
Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter, which, under the guise of fighting racism, seeks to transform the United States into a communist dystopia. BLM's leaders openly admit that they want to abolish the nuclear family, police, prisons, and capitalism. Its focus on racial issues is a smokescreen for a much larger effort to completely dismantle the American economic, political and social systems and rebuild them from scratch — according to Marxist principles.

It's been 7 years since BLM formed. They have raised over a billion doors. They haven't had 1 neighborhood cleanup, sent 1 poor black child to college, bought school supplies, fed the hungry, donated to a food bank or provided housing to 1 poor black family..

In 2013, activists and friends Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi originated the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin. Black Lives Matter became nationally recognised for street demonstrations following the 2014 deaths of two more African Americans, Michael Brown—resulting in protests and unrest in Ferguson, Missouri—and Eric Garner in New York City. Since the Ferguson protests, participants in the movement have demonstrated against the deaths of numerous other African Americans by police actions or while in police custody. In the summer of 2015, Black Lives Matter activists became involved in the 2016 United States presidential election.

Those who burn down civilisation are unfit to be in civilisation.

Black Lives Matter protests led to a wave of monument removals, name changes, and societal changes throughout the world and occurred during the early part of the COVID-19 pandemic and amid the 2020 U.S. presidential election season. Protests continued through 2020 and into 2021; arson, vandalism, and looting that occurred between May 26 and June 8 2020 caused approximately $1–2 billion in insured damages nationally, the highest recorded damage from civil disorder in U.S. history, and surpassing the record set during the 1992 Los Angeles riots. By the end of June 2020, at least 14,000 people had been arrested, more than 19 people had died in relation to the unrest. An estimated 15 to 26 million people participated in Black Lives Matter protests in the United States, making it one of the largest protest movements in the country's history.

Black Lives Matter was advanced as Maoist black supremacy via inclusion of a Chinese Communist Third Worldist organisation operating in the United States called Freedom Road Socialist Organisation and Liberation Road.

Freedom Road Socialist Organisation (FRSO) is a national organisation of revolutionaries fighting for socialism in the United States. Our home is in the working class. FRSO members are rooted in the mass movements for justice, particularly in the labour movement and the movements of oppressed nations and nationalities– especially African-Americans and Chicanos. We are also active in the immigrant rights, anti-war, student and youth movements. We are organising the united front against monopoly capitalism — with the strategic alliance of the multinational working-class and oppressed nationality movements at its core. This is our general strategy for revolution in the U.S. FRSO is recruiting and building towards the creation of a new Communist Party based on Marxism-Leninism. This is necessary to lead the way to socialism and liberation.

Three founders of Black Lives Matter, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Khan-Cullors and Opal Tometi. Alicia Garza have held executive leadership positions in several Freedom Road socialist organisations including: Special project's director National Domestic Workers Alliance, Executive director POWER, Board member SOUL, 2011 Board Chair, RTTC. Opal Tometi is an executive director of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration. In December 2015 Black Lives Matter sent a delegation, headed by the organisation’s co-founder, Opal Tometi, to act as observers during the Venezuelan Parliamentary elections of that year. The Maduro regime did not allow accreditation for observers from the Organisation of American States, the UN, or the EU. The only accredited observers where from regimes and organisations friendly to the “revolutionary cause”.

Nicolás Maduro with Opal Tometi
Communist Dictator Nicolás Maduro takes stand with Opal Tometi (right), co-founder of Black Lives Matter, seated second right…
Nicolás Maduro with Opal Tometi
Together with Iron Shirt Communist Nicolás Maduro, Opal Tometi (right), co-founder of Black Lives Matter, in Harlem, Manhattan, December 2015.

Under Nicolás Maduro scores of Venezuelans have been killed, not while resisting arrest, or while scuffling with the police in demonstrations, but by police snipers under orders to quell demonstrations by providing a few corpses. The best-known case is of former beauty queen, Genesis Carmona, killed by Maduro’s snipers in 2013, two years before Tometi publicly declared her deep admiration for Maduro and his regime. A Board of Independent Experts designated by the Organization of American States (OAS) published a 400-page report in 2018 that crimes against humanity have been committed in Venezuela during Maduro's presidency. The Board concluded that Maduro could be "responsible for dozens of murders, thousands of extra-judicial executions, more than 12,000 cases of arbitrary detentions, more than 290 cases of torture, attacks against the judiciary and a 'state-sanctioned humanitarian crisis' affecting hundreds of thousands of people". With widespread condemnation, President Maduro was sworn in on 10 January 2019. Minutes after he took the oath, the Organization of American States (OAS) approved a resolution declaring his presidency illegitimate, and calling for new elections. The National Assembly invoked a state of emergency, and some nations removed their embassies from Venezuela, with Colombia, and the United States saying Maduro was converting Venezuela into a de facto dictatorship.

