversary of the liberation ceremony was held in Auschwitz I in 1995. In 1996, Germany made January 27, the day of the liberation of Auschwitz, the official day for the commemoration of the victims of National Socialism. Countries that have also adopted similar memorial days include Denmark (Auschwitz Day), Italy (Memorial Day), and Poland (Memorial Day for the Victims of Nazism).
For six days in October 1999, an Australian team headed by Richard Krege, a qualified electronics engineer, carried out an examination of the soil at the site of the former Treblinka II camp in Poland, where, Holocaust historians say, more than half a million Jews were put to death in gas chambers and then buried in mass graves.
According to the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (1997), for example, “a total of 870,000 people” were killed and buried at Treblinka between July 1942 and April 1943. Then, between April and July 1943, the hundreds of thousands of corpses were allegedly dug up and burned in batches of 2,000 or 2,500 on large grids made of railway ties. Krege's team used an $80,000 Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) device, which sends out vertical radar signals that are visible on a computer monitor. GPR detects any large-scale disturbances in the soil structure to a normal effective depth of four or five meters, and sometimes up to ten meters. (GPR devices are routinely used around the world by geologists, archaeologists, and police.) In its Treblinka investigation, Krege's team also carried out visual soil inspections, and used an auger to take numerous soil core samples.
The team carefully examined the entire Treblinka II site, especially the alleged “mass graves” portion, and carried out control examinations of the surrounding area. They found no soil disturbance consistent with the burial of hundreds of thousands of bodies, or even evidence that the ground had ever been disturbed. In addition, Krege and his team found no evidence of individual graves, bone remains, human ashes, or wood ashes.
The study debunks Zionist British Archaeologist Caroline Sturdy-Colls’ fraudulent “investigation” of Treblinka, which included digging near clearly marked Christian graves claiming to find new “hidden mass graves,” falsely assigning homicidal intent to a normal life-saving (halt spread of typhus by removing body lice with water) shower room at Majdanek, and misidentifying a terra-cotta tile excavated at Treblinka as belonging to the floor of a homicidal “gas chamber".
Krege and his team are associated with, and funded by, the Adelaide Institute. The institute's director, Dr. Fredrick Töben, was previously jailed in Germany for seven months in 1999 for disputing Holocaust extermination claims.
One of the most prominent camps featured in the early years of Holocaust extermination campaign was Dachau. Dachau was opened March 23, 1933 (six years before World War II began), as one of the first camps established as part of the NSDAP concentration system. What Berben reveals about the actual living conditions in the camp refutes the "exerminationist" view of the camp. He writes (p.4), for example:
Stories abounded about the many thousands who were exterminated there in the gas chambers. Members of a US congressional investigating committee stood inside the alleged gas chamber where so many died, and had their picture taken for the "folks" back home. The congressional commission noted that many prisoners in the camp "were suffering from typhus or tuberculosis," and that the camp crematory was incapable of handling the large number of victims.
The Number of Prisoners Who Died at Dachau and in Outlying ("Kommando") Satellite Camps,1940-1945:
1940 | 1941 | 1942 | 1943 | 1944 | 1945 | |
January | - | 455 | 142 | 205 | 53 | 2,888 |
Feburary | 17 | 393 | 104 | 221 | 101 | 3,997 |
March | 86 | 321 | 66 | 139 | 362 | 3,668 |
April | 101 | 227 | 79 | 112 | 144 | 2,625 |
May | 87 | 322 | 98 | 83 | 84 | 2,226 |
June | 54 | 219 | 84 | 55 | 78 | |
July | 34 | 140 | 173 | 51 | 107 | |
August | 119 | 104 | 454 | 40 | 225 | |
September | 134 | 73 | 319 | 45 | 325 | |
October | 171 | 88 | 207 | 57 | 403 | |
November | 273 | 110 | 380 | 43 | 997 | |
December | 439 | 124 | 364 | 49 | 1,915 | |
Total | 1,515 | 2,575 | 2,470 | 1,100 | 4,794 | 15,384 |
The table above is taken from Dachau: 1933-45, The Official History by Paul Berben, p.281. Note that the Dachau deathrate fell slightly in 1942, and that by 1943 it had fallen to almost 50 percent. In 1943 the death rate was at an all time low. According to the standard "exterminationist" story, though, the German extermination program was in full swing at that time. In 1944, with the reappearance of typhus in the camp, deaths rose dramatically. Note that 66 percent of all deaths a Dachau took place during the final seven months. It should also be noted that during the winter months of 1942-43 another typhus outbreak also struck the camp. There is also an unusually high number of deaths in March 1944: Allied bombing of satellite "Kommando" camps resulted in the deaths of 223 prisoners. )see P.Berben, Dachau, p.95.
However the also stated that this was "due to executions" presumably in the previously mentioned gas chamber, The US Army released a photo of a disinfection chamber at the camp, and told the world that "Gas Chambers, conveniently located to the crematory, are examined by a soldier of the US Seventh Army. These chambers were used by Nazi guards for killing prisoners of the infamous Dachau concentration camp. By the early 1960s the "official" Holocaust historians had admitted that all such eyewitness testimony was wrong. No one was ever "gassed" at Dachau. Still, the belief that Dachau was a centre for the gassing of concentration camp prisoners has persisted.
A case in point is the 1988 book by Princeton University history professor Arno Mayer, Why Did the Havens Not Darken?: The "Final Solution" in History,which downplays Auschwitz as a centre of gassing and admits that most deaths in the German wartime camps, including the so-called "death camps", were the result of "natural" causes, and not from gassing or executions. On April 26, 1945, a camp census show that 43,401 of the prisoners were there for political reasons. It seems unlikely that many of the political prisoners, especially the Communists, were advocates of individual rights. In light of the atrocities committed by Communists throughout Europe and Asia between 1917 and 1945 (and later), it is certainly naive at best, and a lie at worst, to paint these people as freedom fighters.
The typhus epidemic that stuck Dachau was devastating, and in spite of all the efforts made by the camp's medical staff,it continued to spread. The winter of 1944-45 was particularly deadly. From November 1944 until June 1945 - and including the one month (May) when the Allies controlled the camp - a total of 18.296 prisoners died. This was 66 percent of the total number of deaths between 1940 and 1945, and most of these people died from disease. If one adds to this the deaths during the winter of 1943-44, when another major typhus outbreak hit the camp, the total number of victims rises to 19,605, or 70 percent of the total number of deaths during all the war years.
If the figures in Berbens official history of Dachau are correct just 8,234 of Dachau's remaining deaths could have perished as victims of "extermination". However, Berden makes quite clear that disease was a constant problem, and that many prisoners died throughout the year of such natural causes. He also points out that numerous individuals committed suicide, that some prisoners believed to be working for the German camp guards were murdered by fellow inmates, and that some were killed in Allied bombings. The category of natural death is important because quite a dew of Dachau's prisoners were elderly. "Statistics compiled by the camp administration office on February 16, 1945, list 2,309 men and 44 women aged between 50 and 60, and 545 men and 12 women over 60".
The above information about Dachau was sourced from Dachau: Reality and Myth by John Cobden.
Note: Jesuits made up the largest contingent of clergy imprisoned in the Priest Barracks of Dachau Concentration Camp. Vincent Lapomarda lists some 30 Jesuits as having died at Dachau. Of the total of 152 Jesuits were killed by NSDAP forces across Europe, 70 died interned in camps due to results of captivity. Fourteen Jesuit priests have been formally recognised by Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem, for risking their lives to save Jews during the alledged Holocaust of World War II.
For a detailed historical account of Buchenwald read: Buchenwald: Legend and Reality
Human Skin Lampshade and Handbag
After the extermination of National Socialist Germany, claims circulated that Ilse Koch, wife of the commandant of Buchenwald internment camp, not only had possessed lampshades made of human skin, but had specifically tattooed prisoners killed to use their skin for this purpose.
After her conviction for war crimes, General Lucius D. Clay, the interim military governor of the American Zone in Germany, reduced her sentence to four years' prison on the grounds “there was no convincing evidence that she had selected 'NAZI concentration' camp inmates for extermination in order to secure tattooed skins, or that she possessed any articles made of human skin".
Jean Edward Smith in his biography, Lucius D. Clay, an American Life, reported that the general had maintained that the leather lamp shades were really made out of goat skin.
The book quotes a statement made by General Clay years later:
False statements made under oath by Dr. Gustav Wegerer, Austrian, political prisoner, kapo of the infirmary, and Josef Ackermann, a political prisoner and secretary of the camp doctor Waldemar Hoven wrongfully alleged that…
- Wegerer explained: “One day at about the same time [1941] the camp commandant Koch and the SS doctor Müller appeared at my work command in the infirmary. At that time, a lampshade made of tanned, tattooed human skin was being prepared for Koch. Koch and Müller chose among the available tanned, parchment-thin human skins the ones with suitable tattoos, for the lampshade. From the conversation between the two, it became clear that the previously chosen motifs had not pleased Ilse Koch. The lampshade was then completed and handed over to Koch.” Dr. Hans Mueller, later SS physician in Obersalzberg, was a pathologist in Buchenwald from March 1941 to April 1942. The time period can be defined more precisely through Ackermann's statement.
- Ackermann delivered the lamp, as he testified in 1950 in court. The lamp-foot was made from a human foot and shinbone; on the shade one saw tattoos and even nipples. On the occasion of the birthday party of Koch [August 1941] he was tasked by the camp doctor Hoven to bring the lamp to the Kochs' villa. This he did. One of the party guests told him later that the presentation of the lamp had been a huge success. The lamp immediately disappeared after the SS leadership learned about it. Ilse Koch could not be accused of making the lampshade
Despite the allegations being proven false, a systematic echo, reverberation of these false allegations were directed and broadcast to subdued and suggestable nations throughout the last fifty years via a medium of popularised culture, most notably originating and projected via Jewish influenced and dominated entertainment industry.
