
Black Marxism

Communist incitement of grotesque, anti-White racism, historically behind the most profane ideology of Black Marxists. Within these two pages I expose the Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, Nation of Yahweh, United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors and Rastafarianism.


Initially, I titled this unsightly exposure, upon first appearance as Black Belief but in hindsight of post-structuralist ethnic deconstruction tactics this Third-worldism exposure is as much about Liberation psychology, grift from destructive concepts of alienation, originally penned by Karl MarX (2nd cousin to Lionel de Rothschild) and fostered from Mao Zedong's inhumanity towards thirty million starving Chinese people.

Islamic cult leader Elijah Muhammed, Nation of Islam's proclaimed "prophet of Allah" and "saviour" of the Negro people.

A Talmudic insurrection launched, under the guise of a “Stalinist Pact” against homogenous “Gentile” monarch bloodlines via Communists insurrection destructive and corrosive Black Dominion with a concealed agenda of breeding out White people; through alienating chased down White men as “Devils” and/or as the “Spawn of Satan”. Demonisation of White people, described below, together define the dominion of a continually encroaching Kalergi Plan.

Black Panthers

The Black Panther Party (BPP), originally the Black Panther Party for Self-defence, was an anti-white, black supremacist, violent Communist organisation founded by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton in October 1966 in Oakland, California. Mao was a hero to Newton, who co-founded the Black Panther Party 50 years ago on October 15, 1966, the same year Mao kicked off the Cultural Revolution in China. The party was active in the United States from 1966 until 1982, with chapters in numerous major cities, and international chapters operating in the United Kingdom in the early 1970s, and in Algeria from 1969 until 1972.

Black Panthers founder Huey Newton at his desk with Mass Murderer Mao Zedong
Black Panthers founder Huey Newton at Harlem bookshop with Mao Zedong.
Black Panthers studying quotes from Maos Little Red Book
Group of Black Panthers reading Mao quotes from his little Red Book.

Huey and Bobby raised enough money to buy two shotguns by buying bulk quantities of the recently publicised Little Red Book and reselling them to leftist and liberals on the Berkeley campus at three times the price. According to Bobby Seale, they would “sell the books, make the money, buy the guns, and go on the streets with the guns.

Curtis Austin states that by late 1968, Black Panther ideology had evolved from black nationalism to become more a “revolutionary internationalist movement”:

Maos little red book raised above black heads and held into the air
Black Panther women raise Mao Zedong little red book above their heads. BPP members read Mao's Little Red Book and sold copies of it on the Berkeley campus.

[The Party] dropped its wholesale attacks against whites and began to emphasise more of a class analysis of society. Its emphasis on Marxist-Leninist doctrine and its repeated espousal of Maoist statements signalled the group's transition from a revolutionary nationalist to a revolutionary internationalist movement. Every Party member had to study Mao Tse-tung's “Little Red Book” to advance his or her knowledge of peoples' struggle and the revolutionary process.

Panther slogans and iconography spread. At the 1968 Summer Olympics, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, two American medallists, gave the black power salute during the American national anthem. The International Olympic Committee banned them from all future Olympic Games.

Black Panthers communist salute with fisted black gloves
Peter Norman, (left) he was an Australian that arrived in the 200 meters finals after having ran an amazing 20.22 in the semi-finals. Only the two Americans, Tommie “The Jet” Smith and John Carlos had done better: 20.14 and 20.12, respectively; Norman stood at 5’6” tall, and running as fast as him and Smith, both taller than 6’2". Norman should have received the Gold.

Inspired by Mao Zedong's advice to revolutionaries in The Little Red Book, Newton called on the Panthers to “serve the people” and to make “survival programs” a priority within its branches. Through this program, the Party was able to influence young minds, “While the children ate their meal[s], members [of the Party] taught them Maoist “liberation lessons” consisting of Party messages contrived from Mao's Little Red book and distorted representations of Black history.” Through the charitable act of giving, the Party was able to influence young minds, and strengthen their ties to communities as well as gain widespread support for their ideologies.

NBPP poster
Black Panthers were idolising Mao Zedong and preaching his soul skinning doctrines. Through Communism, Mao Zedong terrorised and mass murdered (starvation) 50+ million Chinese people.

In 1969, the Black Panther Party (BPP) established a relationship with the North Korean leadership that was based upon the principle of self-reliance (under the rubric of the Juche ideology), the transnational goal of Third World revolution, and a mutual antagonism toward American intervention around the world. After Cleaver's enthusiasm for Maoism waned, he looked to the North Korean ideology of Juche and sought to apply it to the unique situation of African Americans in the United States.

North Korean inflected paean to Juche in The Black Panther.
North Korean inflected paean to Juche in The Black Panther.