The “inspiration” behind the Black Lives Matter movement — the individual cited by its founder and regularly quoted by its supporters — is a convicted cop killer who is on the FBI’s ‘Most Wanted Terrorists’ list. In an article which details the philosophical foundation of ‘Black Lives Matter’, Garza cites: “Assata’s powerful demand in my organising work.” Assata is a reference to Assata Shakur (member of terrorist group: Black Liberation Army), otherwise known as Joanne Deborah Chesimard, a radical feminist and Marxist revolutionary who escaped from prison in 1979 while serving a life sentence for the murder of New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster. On the night of May 2, 1973, Shakur, along with two other accomplices, killed Foerster execution-style at point-blank range during a routine traffic stop on the New Jersey Turnpike in East Brunswick.

Assata Shakur, otherwise known as Joanne Deborah Chesimard
Assata Shakur, otherwise known as Joanne Deborah Chesimard. On the 40th anniversary of the cold-blooded murder of a New Jersey state trooper, the fugitive convicted of the killing, Joanne Chesimard, has been named a Most Wanted Terrorist by the FBI—the first woman ever to make the Bureau's list of top terrorists. The FBI is offering a reward of up to $1,000,000 for information directly leading to the apprehension of Joanne Chesimard.

For Shakur, the shooting was the culmination of years of militant radicalism during which she joined and left the Black Panther Party because it was not violent enough, before subsequently joining the Black Liberation Army, a domestic terror outfit responsible for bombings and assassinations throughout the 1970s which claimed the lives of 13 police officers. In 1971, Shakur also joined the Republic of New Afrika, a group committed to establishing a separatist black-ruled country within the states of Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina. After escaping from jail with the aid of three members of the Black Liberation Army, Shakur was given political asylum in Communist Cuba where she still remains to this day despite numerous attempts to extradite her.

Garza is likewise a great admirer of Angela Davis (another Marxist and former Black Panther), Ella Baker (an avowed socialist who had ties to the Communist Party USA, NAACP and the Weather Underground), and Audre Lorde (a black Marxist lesbian, race mixing feminist):

These women really attempt and attempted to tackle some of the biggest questions facing our society, learning about them and in some cases getting a chance to meet them really underscores that everyday people, when working together with a shared vision, can accomplish extraordinary things.

At the Netroots nation convention, in Phoenix on July 2015 Patrisse Khan-Cullors extorted fellow blacks “to rise up” and “burn everything down”. She also said that the high incidence of black-on-black crime “is a myth”.

Followers of mass murdering Marxist Jim Jones claimed they awoken at night breathless. Jone's father was a disabled World War I veteran who suffered from severe breathing difficulties due to injuries which he sustained in a chemical weapons attack. According to multiple Jones biographers, his mother had "no natural maternal instincts" and she frequently neglected her son. Animals within nature are animated by fight or flight hyper-vigilance, a common symptom of this anxiety is breathlessness. This response mechanism is exploited to control humanity. Jim Jones sleep deprived followers were tormented animate with anxieties, perhaps Jonestown was the first realignment into trauma conditioning cycles within esoteric bondage of the Integra Natura. "The stronger prey upon the weaker, and keep them in perpetual terror and anxiety." - David Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion 1779.

If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right? I just want black liberation, and black sovereignty. By any means necessary.

In March 2016, Fortune magazine named Garza and her two BLM co-founders to its list of the “50 of the most influential world leaders” Patrice Cullors, Tometi’s colleague in the founding of Black Lives Matter, has publicly admitted to being “a trained Marxist” and “we are super-versed in ideological theory”.

We do have an idealogical frame and myself and Alica in particular are trained organisers, we are trained Marxists.

Incidently, when Hugo Chávez was running in his first successful presidential campaign, back in 1998, he was asked point-blank in several television interviews whether or not he was a communist. His reply was identical to the one given by Fidel Castro to Princeton University students during his visit to the United States in 1959: “I am a humanist”. Years later, on consolidating total power in his own hands, Chávez again emulated Fidel and confessed to being “a convinced follower of Marxist-Leninist ideology”. Left-of-center foundations including the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Ford Foundation, as well as intermediaries including Thousand Currents, Borealis Philanthropy and the Alliance for Global Justice and have provided tens of millions of dollars to BLM and the Movement for Black Lives, an umbrella group that coordinates BLM activism.