- In a 1970 episode of the first series of Monty Python's Flying Circus sketch “Mr. Hitler and the Minehead by-election”, Adolf Hitler (played by John Cleese) says, “If he opens his big mouth again … it's lampshade time!”
- In 1965, Sylvia Plath referred to a “Nazi Lampshade” in her poem, “Lady Lazarus”. Plath invoked allusions and images from Nazi Germany to emphasise the speaker's sense of oppression.
- In the 1973 London Weekend Television drama The Death of Adolf Hitler, Doctor Karl Gebhardt (played by Ray McAnally) claims to Hitler (Frank Finlay) that the lampshade in his office in the Führerbunker is made of human skin. Hitler is disgusted and flies into a rage, violently throwing the lamp away, showing Hitler's cognitive dissonance between his personal morality and the twisted inhumanity of his orders.
- In 1979, the band Dead Kennedys made reference to the idea of Nazi human lampshades in their song California Über Alles, with the lyrics “you'd look nice as a drawstring lamp”.
- In 1995, August Kreis III was ejected from the set of The Jerry Springer Show after telling the host, “Your relatives — weren't they all turned into soap or lampshades?.. I've got your mom in the trunk of my car”.
- The song “Skinned” from the 1995 Blind Melon album Soup is about Ed Gein and contains the lyrics “I'll make a lampshade of durable skin.”
- A human lampshade appears in Ken Russell's 2007 short satire A Kitten for Hitler. In the film, Lenny, an American Jewish boy, who has a swastika-shaped birthmark, tries to soften Hitler's heart by giving him a kitten, but when Hitler sees the birthmark, he has Eva Braun kill Lenny to make him into a lampshade for their bedside table lamp. Near the end of the film, in what appears to be an act of God, the swastika transforms into the Star of David.
- In 2010 author Mark Jacobson published The Lampshade: A Holocaust Detective Story from Buchenwald to New Orleans. In it, he described how after Hurricane Katrina he uncovered a lamp which he believed to be made of human skin, and which may have come from a Nazi concentration camp. Initial flawed DNA testing appeared to show this was the case, but later more sophisticated testing proved it was cow skin.
- In 2012, a human-skin lamp appeared in the I Am Anne Frank episode of American Horror Story: Asylum.
Word became flesh
Edward Theodore “Ed” Gein was a killer and body snatcher, active in the 1950s, who made trophies from corpses he stole from a local graveyard. When he was finally arrested in November 1957, a search of the premises revealed, among other disturbing artefacts, a lampshade made out of human skin. Gein appears to have been influenced by the then-current stories about the Nazis collecting body parts in order to make lampshades and other items.
Jewish Soap
The propaganda of “Jewish soap” to place during and after WW2 to smokescreen the fact that no mass burial evidence of millions of bodies of alleged Holocaust victims was found anywhere within Germany's borders or even in WW2 German-controlled and occupied territories. I would find it bizarre that National Socialist Germans would want, let alone endeavour to turn Jews into soap bars in hindsight of suffering social engineered anti-White decimations and persecutions of Jewish instigated Communist uprising during the Weimar Republic, why the hell would they want to wash in or make clean an insurgency that they knew to be decimating filth, a scourge upon their homeland? Hitler initially wanted to deport Jews to Madagascar, among many other countries that refused to accept them. It seems Hitlers only other foreseeable option was to try to reeducate and reform (Arbeit macht frei) Jews through GULAG, an honest and meaningful, hard day's work.
Nevertheless, this accusation was “proved” at the main Nuremberg show trial of 1945-1946, and has been authoritatively endorsed by numerous historians in the decades since. In recent years, though, as part of a broad retreat from the most obviously untenable aspects of the “orthodox” extermination story, Holocaust historians have grudgingly conceded that the human soap tale is a wartime propaganda lie. In their retreat, though, these historians have tried to dismiss the soap story as a mere wartime “rumour,” neglecting to mention that international Jewish organisations and then Allied governments endorsed and sanctioned this libellous canard the soap story became an important feature of Jewish and Allied war propaganda. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, wartime head of both the World Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Congress, publicly charged in November 1942 that Jewish corpses were being “processed into such war-vital commodities as soap, fats, and fertiliser” by the Germans. He further announced that the Germans were “even exhuming the dead for the value of the corpses,” and were paying fifty marks for each body.
During June and July 1943, two prominent representatives of the Moscow-based “Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee” toured the United States and raised more than two million dollars for the Soviet war effort at a series of mass meetings. At each of these rallies, Soviet Jewish leader Solomon Mikhoels showed the crowd a bar of soap that he said was made from Jewish corpses.
After the war, the soap story was given important legitimacy at the main Nuremberg trial. L. N. Smirnov, Chief Counsellor of Justice for the USSR, declared to the Tribunal:
It is worth emphasising here that the “evidence” presented at the Nuremberg Tribunal for the bogus soap story was no less substantial than the “evidence” presented for the claims of mass extermination in “gas chambers.
After the war, supposed Holocaust victims were solemnly buried, in the form of soap bars, in Jewish cemeteries. In 1948, for example, four such bars wrapped in a funeral shroud were ceremoniously buried according to Jewish religious ritual at the Haifa cemetery in Israel. Other bars of “Jewish soap” has been displayed as grim Holocaust relics at the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, the Stutthof Museum near Gdansk (Danzig), the Yivo Institute in New York, the Holocaust Museum in Philadelphia, the Jewish Holocaust Centre in Melbourne (Australia), and at various locations in Israel.
Simon Wiesenthal’s Faked “Memoirs”
One of the world’s most famous holocaust “survivors” was the “Austrian” Jew, Simon Wiesenthal. He claimed to have been interned at the Mauthausen camp and, after the war, devoted his life to hunting ex-NAZIS. Wiesenthal had an organisation (which is still in existence), devoted to Jewish interests and promoting the Jewish mass extermination legend, named after him.
Yet, it is a little known fact that Wiesenthal’s own personal holocaust memoirs, entitled KZ Mauthausen, Bild und Wort (“Concentration Camp Mauthausen, Pictures and Words”), published in 1946, contains one of the most blatant forgeries of all holocaust memoirs.
Wiesenthal illustrated his book with drawings which he allegedly did either while in Mauthausen or from memory thereafter. One of the more famous pictures from his book is of three Jews, in their striped prisoner outfits, who had been shot at the stake by the NAZIS.
Although Wiesenthal alleged in his book that the drawing of the three shot Jews occurred in Mauthausen, the pictures were in reality plagiarised from a series of photographs which appeared in Life magazine of June 11, 1945. The series of photographs were of German soldiers, captured during the “Battle of the Bulge” wearing American uniforms, and executed by firing squad.
Wiesenthal copied his picture of “three shot Jews” from this Life photo essay, as can be seen in the illustrations below.
The Anne Frank Diaries
It is alleged that Anne Frank, a German / Dutch and Jewish thirteen-year-old during WW2 kept a diary of her life and times during the year of August 1942 through to 1944, she had received as a birthday present, and it is claimed she wrote detail statements in the diary regularly.
There has been much speculation as to both the authenticity and to the legibility of the diary, the first allegation alleged the diary as being written with a ball point pen (more commonly known as the Biro). Debuting at Gimbels department store in New York City on 29 October 1945 the Biro was a popular and commonly used product but did not fully enter into retail circulation until at least 1952 (long after the war had ended).
The second allegation is that the diary was largely the inspirational work of her father, Otto Franks. When the diary copyright expired (extends only 70 years after the author’s death) in 2015 the Anne Frank Fonds (the foundation responsible for the diary) decided to try to extend copyright on the book by admitting that Otto Frank, who died in 1980, was indeed a “co-author” after all.
Propped up and beautified, the same as all the other fictitious Holohoax stories, there is an Anne Frank statue and a school named after her in Amsterdam and an Anne Franks Centre in New York. In 1999, Time named Anne Frank among the heroes and icons of the 20th century on their list of The Most Important People of the Century, stating: “With a diary kept in a secret attic, she braved the Nazis and lent a searing voice to the fight for human dignity".
Over the years, several films about Anne Frank appeared. The diary has influenced a diverse group of artists and social commentators to make reference to her in literature, popular music, television, and other media.
Rudolf Vrba’s “I Cannot Forgive”
One of the more famous “eyewitnesses” is the lying jew Rudolf Vrba, who in 1985 was an assistant professor at the Canadian University of British Columbia. Vrba’s testimony has formed the basis of most, if not all, descriptions of the gas chambers of Auschwitz.
However, in 1985, during a trial of a holocaust revisionist in Toronto, Vrba testified that his book, I Cannot Forgive, which contained all his eyewitness accounts was “an artistic picture” and that he himself had, in fact, never witnessed any gassings (“Book ‘An Artistic Picture’: Survivor never saw actual gassing deaths,” Toronto Star, January 24, 1985).
Pushed on the point, Vrba admitted that he never witnessed anybody being gassed to death and his book about Auschwitz-Birkenau is only “an artistic picture…not a document for a court” (ibid). Vrba told the trial that his written and pictorial descriptions of the Auschwitz crematoria and gas chambers are based on “what I heard it might look like.” He said that his 1944 drawings of the “Auschwitz camp layout were inexact.” Vrba, who escaped the camp in Poland in 1944, insisted however he had made an accurate (“within 10%”) estimates of 1,765,000 mass-murder victims up to that point.
Olga Lengyel’s “Five Chimneys”
The blurb on the back cover of Olga Lengyel’s Five Chimneys: a woman survivor’s true story of Auschwitz (Granada/ Ziff-Davis, 1947, 1972), quotes the New York Herald-Tribune: “Passionate, tormenting.” Albert Einstein is also quoted: “You have done a real service by letting the ones who are now silent and most forgotten [sic] speak".
So what does Lengyel say?
This implies almost 100,000 corpses per four working days, or a million in 40 days, or six million in 240 days (eight months). This claim is, of course, simply impossible, even by the conventional holocaust storyteller standards, and has obviously been made up.
Kitty Hart’s “Return to Auschwitz”
In her book, Return to Auschwitz (Granada, London, 1983), Kitty Hart wrote the following:
This means 26,000 bodies every 24 hours, or 182,000 every week, reaching the magic 6 million figures in an astonishing 33 weeks, or eight months.
Her book deals with “gassing” in just one paragraph on page 112 and in a film version, made especially for television, she claims that she was sunbathing (!) opposite Auschwitz-Birkenau crematorium number 4 when she witnessed an SS man climbing a ladder and tipping in Zyklon-B, and human ashes coming out “10 minutes later".
The flaws are obvious: what was a Jewess doing “sunbathing” at an “extermination camp” and if the “gassing” story was true, then it would be impossible to kill and cremate people in ten minutes. Despite this, Return to Auschwitz is still used as “evidence” of the “Holocaust".
Martin Gray’s “For Those I Loved”
In addition to the wild exaggerations contained in “eyewitness” survivor memoirs, an entire genre of outright faked accounts have become widely circulated and believed, even though they have all been formally debunked and exposed as such by the official “holocaust historians".
The book For Those I Loved by Martin Gray (Bodley Head, 1973), purported to be an account of the Treblinka camp. Gray specialized in selling fake antiques in America before turning to concentration camp memoirs, although he waited twenty-eight years before producing his phony “eyewitness” account.
Although it was made into a film and remains a “bestseller,” the “holocaust historians” have soundly rejected the book as a fake.
In The New Statesman magazine of November 2, 1979, “holocaust expert” Gitta Sereny (who also produced the Franz Stangl “memoirs”) wrote in a review of Gray’s book: “Gray’s For Those I Loved was the work of Max Gallo the ghostwriter, who also produced Papillion. During the research for a Sunday Times inquiry into Gray’s work, M. Gallo informed me coolly that he ‘needed’ a long chapter on Treblinka because the book required something strong for pulling in readers. When I myself told Gray, the ‘author,’ that he had manifestly never been to, nor escaped from Treblinka, he finally asked, despairingly, ‘But does it matter? Wasn’t the only thing that Treblinka did happen, that it should be written about, and that some Jews should be shown to have been heroic?” (Gitta Sereny, “The Men Who Whitewash Hitler,” The New Statesman, Vol. 98, No. 2537, November 2, 1979, pp. 670–73).
Jean Francis Steiner’s “Treblinka”
In the same New Statesman article, Sereny also condemned Jean François Steiner’s book, Treblinka, in the following manner:
Miklos Nyiszli’s “Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account”
The book Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account by Miklos Nyiszli was first published in installments by the Hungarian magazine Vilag (“World”) from February 16, 1947 to April 5, 1947. Its original title was I Was Mengele’s Autopsy Doctor in Auschwitz: A Hungarian Doctor’s Diary from Hell. This book claimed that Auschwitz killed 20,000 people every day in its gas chambers, (!) which had been in operation from 1940 to 1944.
At the rate of 20,000 per day, for four years, this would have amounted to an astonishing 29 million dead.
Of course, not even the Holocaust storytellers claim that the gas chambers were built in 1940.
There are also numerous other obvious errors in this “eyewitness account” including a claim that the “undressing room” in which it is alleged that the victims disrobed was “200 yards long” (in fact there is no such building of that size in the crematoria complex); that “four elevators” moved the bodies from the “gas chambers” to the crematorium and that the camp held an incredible 500,000 inmates.
The preposterous nature of the latter claim was quickly recognized, and when the book was translated into English, the 500,000 figures was “edited” down to 100,000.
However, the English version retains to the present day a large number of errors and outrageous claims which reveal that the book is an obvious forgery:
- He claimed (page 23) that Auschwitz is in Germany (it is in Poland);
- He claimed (page 23) that the crematoria chimneys had “enormous tongues of flame” rising from them. (In fact, crematorium chimneys do not belch fire, but only issue smoke.) This “flaming chimney stack” lie has become a firm favourite of the Holocaust storytellers.
- He claimed that Gypsies (!) were used to police the Jews in the camp (chapter 4).
- He claimed (chapter 7) that after gassing, the bodies in the “gas chamber” were piled in a heap to the ceiling and that the“ Sonderkommando squad, outfitted with large rubber boots, lined up around the hill of bodies and flooded it with powerful jets of water. This was necessary because the final act of those who die by drowning or by gas is an involuntary defecation. Each body was befouled, and had to be washed.”
There is, of course, no drainage system either in the original architect’s plans of any of the crematory buildings, or in any of the ruins today, which could cope with the simultaneous defecation of 3,000 people.
The morgue building (which was claimed to have been the “gas chamber”) would quickly have filled to the brim with excrement after just one or two “mass gassings.” The allegation is patently absurd.
Finally, in chapter 6, Nyiszli said that the Sonderkommando, those Jews allegedly assigned the task of removing the bodies from the “gas chambers,” were “never permitted to leave the grounds of the crematorium, and every four months, when they had learned too much about the place for their own good, they were liquidated. Till now, such had been the fate of every Sonderkommando since the founding of the KZ; this explains why no one had ever escaped to tell the world what had been taking place inside these grim walls for the past several years".
This last statement is of significance for the next “eyewitness” account, that of Filip Müller.
Filip Müller’s “Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers”
Another Holocaust potboiler is “survivor” Filip Müller’s Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers (Stein & Day, 1979).
This book is quoted as “fact” by the US Holocaust Museum as one of its main sources for descriptions of the Auschwitz “gas chambers.” Müller claimed to have been a member of the “Sonderkommando” (a jewish prisoner detachment which was allegedly tasked with removing bodies from the “gas chambers”).
Even though all the official Holocaust storytellers claim that the NAZIS routinely killed all Sonderkommando members every few months to “hide their crimes” (see Nyiszli’s reference above), Müller claimed to have avoided execution and witnessed “gassings of a million Jews” over an incredible three-year period (!) working in the Sonderkommando. The first problem with Müller’s book is that despite his unique and breathtaking “experiences,” he inexplicably waited thirty years before writing them down.
The second problem is that Müller’s book is simply a plagiarism of Nyiszli’s book! This is obvious from a cursory overview of portions of the two books, with entire sections repeated verbatim. Some examples suffice to illustrate:
Nyiszli: “Fate has imposed the cruellest duty upon us, to collaborate in the annihilation of our people, before we ourselves become ashes".
Müller: “A cruel and awful fate has forced us to collaborate in the extermination of our people, before we ourselves become ashes".
Nyiszli: “Our eyes, blinded by tears, would seek in vain for our annihilated relatives".
Müller: “We would seek our annihilated relatives in vain".
Nyiszli: “Heaven has not opened, no rain strong enough to extinguish the funeral pyres built by the hands of men has fallen".
Müller: “No miracle has taken place. Heaven has sent no avenging lightning, nor has it let fall any rain strong enough to stifle the funeral pyres built by the hands of men".
Nyiszli: “This is a trial which the Lord has sent us. To seek the reasons is not the business of us humans, who are nothing compared to the Almighty God".
Müller: “With Jewish resignation, we must now accept the irrevocable. This is the last trial which Heaven to has sent us. To ask the reasons is not for us, since we are nothing compared to Almighty God".
And so on. It is clear that Müller simply copied Nyiszli’s book, added a few parts and claimed to have been a miraculous “eyewitness” to Auschwitz.
The parts which Müller added are incredulous, and it is staggering that anyone takes them seriously.
Among other things, Müller says that SS doctors would slice off bits of the [dead] gassees’ flesh, which would then “jump around in buckets,” (p.47);
That there was a striptease in the “gas chamber” (p.87);
That the chief gasser, a man he names as Moll, and his dog, were sexually excited by a gassing (p.141);
And that babies were flung into pits of sizzling human fat (p.142).
It is incredible that this book is taken as a serious account of the “gas chambers” and Auschwitz. Or then again, perhaps it is not.
Truthful Survivor Books Not Given Prominence
The ‘holocaust industry’ continues to churn out ever more “new” holocaust survivor tales, although they are patently made-up stories based on the first set of “survivor” books outlined above.
Those survivor books which do not support the official line are, by way of contrast, consigned to the rubbish heap.
For example, the book Under Two Dictators (London, 1949) by Margarete Buber is a story of a woman unfortunate enough to spend time in both a Russian prison camp and Ravensbrück, the German camp for female detainees, in August 1940.
She noted that she was the only person in her contingent of deportees from Russia who was not straight away released by the Gestapo.
Her book presents a striking contrast between the camps of Soviet Russia and Germany: compared to the squalor, disorder, and starvation of the Russian camp, she found Ravensbrück to be clean, civilized, and well administered.
Regular baths and clean linen seemed a luxury after her earlier experiences, and her first meal of white bread, sausage, sweet porridge, and dried fruit prompted her to inquire of another camp inmate whether August 3rd, 1940, was some sort of holiday or special occasion.
She observed, too, that the barracks at Ravensbrück were remarkably spacious compared to the crowded mud huts of the Soviet camp.
In the final months of 1945, she experienced the progressive decline of camp conditions which she described in detail and which were common throughout the camp system, as outlined earlier.
Another account which is at total variance with popular propaganda is Die Gestapo Lässt Bitten (“The Gestapo Invites You”) by Charlotte Bormann, a Communist political prisoner who was also interned at Ravensbrück. Undoubtedly, its most important revelation is the author’s statement that rumours of gas executions were deliberate and malicious inventions circulated among the prisoners by the judeo-Communists.
A further shocking reflection on the postwar trials is the fact that Charlotte Bormann was not permitted to testify at the Rastadt Trial of Ravensbrück camp personnel in the French occupation zone.
This was the usual fate of anyone who denied the extermination legend: they were just ignored.