Communist Domestic Terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn Supporting BLM
Communist Domestic Terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn Supporting BLM; in the Seventies the Weather Underground, a terrorist organisation they founded debated infacticide, proposing the mass killing of white babies. The BLM riots is what the WU had attempted to instigate during the seventies.

In 2016, representatives of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement approached Thousand Currents for fiscal management and administrative assistance. This partnership led to a fiscal sponsorship agreement that launched the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation provided a three-year grant of $900,000 thorough Thousand Currents to help organise local BLM chapters. As of 2020, convicted terrorist Susan Rosenberg still serves Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of Thousand Currents, a non-profit foundation that sponsors the fundraising and performs administrative work for the Black Lives Matter Global Network, among other clients. Rosenberg was active in the far-left revolutionary terrorist May 19th Communist Organisation (“M19CO”), which according to a contemporaneous FBI report “openly advocate[d] the overthrow of the U.S. Government through armed struggle and the use of violence”. M19CO provided support to an offshoot of the Black Liberation Army, including in armoured truck robberies, and later engaged in bombings of government buildings.

Rosenburg profile on Thousand Currents Website
Screen capture of Rosenburg profile displayed on Thousand Currents Website.

After living as a fugitive for two years, Rosenberg was arrested in 1984 while in possession of a large cache of explosives and firearms. She had also been sought as an accomplice in the 1979 prison escape of Assata Shakur and in the 1981 Brink's robbery that resulted in the deaths of two police and a guard. Rosenberg was sentenced to 58 years' imprisonment on the weapons and explosives charges, she spent 16 years in prison before her sentence was commuted to time served by President Bill Clinton on January 20, 2001, his final day in office.

Rosenburg FBI Record

Rosenberg was also identified as a member of the Thousand Currents board of directors in the charity’s Form 990s submitted to the IRS for its 2016, 2017 and 2018 fiscal years, indicating that the former terrorist has been involved with the group for the entirety of its fiscal sponsorship arrangement with Black Lives Matter Global Foundation, which began in 2016. In addition to removing the page on its website disclosing Rosenberg as a member of its board of directors, Thousand Currents also took down a page that had disclosed financial information for the charity, such as audits and Form 990s dating back to 2005.

It is truly stunning that some of America’s most renowned business leaders have chosen to ignore the evident and even glaring intent of BLM’s founders to promote Marxism and a so-called “revolution” in the United States, that has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with ideology. Over one hundred Businesses donated to BLM during the trouble. By early 2022 the states of Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina and Virginia have all revoked BLMNGF’s charitable registration, while California and Washington are threatening to hold the nonprofit’s officers personally liable for its lack of financial transparency. The outfit has failed to file taxes for 2020, the year it raised tens of millions. And that co-founder, Patrisse Cullors-Khan, is tied to several other fundraising organisations whose finances raise “potential red flags".

Co-founder of the Black Lives Matter chapter in Toronto wrote in a now-deleted Facebook post that "white people are a genetic defect of blackness.". "Whiteness is not humxness," wrote Yusra Khogali in 2016. "in fact, white skin is sub-humxn.". She further said, the Gateway Pundit blog reported, white people "are recessive genetic defects. this is factual." "white ppl need white supremacy as a mechanism to protect their survival as a people because all they can do is produce themselves," she wrote. "black ppl simply through their dominant genes can literally wipe out the white race if we had the power to.".

Yusra Khogali
Yusra Khogali

Khogali asserted that white people have a "higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors which suppresses melanin production." She added that "melanin is important for a number of things such as strong bones, intelligence, vision and hearing.". Khogali also claimed "melanin directly communicates with cosmic energy." In a separate Twitter post, Khogali tweeted, "Plz Allah give me the strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today.". The founder of the Black Lives Matter chapter in Memphis has been sentenced to prison for six years for illegally registering to vote in Tennessee, prosecutors said. Pamela Moses, the 44-year-old activist, was ordered to spend six years and one day behind bars on 7th Febuary 20222 for registering to vote despite felony convictions in 2015 that made her ineligible to do so, Shelby County District Attorney General Amy Weirich said.

Pamela Moses
Pamela Moses

In 2015, Moses pleaded guilty to tampering with evidence and forgery, both felonies, and to misdemeanor charges of perjury, stalking, theft under $500, and escape. She was placed on probation for seven years and deemed ineligible to vote in Tennessee because of the tampering with evidence charge. In handing down the sentence, Judge Michael Ward accused her of deceiving the probation department to obtain the right to vote, “You tricked the probation department into giving you documents saying you were off probation,” Ward said in court. BLM is working with Muslim Brotherhood and Hammas through the Council on American-Islamic Relations. In 1994, the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee created the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

CAIR Marks Anniversary of George Floyd’s Killing by Unveiling Black Lives Matter Banner
CAIR Marks Anniversary of George Floyd’s Killing by Unveiling Black Lives Matter Banner on Capitol Hill Headquarters in DC.

FBI recordings of the conversations by Hamas leaders at the Philadelphia meeting captured Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad discussing the creation of a new public relations organisation for Hamas which an FBI Special Agent testified was CAIR, created in 1994 following the Philadelphia meeting.

I am in support of the Hamas Movement more than the PLO.

CAIR was incorporated in 1994 by Nihad Awad, Omar Ahmad, and Rafeeq Jaber, all of whom were leaders of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), a now-defunct Hamas organisation in the U.S. In 1993 and 1994, CAIR founder Omar Ahmad served as the National President for IAP (Hamas) and was the Chairman of the Board for CAIR from 1994-2005. Today, Omar Ahmad is the Chairman Emeritus for CAIR.

Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant…The Koran, the muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.

CAIR has a long record of defending jihadis and jihadi organisations, and continues to publicly condemn all counterterrorism efforts of the U.S. government and local law enforcement. Muthanna al Hanooti, the former Director for CAIR-Michigan, was identified by the FBI as an intelligence agent for Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, and pled guilty in 2011 for violating U.S. sanctions against Iraq. Hanooti is the son of Mohammed al Hanooti, a senior Hamas leader in the United States who was the President of the IAP (Hamas) and raised over $6 million dollars for the Foreign Terrorist Organisation Hamas. CAIR has never defended the United States in its war against the jihadis.

Taxpayers paid £1.5MILLION for Fabian Socialist mouthpiece Sadiq Khan's 'woke' New Year's Eve light show - featuring BLM fist salutes, after he masterminded event and worked with BBC and Met Police to keep it a secret. The lights included a turtle with Africa on its shell, and shone in EU colours over London's skies.

BLM / Communism
Turtle is Fabianism
Nicolás Maduro with Opal Tometi

During the event, it took 300 drones to make the shape of a Black Lives Matter fist (pictured above). The fist first appeared as spoken-word artist George the Poet (turned down an OBE last year due to the 'pure evil' of the British Empire) read an extract of his poem Coronavirus: The Power of Collaboration. This is King Charles II who had very dark hair and was known fondly as 'The Black Boy'. Publicans named their pubs 'The Black Boy' after him. In Haringey, collaborators in the colonisation of England renamed 'Black Boy Lane', which was a reference to a pub that once stood there.

Black Boy Lane in Tottenham, north London, was officially renamed La Rose Lane on Monday after a consultation by Haringey council, which began in June 2020 in light of the Black Lives Matter protests the same year.

John La Rose, who has REPLACED rememberance of King Charles II, was a black political and cultural activist, writer and publisher. He was the founder in 1966 of New Beacon Books, the first specialist Caribbean publishing company in Britain, and subsequently Chairman of the George Padmore Institute. Church leaders agreed that new windows showing Jesus depicted ‘in multiple ethnicities’ could now be installed at St Mary Redcliffe in Bristol. The decision by the Consistory Court of The Diocese of Bristol came three years to the day since the toppling of Colston’s statue in the city on June 7, 2020. The Grade I-listed church had removed the Colston panels in 2021. They were replaced with temporary plain panels before the church launched a competition to design new permanent replacement stain glass panels.

Original stained glass windows dedicated to Colston St Mary Redcliffe.

Destruction of cultural and religious property is employed to annihilate the group’s existence from history.

“Jesus is depicted as multiple ethnicities to counter the Anglo-centric narrative of ‘white Jesus".
“portrays the current refugee crisis, and Jesus as a child refugee fleeing to Egypt”.
One of the panels shows the Bristol Bus Boycott in 1963, which “paved way for the Race Relations Act 1965, with Jesus as a protester & radical”.