Paul Rassinier—The Holocaust Victim Who Argued Against the “Gas Chambers”
One of the most remarkable memoirs which the Holocaust storytellers have deliberately ignored is that of the French historian, Professor Paul Rassinier, who was a Socialist intellectual and anti-NAZI.
From 1933 until 1943, Rassinier was a professor of history in the Collège d’enseignement général at Belfort, Académie de Besançon. During the war, he engaged in resistance activity until he was arrested by the Gestapo on October 30th, 1943, and as a result was imprisoned in the German concentration camps at Buchenwald and Dora until 1945.
At Buchenwald, toward the end of the war, he contracted typhus, which so damaged his health that he could not resume his teaching. After the war, Rassinier was awarded the Médaille de la Résistance et de la Reconnaisance Française, and was elected to the French Chamber of Deputies. Rassinier published his memoirs, titled Crossing the Line (Paris: Editions Bressanes, 1949 and 1950), which was an account of his experience in Buchenwald. It was a bestseller of the time and was notable for its revelation that many brutalities in the camp were committed not by the SS, but by the mainly Communist prisoners who took over the internal affairs of the camps for their own benefit.
Rassinier blamed the high death rate at the two camps he saw on their corruption.
The fame which this memoir attracted soon focused his attention on other “survivor” accounts of Buchenwald, all of which claimed that there had been a gas chamber at that camp.
As he was a former detainee, Rassinier knew that these claims were false, and in 1949 published a second book, Le Mensonge d’Ulysse (“The Lies of Ulysses, Paris,” 1949) in which he made short work of the extravagant claims about gas chambers at Buchenwald in David Rousset’s The Other Kingdom (New York, 1947).
Rassinier also confronted another “survivor eyewitness,” Abbé Jean-Paul Renard and asked him how he could possibly have testified in his book Chaînes et Lumières that gas chambers were in operation at Buchenwald. Renard replied that others had told him of their existence, and hence he had been willing to pose as a witness of things that he had never seen (ibid., p. 209 ff).
Rassinier also investigated Denise Dufournier’s Ravensbrück: The Women’s Camp of Death (London, 1948), and again found that the authoress had no other evidence for gas chambers there than vague “rumours,” which Charlotte Bormann stated were deliberately spread by Communist political prisoners.
Similar investigations were made of such books as Philip Friedman’s This was Auschwitz: The Story of a Murder Camp (N.Y., 1946), and Eugen Kogon’s The Theory and Practice of Hell (N.Y., 1950), and he found that none of these authors could produce an authentic eyewitness of a gas chamber at Auschwitz, nor had they themselves actually seen one.
Rassinier also mentioned Kogon’s claim that a deceased former inmate, Janda Weiss, had said to Kogon alone that she had witnessed gas chambers at Auschwitz, but of course, since this person was untraceable, Rassinier was unable to investigate the claim.
He was able to interview Benedikt Kautsky, author of Teufel und Verdammte, who had alleged that millions of Jews were exterminated at Auschwitz. However, Kautsky only confirmed to Rassinier the confession in his book, namely that never at any time had he seen a gas chamber, and that he had based his information on what others had “told him".
Rassinier also produced three other books, Ulysse trahi par les Siens (1960), which further refuted the impostures of propagandists concerning German concentration camps; Le Véritable Procès Eichmann (1962), which revealed the distortions around the Eichmann trial and Le Drame des Juifs Européens (1964), in which he exposed the dishonest and reckless distortions concerning the fate of the jews by a careful statistical analysis.
The last work also examined the political and financial significance of the extermination legend and its exploitation by Israel and the Communist powers.
Not surprisingly, Rassinier’s eyewitness testimony is never quoted by the holocaust industry, even though he was a bona fide victim who could never be accused of being a “NAZI sympathizer.
Martin Gilbert’s “Auschwitz and the Allies”
Although not a survivor, Martin Gilbert was a well-known jewish writer and biographer of Winston Churchill, holding a senior and supposedly respected position within the academic community, who also glibly passed off the most outrageous figures with regard to Auschwitz in his book Auschwitz and the Allies (Gilbert, Martin, New York: Henry Holt, 1981).
In this book, he states: “The deliberate attempt to destroy systematically all of Europe’s jews was unsuspected in the spring and early summer of 1942: the very period during which it was at its most intense, and during which hundreds of thousands of jews were being gassed every day at Belzec, Chelmo, Sobibór and Treblinka” (ibid., p.26).
If it is assumed, according to Gilbert’s figures, that a minimum of 200,000 jews per day were being gassed (he says, “hundreds of thousands”), this amounts to one million every five days, or six million in thirty days. This is obviously impossible, and makes a complete mockery of the supposed “academics” who claim to be authorities on the holocaust.
Klara Markus, and the Psychology behind “Holocaust Survivor Testimonies”
A December 2014 article which appeared in the UK’s Daily Mail newspaper, quoting a 101-year-old Jewish “holocaust survivor” as having survived being gassed because the NAZIS “ran out of gas” is the perfect example of the psychology of mass deceit and lies which has come to typify this sort of “testimony".
In addition, the unquestioning acceptance of the easily disproved Jewish lies of the “eyewitness” by the Daily Mail shows once again how the Jewish mass media is directly complicit in promoting the Six Million Story. The Daily Mail story in question, titled “Woman who SURVIVED Auschwitz because NAZIS ran out of gas turns 101,” published on December 10, 2014, quotes one Klara Markus, who claims to have survived no less than three camps.
According to the Daily Mail, Markus claimed to have arrived in Dachau on October 20, 1944, and one week later she was sent to the notorious women’s camp in Ravensbruck, before being transported to Auschwitz. Then, she said, shortly before the evacuation and subsequent liberation of Auschwitz in January 1945, she was sent to the gas chambers.
‘One of the guards joked that it was our lucky day because they had already killed so many they didn’t have any gas left for us.’
This is an astonishing story—but, of course, a colossal lie from beginning to end. The most obvious lie is that Markus was sent to the “gas chamber” at Auschwitz in January 1945. According to the official holocaust storyteller version—as contained in, for example, the JUnited States Holocaust Museum timeline of events at Auschwitz, the “gas chambers” were put out of commission in November 1944—in other words, before Markus even supposedly arrived at the camp.
To claim that she was sent to the “gas chambers” in January 1945 is therefore impossible even by the “official” record.
Furthermore, according to the official holocaust storyteller line, the NAZIS did not pipe gas to the “gas chambers” at Auschwitz, but instead used Zyklon-B, an insecticide, to kill thousands of horrified Jews in underground chambers. Leaving aside the technical impossibility of killing thousands of people simultaneously in an underground chamber, the NAZIS would never have started an execution with thousands of people without making sure all the logistics were in place.
This obviously fraudulent “survivor testimony” raises two important issues:
- Why would someone invent a story which could be so easily disproved, even by consulting the “official” holocaust storytellers’ version of events? And
- Why would the Daily Mail—and other mass media outlets—carry this story without doing even the most basic of research to check if it was true or not? They would most certainly question and research any other such fantastic claim. The answer to the first question cuts to the very heart of so much “holocaust survivor” testimony which has been proven to be false. The vast majority of “survivors” are merely repeating the stories they have been told after the war.
Herman Rosenblat’s “Angel at the Fence”
Herman Rosenblat’s Angel at the Fence: The True Story of a Love That Survived was a Holocaust memoir in which the author invented the story that, while he was imprisoned in the Buchenwald concentration camp, a young girl from the outside would pass him food through the fence daily and years later they accidentally met and married.
Rosenblat appeared twice on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Prior to the book’s announced publication, Winfrey called the story “the single greatest love story, in 22 years of doing this show, we’ve ever told on the air".
The book was scheduled for publication in February 2009 by Berkley Books, a division of Penguin Group USA, but was cancelled after it was exposed as a lie from beginning to end.
Binjamin Wilkomirski’s “Fragments”
Binjamin Wilkomirski’s Fragments (1995), was an acclaimed account of his supposed internment in Auschwitz and Majdanek.
The Jew New York Times called the book “stunning,” the Los Angeles Times described it as a “classic first-hand account of the Holocaust”; it received the 1996 National Jewish Book Award for Autobiography and Memoir. In Britain, Wilkomirski’s book received the Jewish Quarterly Literary Prize, and in France, it was awarded the Prix Memoire de la Shoah.
In 1998, Wilkomirski was exposed as a liar by a Swiss journalist, who revealed the author had been nowhere near the camps; that he was, in fact, called Bruno Grosjean, and had been raised in an orphanage.
“Survivor” Swindlers 1—The Philip Auerbach Case
Immediately after the war’s end, a Jew by the name of Philip Auerbach, who claimed to have “survived” Auschwitz, was appointed head of the “Bavarian State Restitution Office” which was set up by the judeo-Allies, and tasked with overseeing “compensation payments” to his fellow Jews.
In January 1951, Auerbach became a member of the Zentralrat der juden in Deutschland (Central Council of Jews in Germany)—but the very next month, he was arrested and charged with stealing 3 million Deutsch Marks (DM) from the “restitution fund.
He was found guilty, and in August 1952 was sentenced to 30 months’ imprisonment. He committed suicide in jail.
Three of Auerbach’s associates in the restitution office were also sentenced to prison in the same court case.
One of them, rabbi Aaron Orenstein, was sentenced to a year’s imprisonment and fined 10,000 DM. The second, Dr. Klaus Koenig-Ohnsorg, was sentenced to a year in prison and 200 DM fine. The third, Dr. Berthold Kernisch, received a four-month jail term and was fined 500 DM.
“Survivor” Swindlers 2—The Werner Nachmann Case
Werner Nachmann (1925–1988) was president of the Zentralrat der juden in Deutschland (Central Council of jews in Germany) from 1969 to 1988. He served on the organizing committee of the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, and in 1986 he received the Theodor Heuss prize for his services to the jewish-German reconciliation and the peaceful coexistence of Jews and Christians in the Federal Republic of Germany.
After his death in 1988, it was discovered that from 1981 to 1987 he had defrauded about 33 million DM ($17 million in U.S. dollars at the time) from a German government fund intended for “victims.” As reported in the Jew York Times of December 1988, half of the directors of the Central Council of Jews in Germany were forced to resign in the wake of the swindle. The missing money was never found.
“Survivor” Swindlers 3—The Semen Domnitser Case
In November 2010, the FBI in New York arrested 31 Jews in that city in connection with a $42.5 million organized fraud against a compensation fund for holocaust victims. The U.S. Attorney’s Office charged the 31, who included six current and former staff members of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany conference, with making false financial claims using false documents.
In May 2013, the ringleader of the swindler gang, Semen Domnitser, was found guilty on all counts by a U.S. District Court jury in Manhattan. The verdict ended a four-week trial in which two others, Oksana Romalis and Luba Kramrish, were also found guilty. The remaining 28 Jews who had participated in the fraud scheme had all pleaded guilty earlier. Cases such as these only scratch the surface of the ongoing “survivor” fraud industry.
The story of the Six Million was given judicial authority at the Nuremberg Trials of German leaders between 1945 and 1949, proceedings which proved to be the most disgraceful legal farce in history. For a far more detailed study of the iniquities of these trials, which as Field Marshal Montgomery said, made it a crime to lose a war, the reader is referred to the works cited below, and particularly to the outstanding book Advance to Barbarism (Nelson, 1953), by the distinguished English jurist, F. J. P. Veale. From the very outset, the Nuremberg Trials proceeded on the basis of gross statistical errors.
In his speech of indictment on November 20th, 1945, Mr. Sidney Alderman declared that there had been 9,600,000 Jews living in German occupied Europe. Our earlier study has shown this figure to be wildly inaccurate. It is arrived at (a) by completely ignoring all Jewish emigration between 1933 and 1945, and (b) by adding all the Jews of Russia, including the two million or more who were never in German-occupied territory. The same inflated figure, slightly enlarged to 9,800,000, was produced again at the Eichmann Trial in Israel by Prof. Shalom Baron.
The alleged Six Million victims first appeared as the foundation for the prosecution at Nuremberg, and after some dalliance with ten million or more by the Press at the time, it eventually gained international popularity and acceptance. It is very significant, however, that, although this outlandish figure was able to win credence in the reckless atmosphere of recrimination in 1945, it had become no longer tenable by 1961, at the Eichmann Trial. The Jerusalem court studiously avoided mentioning the figure of Six Million, and the charge drawn up by Mr. Gideon Haussner simply said “some” millions.
Should anyone be misled into believing that the extermination of the Jews was “proved” at Nuremberg by “evidence”, he should consider the nature of the Trials themselves, based as they were on a total disregard of sound legal principles of any kind. The accusers acted as prosecutors, judges and executioners; “guilt” was assumed from the outset. (Among the judges, of course, were the Russians, whose numberless crimes included the massacre of 15,000 Polish officers, a proportion of whose bodies were discovered by the Germans at Katyn Forest, near Smolensk. The Soviet Prosecutor attempted to blame this slaughter on the German defendants).
It was decreed that “the Tribunal should not be bound by technical rules of evidence” but could admit “any evidence which it deemed to have probative value,” that is, would support a conviction. In practise, this meant the admittance of hearsay evidence and documents, which in a normal judicial trial are always rejected as untrustworthy. That such evidence was allowed is of profound significance, because it was one of the principal methods by which the extermination legend was fabricated through fraudulent “written affidavits”. Although only 240 witnesses were called in the course of the Trials, no less than 300,000 of these “written affidavits” were accepted by the Court as supporting the charges, without this evidence being heard under oath.
Under these circumstances, any Jewish deportee or camp inmate could make any revengeful allegation that he pleased. Most incredible of all, perhaps, was the fact that defence lawyers at Nuremberg were not permitted to cross-examine prosecution witnesses. A somewhat similar situation prevailed at the trial of Adolf Eichmann, when it was announced that Eichmann’s defence lawyer could be cancelled at any time “if an intolerable situation should arise,” which presumably meant if his lawyer started to prove his innocence. The real background of the Nuremberg Trials was exposed by the American judge, Justice Wenersturm, President of one of Tribunals. He was so disgusted by the proceedings that he resigned his appointment and flew home to America, leaving behind a statement to the Chicago Tribune which enumerated point by point his objections to the Trials (cf. Mark Lautern, Das Letzte Wort über Nürnberg, p. 56).
Altogether more disturbing, however, were the methods employed to extract statements and “confessions” at Nuremberg, particularly those from S.S. officers which were used to support the extermination charge. The American Senator, Joseph McCarthy, in a statement given to the American Press on May 20th, 1949, drew attention to the following cases of torture to secure such confessions. In the prison of the Swabisch Hall, he stated, officers of the S.S. Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler were flogged until they were soaked in blood, after which their sexual organs were trampled on as they lay prostrate on the ground.
As in the notorious Malmedy Trials of private soldiers, the prisoners were hoisted in the air and beaten until they signed the confessions demanded of them. On the basis of such “confessions” extorted from S.S. Generals Sepp Dietrich and Joachim Paiper, the Leibstandarte was convicted as a “guilty organisation”. S.S. General Oswald Pohl, the economic administrator of the concentration camp system, had his face smeared with faeces and was subsequently beaten until he supplied his confession. In dealing with these cases, Senator McCarthy told the Press:
The methods of intimidation described were repeated during trials at Frankfurt-am-Mein and at Dachau, and large numbers of Germans were convicted for atrocities on the basis of their admissions. The American Judge Edward L. van Roden, one of the three members of the Simpson Army Commission which was subsequently appointed to investigate the methods of justice at the Dachau trials, revealed the methods by which these admissions were secured in the Washington Daily News, January 9th, 1949. His account also appeared in the British newspaper, the Sunday Pictorial, January 23rd, 1949. The methods he described were:
Van Roden explained:
The “American” investigators responsible (and who later functioned as the prosecution in the trials) were: Lt.-Col. Burton F. Ellis (chief of the War Crimes Committee) and his assistants, Capt. Raphael Shumacker, Lt. Robert E. Byrne, Lt. William R. Perl, Mr. Morris Ellowitz, Mr. Harry Thon, and Mr. Kirschbaum. The legal adviser of the court was Col. A. H. Rosenfeld. The reader will immediately appreciate from their names that the majority of these people were “biased on racial grounds” in the words of Justice Wenersturm—that is, were Jewish, and therefore should never have been involved in any such investigation.
Despite the fact that “confessions” pertaining to the extermination of the Jews were extracted under these conditions, Nuremberg statements are still regarded as conclusive evidence for the Six Million by writers like Reitlinger and others, and the illusion is maintained that the Trials were both impartial and impeccably fair. When General Taylor, the Chief Public Prosecutor, was asked where he had obtained the figure of the Six Million, he replied that it was based on the confession of S.S. General Otto Ohlendorf. But as far as such “confessions” in general are concerned, we can do no better than quote the British Sunday Pictorial when reviewing the report of Judge van Roden: “Strong men were reduced to broken wrecks ready to mumble any admission demanded by their prosecutors".
There is no more eloquent testimony to the tragedy and tyranny of Nuremberg than the pathetic astonishment or outraged disbelief of the accused persons themselves at the grotesque charges made against them. Such is reflected in the affidavit of S.S. Major-General Heinz Fanslau, who visited most of the German concentration camps during the last years of the war. Although a front line soldier of the Waffen S.S., Fanslau had taken a great interest in concentration camp conditions, and he was selected as a prime target by the Allies for the charge of conspiracy to annihilate the Jews.
It was argued, on the basis of his many contacts, that he must have been fully involved. When it was first rumoured that he would be tried and convicted, hundreds of affidavits were produced on his behalf by camp inmates he had visited. When he read the full scope of the indictment against the concentration camp personnel in supplementary Nuremberg Trial No. 4 on May 6th, 1947, Fanslau declared in disbelief: “This cannot be possible, because I, too, would have had to know something about it.”. It should be emphasised that throughout the Nuremberg proceedings, the German leaders on trial never believed for a moment the allegations of the Allied prosecution. Hermann Goering, who was exposed to the full brunt of the Nuremberg atrocity propaganda, failed to be convinced by it.
Hans Fritzsche, on trial as the highest functionary of Goebbels’ Ministry, relates that Goering, even after hearing the Ohlendorf affidavit on the Einsatzgruppen and the Hoess testimony on Auschwitz, remained convinced that the extermination of Jews was entirely propaganda fiction (The Sword in the Scales, London, 1953, p. 145). At one point during the trial, Goering declared rather cogently that the first time he had heard of it “was right here in Nuremberg” (Shirer, ibid., p. 1147). The Jewish writers Poliakov, Reitlinger and Manvell and Frankl all attempt to implicate Goering in this supposed extermination, but Charles Bewley in his work Hermann Goering (Goettingen, 1956) shows that not the slightest evidence was found at Nuremberg to substantiate this charge.
Hans Fritzsche pondered on the whole question during the trials, and he concluded that there had certainly been no thorough investigation of these monstrous charges. Fritzsche, who was acquitted, was an associate of Goebbels and a skilled propagandist. He recognised that the alleged massacre of the Jews was the main point of the indictment against all defendants. Kaltenbrunner, who succeeded Heydrich as chief of the Reich Security Head Office and was the main defendant for the S.S. due to the death of Himmler, was no more convinced of the genocide charges than was Goering. He confided to Fritzsche that the prosecution was scoring apparent successes because of their technique of coercing witnesses and suppressing evidence, which was precisely the accusation of Judges Wenersturm and van Roden.
Truth as a Victim
Holocaust denial is explicitly or implicitly illegal in 17 countries: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, and Switzerland. The European Union's Framework decision on Racism and Xenophobia states that denying or grossly trivialising "crimes of genocide" should be made "punishable in all EU Member States".