The old windows shared Colston’s family motto ‘go thou and do likewise’ - a biblical quote from the parable of the ‘Good Samaritan’, and the new windows share a different quote from the same passage: ‘And who is my neighbour?’. A spokesman for St Mary Redcliffe Church - the tallest building in Bristol thanks to its 292ft high spire - said the new panels referenced Bristol’s rich multicultural past and present. 'The new panels depict Jesus in multiple ethnicities to counter the anglo-centric narrative of "white Jesus",’ he said. Jeffrey John is a second class Church of England priest, who has served as the Dean of St Albans since 2004. He made headlines in 2003 when he was the first person to have openly been in a same-sex relationship to be nominated as a Church of England bishop. Owing to the consequent controversy, he stepped down. In the years since, he has reportedly been considered for at least seven diocesan bishoprics across England, Wales, and the Isle of Man.

Previously he was vicar of Holy Trinity, Eltham, (in the Diocese of Southwark) in south London. In 1997, he became Canon Chancellor and Theologian of Southwark Cathedral. n 19 April 2004, 10 Downing Street announced John's appointment as Dean of St Albans. He was inducted on 2 July 2004.

Lowered by Liberation Psychology. An old, irrelevant to Cultural Revolution.
Raised Muralism of Liberation Theory.

Destruction of cultural and religious property is employed to annihilate the group’s existence from history.

In June 2020 St Albans Cathedral replaced a traditional white Nativity scene featuring the Virgin Mary with a painting of the Last Supper featuring a black Jesus, an action they claim was in “solidarity” with a Black Lives Matter; whilst BLM were terrorising white people to “get on their knees” and instigating devastating riots (through an attempted martyrdom of convicted criminal George Floyd) unto a crippled, locked-down society suppressed by a deadly “Coronavirus” pandemic. The cathedral said the 8ft 8in-high (2.6 m) picture was part of a prayer installation to mark its reopening and called on people to “look with fresh eyes at something you think you know”.

White blue-eyed / blonde female (Lorna May Wadsworth) clad in White, Black and Parson Red.
Jamaican-born model RastaTafari HindUs is the black face of Martinism.

In a statement, the cathedral said:

We stand with the Black Lives Matter movement to be allies for change, building a strong, just and fair community where the dignity of every human being is honoured and celebrated, where black voices are heard, and where black lives matter.

The Liberation Theology muralism, painted in 2010, had previously been shot while on display at a church in Gloucestershire. St Albans for BLM said the cathedral's move had “brought about a countywide conversation”. John has spoken publicly in favour of the introduction of same-sex marriage saying:

If you are gay, then please understand that God made you as you are, and loves you as you are, and if you invite him into your relationship, then, of course, he will bless you and sustain your love just as much as he blesses and sustains any other marriage.

In August 2006, after being in a relationship for 30 years, John and Grant Holmes entered into a civil partnership. Clergy in the Church of England are permitted to enter into same-sex civil partnerships, provided they remain “celibate”. Rose Josephine Hudson-Wilkin is a African Anglican prelate, who serves as Suffragan Bishop of Dover in the diocese of Canterbury - deputising for the Archbishop - since 2019: she is the first black woman to become a Church of England bishop. Pro-Black Lives Matter supporter Hudson-Wilkin, dubbed by the press as the "BLM Bishop", as a child of the Windrush generation was born in Montego Bay, Jamaica, she emigrated to the UK and studied at the Church Army college. She met her husband, the Revd Kenneth Wilkin, whilst training at the Church Army College. He currently serves as Chaplain to HM Prison Wandsworth.

BLM lockdown demonstration in Canterbury, Bishop wears a gold Amethyst (crown Chakra) ring on her male sun finger. Holding a pectoral cross handcrafted from Jamaica’s national tree, the Blue Mahoe, "whipped" the "mostly white crowd" into a frenzy when she chanted a few lines from Bob Marley’shit Redemption Song.

The Church of England reportedly told its parishes to draw up 'race action plans' after Hudson-Wilkin urged it to embrace being woke. The General Synod, the church's legislative body, passed a motion on Sunday that said it should 'encourage parishes and deaneries to develop local action plans to address issues of racial injustice.'. The filed motion also called for better data collection to monitor diversity levels across parishes. The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, said there has been some learning in the church from historical wrongs but added: 'I continue to lament, because what we have done has not been good enough and that is a scandal and an affront to God.'.

Political leaders Jermey Corbyn (Labour leader of the opposition) and Boris Johnson (Conservative prime minster) with BLM Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin. Hudson-Wilkin was involved in the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's 2018 wedding.