Robert Faurisson
Robert Faurisson was a British-born French (French father and a Scottish mother) academic who became known as being persecuted for Holocaust denial. Faurisson generated much controversy with a number of articles published in the Journal of Historical Review and elsewhere, and by letters to French newspapers, especially Le Monde, which contradicted the history of the Holocaust by denying the existence of gas chambers in Nazi death camps, the systematic killing of European Jews using gas during the Second World War, and the authenticity of The Diary of Anne Frank.
In 1974, Faurisson contacted Yad Vashem (the World Holocaust Rememberence Center) with a lengthy letter detailing a variety of arguments which he claimed demonstrated that there had been no genocide of Jews during World War II. These assertions were based on his own interpretation of archival records and his skepticism about the assertions and testimony of various historical figures, including Nazi officials such as Rudolf Höss.
He became involved with the Institute for Historical Review during the 1970s, lecturing and publishing prolifically. He twice testified in defense of Canadian-German Holocaust denier and Ernst Zündel, and his testimony has been associated with laying the groundwork for the "Leuchter Report", an influential Holocaust-denial publication. Faurisson's activism garnered him several dedicated critics, including the Jewish French historian Pierre Vidal-Naquet.
One of Faurisson's works, Mémoire en défense, was published in 1980, prefaced by an essay by Noam Chomsky. While Chomsky had given general approval for his essay to be reproduced by others, it was included without his knowledge. Chomsky's piece was a general defense of freedom of speech, including that of Faurisson. Chomsky stated that "I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas chambers, or even denial of the Holocaust...I see no hint of anti-Semitic implications in Faurisson's work.".
Faurisson was fined by a French court in 1983, for having declared that "Hitler never ordered nor permitted that anyone be killed by reason of his race or religion.". In September 1989, Faurisson was beaten by unknown assailants claiming to be "The Sons of the Memory of the Jews", an organisation about which nothing has been discovered either before or since the incident. Faurisson had been walking his dog in a park in Vichy and was kicked and punched by three young men, breaking his jaw.
Shortly after the Gayssot Act—a statute that prohibited Holocaust denial—was enacted in 1990, Faurisson was convicted of Holocaust denial in a French court. In 1991, Faurisson was removed from his university chair under the Gayssot Act on the basis of his denialist views. Faurisson was charged again in a trial on 11 July 2006. He was accused of denying the Holocaust in an interview with the Iranian television station "Sahar 1" in February 2005. On 3 October 2006, he was given a three-month probationary sentence and fined €7,500 for this offence.
Faurisson, who was convicted several times for claiming there was no systematic mass killings of Jews by NSDAP Germany, died aged 89 in his hometown of Vichy, central France. He "had just returned from England when he collapsed in the hallway of his home in Vichy" on Sunday evening, his sister Yvonne Schleiter told AFP. The former French academic claimed the gas chambers in Auschwitz were the 'biggest lie of the 20th century,' saying Jews died instead of disease and malnutrition. British-born Faurisson was also a staunch defender of Marshal Philippe Petain.
Lady Michèle Renouf
In 2018 the German state began a similar prosecution against Lady Michèle Renouf for her speech at a commemoration of the February 1945 bombing of Dresden in which countless numbers of German civilians were burned alive. Lady Renouf was charged under the same law used against Bishop Williamson: in her case not for specific ‘denial’ of gas chambers but for stating that the ‘real Holocaust’ was the ‘burning alive’ of German civilians in Dresden and other towns and cities; and that it was not ‘exceptionally cruel’ of the Germans to have interned Jews in concentration camps.
International Jewry had after all declared war on Germany, and a substantial dossier of evidence shows that this declaration was not a matter of rhetoric – Zionist leaders including Chaim Weizmann were acting in close collaboration with Britain’s secret war of sabotage and subversion. Eventually German prosecutors feared to discuss these matters in open court and chose to avoid the propaganda disaster of putting Lady Renouf on trial.
They dropped the case in October 2020. An article by Dr James Thring in the new edition of H&D gives further details on this extraordinary case.
Richard Williamson
After a Swedish television interview in 2008, a traditional Roman Catholic Bishop named Richard Williamson was pilloried by his co-religionists as well as by the press, and eventually convicted in a German court for ‘Holocaust denial’, having stated:
Since the late 1980s, Williamson has been accused of Holocaust denial. Citing the Leuchter report, Williamson has denied that millions of Jews were murdered in NSDAP concentration camps and the existence of NSDAP gas chambers and has quoted and spoken of Ernst Zündel.
On the occasion of the death of Robert Faurisson he summarised:
On 4 February 2009, German prosecutors announced the launch of a criminal investigation into the statements. In October 2009, a German court, using an "order of punishment" fined Williamson €12,000 after finding him guilty of Holocaust denial. Williamson denied the charges and appealed but did not attend the trial, on orders from his society, on charges of inciting racial hatred in Regensburg, Germany on 16 April 2010, he was found guilty but the court reduced the fine to €10,000.
Reaction from the State of Israel and much of the worldwide Jewish community was strongly negative, and Abraham Foxman, president of the Anti-Defamation League, wrote to Cardinal Walter Kasper in order to express his opposition to any ecclesiastic re-integration of Williamson. In January 2009, the Chief Rabbinate of Israel suspended contacts with the Vatican. The Chief Rabbi of Haifa told The Jerusalem Post that he expected Williamson to retract publicly his statements before any dialogue could resume.
Williamson was originally a member of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX).
Ursula Haverbeck
Since 2004, Ursula Haverbeck has also been the subject of lawsuits and convicted due to her Holocaust denial, which in Germany has become a criminal offense. In November 2015, at the age of 87, she was sentenced to ten months' imprisonment for Holocaust denial. Several additional convictions in the fall of 2016 led to further such sentences. She unsuccessfully appealed all sentences, and on 7 May 2018 began to serve her latest two-year jail sentence after being picked up at her home by German police.
In November 2014, Haverbeck-Wetzel lodged a police complaint against the Central Council of Jews in Germany. She accused the council of "persecution of innocent people". The investigation was abandoned in December 2014. The Bielefeld Public Prosecutors Office eventually examined proceedings against Haverbeck-Wetzel for false accusation. In the ARD television broadcast series Panorama (German TV series) [de] produced by NDR in March 2015, and despite proceedings prohibiting, Haverbeck-Wetzel denied the mass destruction of the Jews and discussed her views. She described "this Holocaust" as "the biggest and most persistent lie in history".
Haverbeck-Wetzel became the subject of a new investigation initiated in June 2015 by the Bielefeld Public Prosecutors Office, in connection with a publication. In November, after being found guilty, she was sentenced to ten months in prison. In the Hamburg court, she insisted the status of Auschwitz as a place of death is "not historically proven" and is "only a belief". In September 2016, Haverbeck-Wetzel was sentenced to ten months imprisonment for Holocaust denial, without the option for parole, but remained free until an appeal was heard concerning the earlier case.
In October 2016, she was sentenced to 11 months in Bad Oeynhausen for incitement to hate. In court again the next month, Haverbeck-Wetzel was sentenced in Verden to 21⁄2 more years in jail for Holocaust denial, after restating her claims in Voice of the Reich (Stimme des Reiches). Released from a prison in Bielefeld at the end of 2020, she was quickly charged again and was due to face a new trial in March 2022; Ursula now aged 93 years old was sentenced to one year in prison.
Germar Rudolf
In 1995, Rudolf was sentenced to 14 months in prison by the district court of Stuttgart for "inciting racial hatred" via the "Rudolf Report", as Holocaust denial is a criminal offence in Germany. Rudolf avoided prison by fleeing to Spain, England, and finally to the United States. His first marriage was to a German national with whom he had two children, and they settled at Hastings in England, until he and his wife divorced and she returned to Germany with their children.
In August 2004, the district court of Mannheim distrained a bank account in an attempt to confiscate 55% of Rudolf's business turnover from the years 2001–2004, some €214,000, but at that time the account contained only some €5,000. Rudolf and his associates had earned this money by selling Holocaust denial publications which are banned in Germany, but Rudolf's business was in the UK and the US.
On 11 September 2004, Rudolf married a US citizen and settled in Chicago; the couple later had a child. He applied for political asylum, or at least for the right not to be expelled, but this was rejected in November 2004 on the basis that the application had no merits and was a case of frivolous litigation. Rudolf appealed against this ruling, and in early 2006 the US Federal Court in Atlanta found that his application was not "frivolous", but upheld the decision that it had no merit.
The Immigration Services said that Rudolf did not have a right to file an application to remain with his family. On 14 November 2005, Rudolf was extradited to Germany where he was wanted for incitement of racial hatred (Volksverhetzung). On arrival there, he was arrested by the police and transferred to a prison in Rottenburg, then to another in Stuttgart in Baden-Württemberg. On 15 March 2007, the Mannheim District Court sentenced him to two years and six months in prison for inciting hatred, disparaging the dead, and libel.
Jürgen Graf
During the 1990s, Graf published several Holocaust denial works, his first titled The Holocaust on trial: Eyewitness accounts versus natural laws (Der Holocaust auf dem Prüfstand: Augenzeugenberichte versus Naturgesetze), several of his later books co-authored with the Italian Holocaust denier Carlo Mattogno. Graf distributed his book to journalists and parliamentarians, establishing a reputation as a Holocaust denier. As the result, he was dismissed from his teaching position; he was later employed in a private school in Basel, teaching German to foreign students.
Graf's publications eventually led Swiss authorities to prosecute him for violating Swiss anti-racism laws. Graf and his then publisher, Gerhard Förster, were tried by a Swiss court in July 1998; Graf was sentenced to a substantial fine and 15-months imprisonment. He fled the country while awaiting his appeal, traveling through Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Turkey, ending in Iran, where a group of Iranian Holocaust deniers sheltered him in Tehran. Graf subsequently relocated to Moscow, Russia, where he met and married a Belarusian woman in 2001. He currently lives and works in Moscow as a translator.
Gerd Honsik
Gerd Honsik was fined and sentenced to jail in several Austrian court cases due to his activities as a Holocaust denier. He evaded his most recent sentence by fleeing the country, and residing in Spain until 24 August 2007 when he was arrested in Málaga after a recent change in Spanish legislation. On 4th October 2007 Honsik was extradited to Austria to serve out an 18-month prison sentence stemming from a 1992 conviction for Holocaust denial. Spain had previously refused requests to extradite Honsik because Holocaust denial and "neo-Nazi propaganda" were not illegal in that country. Honsik was only extradited after two European-wide arrest warrants were issued at Austria's request.
On 27 April 2009, Honsik was sentenced to five years in prison in Austria for propagating Holocaust denial, later reduced to four years. The prosecutor argued that Honsik is "one of the ideological leaders" of Europe's "neo-Nazi movement" and that his distribution of "hate magazines" at schools violated Austrian law. During the trial, Honsik called himself "a social democrat" and stated that he only "rejected the textbook wisdom that demonises National Socialism" and he only denied the existence of the gas chambers used in concentration camps "wherever I had not verified the (facts) myself".
On 8 September 2011, Honsik was paroled due to his high age. He died 7 April 2018 at the age of 76 in Sopron, Hungary, where he had been living since 2017.
Wilhelm Stäglich
In 1974 a disciplinary hearing was conducted against Stäglich, then a financial judge, owing to his membership in the far-right NPD party and his incessant publications in far-right magazines; the result was a forced early retirement with a reduced pension for five years. In 1979 the Tübingen-based Grabert Verlag published Stäglich's book Der Auschwitz-Mythos - Legende oder Wirklichkeit (The Auschwitz Myth – Legend or Reality), in which he denied the existence of gas chambers in the Nazi concentration camps and death camps, and claimed that all documents relating to the Holocaust were forgeries.
As early as 1980 this book was seized nationwide on the order of the state court of Stuttgart, and in 1982 it was placed on a list of materials that may not be distributed to young readers, following a decision by Germany's Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons. The decision to confiscate the book was upheld by the Federal Court of Justice in 1983. Following this, the University of Göttingen instituted proceedings against Stäglich in order to formally discredit the doctoral degree he had received there in 1951.
Eckhard Jesse, a German political scientist and authority on radical politics, has defended the publication of the book The Auschwitz Myth. Stäglich, he says, was stripped of his doctoral title because it was deemed to be undeserved, under a law dating from 1939. Jesse:
For years Stäglich was a member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of the Institute for Historical Review's Journal of Historical Review. His address in 1983 at the Fifth Conference of the Institute for Historical Review was published in the Spring 1984 issue of the IHR's journal. In 1986 an English-language edition of his book was published by the IHR under the title Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence. In February 2015, Germar Rudolf's Castle Hill Publishers reissued Stäglich's book Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, and it is a "corrected and slightly revised" edition.
Fredrick Töben
Fredrick Töben was a German-born Australian citizen who was director and founder of the Adelaide Institute, a Holocaust denial group in Australia. He was the author of works on education, political science, and history. In 1998, Töben was arrested and imprisoned for nine months in Mannheim Prison for breaching Germany's Holocaust Law (§ 130 public incitement) prohibiting anyone from defaming the dead. Töben wrote of his work:
Involved in a number of controversies and court actions, Töben served three jail sentences: in 1999, for seven months in Germany for breaching Germany's Holocaust Law, Section 130, that outlaws “Incitement to hatred“; in 2008, for 50 days in the United Kingdom when he was transiting through Heathrow and Germany wanted him extradited under a European Arrest Warrant, which the court declared invalid; and in 2009, for three months in South Australia for contempt of court, for which he apologised to the court.
Memorials and Museums
A number of organisations, museums and monuments are intended to serve as memorials to the Holocaust, the "Nazi Final Solution", and its "millions of victims".
- Holocaust memorial, with inscription written in three stone plaques in English, Hebrew, and Albanian: “Albanians, Christians, and Muslims endangered their lives to protect and save the Jews.” (Tirana)
- The Holocaust Museum of Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires). The Holocaust Museum of Buenos Aires is intended to keep alive the memory of the Shoah and disseminate what happened during the genocide of the Jewish people to Argentine society, collecting an extensive archive of documents and personal objects donated by those who suffered persecution and immigrated from Europe.
- National Memorial to the Victims of the Holocaust (Plaza de la Shoá, Buenos Aires). The National Monument to the Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, by architects Gustavo Nielsen and Sebastián Marsiglia, is located in Plaza de la Shoá in the City of Buenos Aires. The Government of the Argentine Nation ordered its construction, in the year 2000, in tribute to the memory of the victims of the Jewish Holocaust and the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires authorised its location. It consists of a wall approximately 40 meters long by 4 meters high and one meter deep, formed by 114 precast concrete parallelepipeds, which represent the victims of the Attack on the Israeli embassy in Argentina and the victims of the attack on the AMIA.
- Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Andrew Steiner Education Centre (Adelaide, South Australia). The Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Andrew Steiner Education Centre (AHMSEC) is a museum housed in the historic Fennescey House at "33 Wakefield Street", in Adelaide city centre. Fennescey House belongs to the Catholic Church, and is located on the grounds of St Francis Xavier's Cathedral. The education centre is named after Andrew Steiner OAM, an Adelaide Holocaust survivor and sculptor who had been providing education about the Holocaust to school students for the previous 30 years. The museum comprises four galleries including The Anne Frank Gallery. Shortly before its opening, the federal government announced A$2.5 million of funding for further development of the museum. After a group of "neo-Nazis" had posted photographs of themselves saluting outside the museum premises on social media, Minister for Multicultural Affairs Zoe Bettison said that there would be a Parliamentary inquiry into "neo-Nazi symbols, the activities of extremist groups, discrimination faced by targeted groups and the prohibition on symbols in other states".
- The Jewish Holocaust Centre (Melbourne, Victoria). The Melbourne Holocaust Museum (MHM) (formerly known as the Jewish Holocaust Centre) was founded in Elsternwick, Melbourne, Australia, in "1984" by Holocaust survivors. It is currently Australia’s largest institution dedicated to Holocaust education, research & remembrance. Its mission is to commemorate the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis between 1933 and 1945, and amplify the voices of Holocaust survivors, to inspire a better future free from antisemitism, racism and prejudice. The museum holds a collection of over 1300 survivor video testimonials and over 12,000 historical artefacts, including documents, photos, artworks and objects from the Holocaust and immediate-post Holocaust era. The museum focuses on educating younger generations against "hate", with tens of thousands of students visiting the museum every year to participate in MHM's powerful age-appropriate education programs.
- Leo Baeck Centre for Progressive Judaism (Kew, Victoria) Holocaust Memorial.
- Melbourne General Cemetery Holocaust Memorial (Parkville, Victoria)
- Sydney Jewish Museum (Sydney). The Sydney Jewish Museum showcases exhibits relating to the Holocaust, the history and achievements of Jewish people in Australia, and issues of "social justice", "democracy and human rights" in an Australian context. Emphasis is placed on documenting the lived experiences and individual stories of Holocaust survivors and Jewish-Australians, through the presentation of personal objects and testimonies.
- Magen Shoah, The Central Synagogue (Sydney)
- The Judenplatz Holocaust Memorial (Vienna). The memorial began with an initiative of Simon Wiesenthal. Wiesenthal became a spokesman for the public offense taken over the Mahnmal gegen Krieg und Faschismus in Albertinaplatz, created by Alfred Hrdlicka in 1988, which portrayed Jewish victims in an undignified way. As a result of this controversy, Wiesenthal began the commission for a memorial dedicated especially to the Jewish victims of Nazi fascism in Austria.
- Holocaust and Tolerance Center Styria, "House of Names" (Holocaust und Toleranzzentrum Steiermark, Haus der Namen) (Graz)
- House of Responsibility (Braunau am Inn). The House of Responsibility (HRB) in Braunau am Inn is the idea of establishing an international meeting place and a place of learning in the birth house [lived there for only two months as an infant] of Adolf Hitler. People from all countries, backgrounds, religions and cultures should meet in order to discuss, learn and develop projects revolving around the concept of responsibility relating to the dimensions of past, present and future. Nevertheless, the birthplace of Adolf Hitler is a place of symbolic meaning, a symbol of the birth of the Holocaust, for some a symbol for the birth of evil. The challenge posed is how to commemorate a place that merely is a symbol. In the first half of 2014 the HRB gained increasing support by the public and by acknowledged international organisations such as the Anti-Defamation League in New York, the Auschwitz Jewish Center in Oswiecim, the European Roma Rights Center and the John Rabe and International Safety Zone Memorial Hall in Nanjing.
- Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial (Mauthausen). Mauthausen was a Nazi concentration camp on a hill above the market town of Mauthausen, Upper Austria. It was the main camp of a group with nearly 100 further subcamps located throughout Austria and southern Germany. The Mauthausen main camp is now a museum.
- Learning and memorial site Charlotte Taitl House (Ried im Innkreis). The Learning and memorial site Charlotte Taitl House (German: Lern- und Gedenkort Charlotte-Taitl-Haus) in Ried im Innkreis, Austria is dedicated to the victims of National Socialism and fascism in the district of Ried im Innkreis. The data and life stories of 26 victims are told on biography steles in the surrounding area. In an infobox at the end of the room, all information about National Socialism and the district of Ried in the time before and after is displayed. In the area of the passage, black metal panels with the birth and death dates of the victims guide the visitors to the entrance. The space itself opens up through remembrance and is designed as a "white cube" to offer space for remembering, commemoration, reflection.