At the General Synod 2023, in his Presidential Address on 7 July, Cottrell also expressed concern about addressing God as 'Father'. Lay member Daniel Matovu said institutional racism is 'embedded' in the church. He said: 'In this chamber, the vast majority of you are sitting next to and surrounded by other white people. Across the church the general picture is the same - in your pews, on your PCCs [parochial church councils], deanery synods, diocesan synods, at every level up to and including the House of Bishops. Institutional racism is deeply embedded in virtually every institution in this country, including sadly, in the life and culture of the church'.

It is extraordinary that the CoE - the General Synod at least (we don't know what ordinary parishioners make of it) have chosen to go down this radical, highly partisan political route so wholeheartedly. This is a politics that purports to be about kindness and equity, but as many examples show, legitimises intolerance, cultural re-racialisation and antipathy to Britain's history and culture.

In March 2024 the Church of England was blasted for hiring an 'anti-racism' officer to 'deconstruct whiteness' - with critics accusing it of 'drinking the critical race Kool Aid'. The £36,000-a-year and 35-hours a week role is part of a new 11-person 'racial justice unit' being set up by the Diocese of Birmingham to work across the West Midlands. The job advertisement, described the role as ensuring that 'structures, practices and behaviours' throughout the church allow UK minority ethnic people to 'flourish'. Funding to hire the 11-person team comes from the church's Racial Justice Unit and includes a director, programme manager, theologian, communications catalyst and 6 development workers.

The irony of many of these projects is they are importing American perspectives and overlaying them on a country that is incredibly tolerant. No less than 80 per cent of the worldwide Anglican Communion is black, and their black theology is very conservative. But you never see the Church paying any attention to that..

The team has three years of funding to 'fan into flame a movement of change' to transform the church and will involve 'reimagining parish and community activities', according to the job listing. They will be accountable to the Regional Racial Justice Board made up of people from each of the dioceses the church says are 'committed to effecting change in these areas'. These areas include: dioceses of Birmingham, Coventry, Gloucester, Hereford, Lichfield and Worcester. The Rev Leonard Payne said he thought the advert was a 'joke, a Photoshop job' when he first saw it and that the church should spend the cash on currently overstretched parishes instead.

The single most powerful strategy adopted by the architects of Critical Theory was to hijack the word ‘justice’, and subvert its true meaning. As Christians we must oppose injustice. But hijacking the language of justice has deceived many in the Church into going along with the various critical theories which are destabilising society by dividing us into competing groups.

According to Dr Sharon James there are three manifestations of Critical Theory (CT) which increasingly threaten the United Kingdom:

Critical Gender Theory

Christian tradition and the Bible is regarded as being infused with sexism. CT’s aim is to destroy complementary male-female differences. If there is no creator God, and everything is socially constructed, then gender itself can be viewed as a social construct. If it is socially constructed, it can be deconstructed too.

Critical Legal Theory

Traditional ideas of ‘equality before the law’ are regarded by CT as a tool for the privileged to keep victims oppressed. CT sees the law as a means to compensate oppressed groups for past and present wrongs. Laws are devised to maintain the status quo of society and thereby codify its biases against marginalised groups.

Critical Race Theory

Racism is a sin. We are all made in the image of God, and the Christian view is that we should treat people with equal dignity and respect. But CT advocates say treating people equally, whatever the colour of their skin, is dangerous. They view ‘colour blindness’ as racist.

These post-structuralism "choices" of Critical Theory written above attempt to banish ethnocentrism among homogeneity embracing white people; racially discriminating that white people either lie down dead within exclusion or deface themselves unrecognisable with miscegenation to be inclusive. Meanwhile, ethnocentrism among other ethnicities remains unabated, unleashed and encouraged with socially engineering to suppress and alienate the psyche of white people with repressive and partisan tolerances, championed by moral entrepreneurs such a Welby, Gumbel, Hudson-Wilkin and other Marxist fifth columnists, enabling and enacting treason by defying democratic rule of the UK houses of parliament.

If UK government fails to act against this fifth column governance then this is a matter for the International Criminal Court of Justice. Deplatforming white ethnicity from public awareness, whilst persecuting white ethnicity as immoral and sinful, amounts to ethnic cleanising, a punishable crime of genocide. If we are unduly ignored by authority, we must seek justice by lawfully becoming the authority.

In 2020 the British government declared itself “unequivocally against” the concept of Critical Race Theory stating: “We do not want teachers to teach their white pupils about white privilege and inherited racial guilt,” warned the equalities minister, Kemi Badenoch, at the end of a six-hour debate to mark Black History Month. “Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory, or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law.”. The 49 educational bodies advising schools in England, all but one are illegally teaching Critical Race Theory, covertly ushered into the national curriculum via the Church of England.