- Memorial against war and fascism (Vienna). As a walk-in monument, it is intended to serve as a reminder of the darkest epoch in Austrian history. It is dedicated to all victims of war and fascism. At the front of the square stands the Gate of Violence. It is made of granite, as it was dragged by thousands of prisoners over the death stairs in the quarry of the Mauthausen concentration camp. The sculpture on the left is intended to commemorate the victims of the mass murder perpetrated by the National Socialists there and in other camps and prisons, as well as the victims of resistance and persecution for reasons of national, religious and ethnic origin, mental and physical disability, and sexual orientation. he group of figures on the right gate column is dedicated to the memory of all the victims of the war. The faceless body of a woman giving birth is supposed to symbolise the rebirth of Austria after the horrors of war.
- Pogrom Monument. The Pogrom Monument is located in the centre of Innsbruck, and commemorates the November pogroms of 1938, during which the Innsbruck citizens Josef Adler, Wilhelm Bauer, Richard Berger and Richard Graubart were murdered. The memorial was erected in 1997. The Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz (formerly Landhausplatz) was chosen as the location, where the New Landhaus, the Liberation Monument erected in 1948 and also the new Unification Fountain are located. The design by Mario Jörg consists of a solid copper base on which the names of the victims can be read, and a seven-metre-high menorah. According to Mario Jörg, the use of shards of glass for the names intends to "symbolize the broken hearts of the murdered Jews and their relatives".
- Memorial to the Jews of Zelem. Deutschkreutz was called Zelem (also Zehlem) by Jews because the place name contains the term cross – a term which in the perception of Jews stands for the brutal oppression in the Roman Empire and the bloody crusades of the Roman Catholic Church and which devout Talmud following Jews were not allowed to say.
- Memorial Site Hartheim Castle (Alkoven). Schloss Hartheim, also known as Hartheim Castle, is a castle at Alkoven in Upper Austria, some 14 kilometres (9 mi) from Linz, Austria. The building became notorious as one of the centers for the Nazi program known as Aktion T4, in which German citizens deemed mentally or physically unfit were systematically "murdered with poison gas". After the official end of Aktion T4 in August 1941, the facility was used to murder Jews, communists, and other concentration camp prisoners under a program known as "Action 14f13". In this capacity it was known as the Hartheim killing centre, where the Nazis murdered a total of 30,000 people.
- The Pit, Minsk. The Pit is a monument dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust on the corner of Melnikayte and Zaslavskaya streets in Minsk, Belarus. The obelisk was created in 1947, and in 2000 a bronze sculpture titled "The Last Way" was added. It represents a group of victims descending the steps of the pit. On the obelisk is written in Russian and Yiddish, "To the shining memory of the bright days of five thousand Jews who perished at the hands of sworn enemies of humanity, German-fascist butchers, on 2 March 1942.".
- Kazerne Dossin: Memorial, Museum and Documentation Centre on Holocaust and Human Rights (Mechelen). The Museum covered the following aspects of the "Final Solution" in Belgium and Europe: The rise of the extreme right in Belgium and abroad in the 1930s, The antisemitic policies imposed by occupying Germany, The Jewish resistance and hiding of children, The deportation of the Belgian Jews in convoys. In 2001, the Flemish Government decided to expand the site by constructing a new museum complex opposite the old barracks.
- National Monument to the Jewish Martyrs of Belgium (Anderlecht, Brussels).
- Holocaust victims memorial at Rio de Janeiro – Cemitério Israelita do Caju (sephardic) – inaugurated in September 1975.
- Holocaust victims memorial at Salvador – Cemitério Israelita da Bahia – inaugurated in 2007.
- Holocaust Museum in Curitiba – inaugurated in 2011 (Paraná). The Holocaust Museum in Curitiba (in Portuguese, Museu do Holocausto de Curitiba) is a museum situated in the city of Curitiba, capital of the Brazilian state of Paraná. Historical research took place between November 2009 and 2011. Execution began in March 2011. Contributors of audiovisual material include several Brazilian and foreign institutions interested in the preservation of the memory, education and research connected to the Holocaust, among them Yad Vashem; the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC; the USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education; the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum; Majdanek; the Mémorial de la Shoah in Paris, France; and the Cultural Institute Soto Delatorre.
- Memorial of Jewish Immigration and of the Holocaust, São Paulo 2011.
- Jewish Historical Museum (Sofia)
- Dimitar Peshev Museum (Kyustendil). Dimitar Yosifov Peshev was the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Bulgaria and Minister of Justice (1935–1936), before World War II. He rebelled against the pro-Nazi cabinet and prevented the deportation of Bulgaria's 48,000 Jews. He was bestowed the supranational title of "Righteous Among the Nations".
- Monument of Gratitude (Plovdiv)
- Holocaust Memorial sculpture (Edmonton, Alberta)
- Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre (Toronto)
- The Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre (Vancouver, British Columbia)
- Montreal Holocaust Museum. The Montreal Holocaust Museum is a museum located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is dedicated to educating people of all ages and backgrounds about the Holocaust, while sensitising the public to the "universal perils of antisemitism, racism, hate and indifference". The Museum was founded in 1979 as the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre and is Canada's first and only recognised Holocaust museum. Since 2012, the Museum has taken public positions in order to take a stand on issues related to the history of the Holocaust, working with human rights organisations and minority groups is another way the museum addresses current issues. It has taken an active role in advocating and supporting "refugee rights" through statements and events.
- Ottawa National Holocaust Monument The National Holocaust Monument is a Holocaust memorial in Ottawa, Ontario. The National Holocaust Monument Act (Bill C-442), which established plans to create the memorial in Canada's capital, received Royal Assent on March 25, 2011. The monument is overseen by the National Capital Commission. In 2017, when the National Holocaust Monument of Canada was unveiled in Ottawa, the opening plaque made no mention of the six million Jews killed by the Nazis. Subsequently, chair Rabbi Daniel Friedman took responsibility for the error.
China (People's Republic of China)
- Hong Kong Holocaust and Tolerance Centre (Hong Kong). The Hong Kong Holocaust and Tolerance Centre (HKHTC) is a Hong Kong-based, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to advancing Holocaust education and promoting "tolerance" situated in the city of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region, People’s Republic of China. HKHTC was founded in 2011 and is the first organisation devoted to Holocaust education in China. HKHTC curates public exhibits, runs educational workshops and brings Holocaust survivors to the region in order to provide an educational opportunity which is uncommon in Asia. These activities have reached tens of thousands of students. The Centre also provides educational content and opportunities about other regional genocides, such as the Nanjing Massacre and Cambodian genocide.
- Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum
- "Wall of Shanghai List" and Holocaust Memorial statue (Shanghai). The Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum is a museum commemorating the Jewish refugees who lived in Shanghai during World War II after fleeing Europe to escape the Holocaust. The museum features documents, photographs, films, and personal items documenting the lives of some of the more than 20,000 Jewish residents of the Restricted Sector for Stateless Refugees, known as the Shanghai Ghetto [Shanghai had a Jewish community since the late 19th century], focussing on the Japanese occupation of Shanghai.
- The Jasenovac Memorial Area (Jasenovac). Jasenovac was a concentration established in the village of the same name by the authorities of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) in occupied Yugoslavia during World War II. The concentration camp, one of the ten largest in Europe, was established and operated by the governing Ustaše regime, Europe's only Nazi collaborationist regime that operated its own camps, for Serbs, Romani, Jews, and political dissidents. The Jasenovac Memorial Site was established in 1960, on the initiative of the Yugoslav Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations. Its central symbol is the Flower Memorial, “a sign of eternal renewal”. In 1968, the museum was added to the Memorial Site, with the exhibit focusing on the victims. The Socialist Republic of Croatia adopted a new law on the Jasenovac Memorial Site in 1990, shortly before the first democratic elections in the country.
- Memorial Centre Lipa Remembers (Lipa, Matulji). The Memorial Centre Lipa Remembers (Memorijalni centar Lipa pamti) is a museum commemorating the killing of 269 civilians - mostly elderly, women and children - in April 1944 in Lipa, Croatia. The massacre perpetrated by the German military, together with Italian and Chetnik collaborationist forces. The Memorial Centre, Lipa Remembers, functions as a part of a larger Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral situated in Rijeka.
- Holocaust Memorial Santa Clara
- Sephardic Center Holocaust Exhibit (Havana)
At the end of the Second World War, the Allies confiscated a tremendous quantity of German documents dealing with Germany's wartime Jewish policy, which was sometimes officially referred to as the “final solution.” But not a single German document was ever found which even refers to an extermination program. To the contrary, the documents clearly show that the German “final solution” policy was one of reform, emigration and deportation, and not an extermination of six million Jews, told from 1857, since the Russian Pogoms.
A total of six-million Europeans were cremated with explosions during WW2 (a war declared by Judea in 1933) their ashes used to create and rise the Jewish state of Israel. The holocaust has been inflicted upon the ethnicity of White people, and has been orchestrated by Jews against white people since 1857; launched by the Bolshevik regicide of Russian Tsar Nicholas II, to fulfil Talmudic prophecy of Jews returning to Israel and ruling over the entire world. Fulfilling another prophecy that only after the fall of Europe is complete, will their messiah return to establish the Kingdom of Israel. The worldwide problem is with Jewish supremacy, subordinating the entire world into enacting their scriptures, that for thousands of years have recited hatred against Gentiles.
Holocaust stories told by a powerful lobby actively seek to "never again" suppress and deny white people of ethnic self-determination. The same supranational lobby suppressed and decimated Germany during the poverty-stricken years of a Jewish dominated Weimar Republic. When Hitler had rid Germany of Communism, the Jews, in 1933 declared international boycotts attempting to return Germany into destitution via international sanctions. Future leaders of business, government, media visit Auschwitz, they are immersed in lies told by a Jewish supremacy catalyst to demonise and suppress white people. Monuments erected worldwide to signify supression of white people unto this pathocracy; outlawing criticism of these suppressive narratives. Hardliners demand White people race mixed to extinction, as First World nations are invaded, subordianted and dissolved by Third World mass migration.