Although the U.S. government forbade its citizens from travelling to North Korea, BPP leader Eldridge Cleaver along with other Panthers bypassed travel restrictions and visited North Korea to join anti-imperialist journalist conferences in 1969 and 1970. In North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), the Panthers found a new ideology and a government that was critical of the U.S. government.

NBPP poster
North Korea's Juche in the United States, writings of Kim Il Sung were regularly reprinted in The Black Panther newspaper.

Black Panther Party members were involved in many fatal firefights with police: Huey Newton allegedly killed officer John Frey in 1967, and Eldridge Cleaver led an ambush in 1968 of Oakland police officers, in which two officers were wounded and Panther Bobby Hutton was killed. The party suffered many internal conflicts, resulting in the murders of Alex Rackley and Betty Van Patter. In 1969, Federal Bureau of Investigation Director J. Edgar Hoover described the party as “the greatest threat to the internal security of the country”.

Black Panther Party, Detroit
Black Panther Party with Maoist Third Worldism Agenda.
Armed Black Panthers
Armed Black Panther's leader delivering a pre-written speech.

I wanted to leave high school and Join the Cuban revolution. So the only reason I did not come to join [Fidel] Castro was because my mother would not let me. I was only 16.

Black Panther Party membership reached a peak in 1970, with offices in 68 cities and thousands of members, it began to decline over the following decade. Popular support for the Party declined further after reports of the group's alleged criminal activities, such as drug dealing and extortion of Oakland merchants. Scholars have characterised the Black Panther Party as the most influential black movement organisation of the late 1960s, and “the strongest link between the domestic Black Liberation Struggle and global opponents of American imperialism” but other commentators have described the Party as more criminal than political, characterised by “defiant posturing over substance”.

Black Panthers founder Huey Newton meets Zhou Enlai
Black Panthers founder Huey Newton meets Zhou Enlai (first Premier of the People's Republic of China) in September 1971.
Black Panthers promoting mass murdering communist dictators Kim Il Sung, Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong. October 1970.

In late September 1971, founder Huey P. Newton led a Black Panther delegation to China and stayed for 10 days. At every airport in China, Huey was greeted by thousands of people waving copies of the Little Red Book and displaying signs that said, “we support the Black Panther Party, down with US imperialism” or “we support the American people but the Nixon imperialist regime must be overthrown”. Huey was under the impression he was going to meet Mao Zedong, but instead had two meetings with the first Premier of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Enlai. One of these meetings also included Mao Zedong's wife, Jiang Qing. Huey described China as “a free and liberated territory with a socialist government”.

Header of the ‘Intercommunal News’ section of the Black Panthers’ newspaper, 30 January 1971, page 12
Header of the ‘Intercommunal News’ section of the Black Panthers’ newspaper, 30 January 1971, page 12.

During the trip, the Chinese arranged for him to meet and have dinner with a DPRK ambassador, a Tanzanian ambassador, and delegations from both North Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam. Between 1974-77, Huey Newton spent three years self exiling in Cuba to avoid prosecution for the murder of Kathleen Smith, an eighteen-year-old White prostitute. Although Newton confided to friends that Kathleen Smith was his “first non-political murder”, he was ultimately acquitted, after one witness's testimony was impeached by her admission that she had been smoking marijuana on the night of the murder, and another prostitute witness recanted her testimony.

Newton was also acquitted of pistol-whipping his tailor, Preston Callins after Callins refused to press charges. In 1989, a “New Black Panther Party” was formed in Dallas, Texas. Ten years later, the NBPP became home to many former Nation of Islam members when its chairmanship was taken by Khalid Abdul Muhammad.

US Organization

US Organization, or Organization Us, is a Black nationalist group in the United States founded in 1965. It was established as a community organization by Hakim Jamal together with Marxist professor Maulana Karenga. It was a rival to the Black Panther Party in California. One of the early slogans was "Anywhere we are US is". "US" referred to "[us] black people", in opposition to their perceived oppressors ("them"). After the assassination of Malcolm X in February 1965 and the Watts riots the following August, the Black Congress was founded as a community-rebuilding effort in Watts. Two BC members, Maulana Karenga and Hakim Jamal, began a discussion group focused on black nationalist ideas, called the "circle of seven." Hakim Jamal, cousin of Malcolm X, created a magazine entitled US. It was a pun on the phrase "us and them" and the standard abbreviation of "United States", referring to "Us Black People" as a nation. This promoted the idea of black cultural unity as a distinct national identity.

Failed Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris (Vice President of the United States under President Joe Biden) indoctrinates her viewers into the festival of Kwanzaa, a so-called replacement for Christmas. Harris father, Donald J. Harris was a Marxist professor of Economics at Stanford University.

The group's ideals revolve around what Karenga called "the seven principles of African Heritage" which he summarized as "communitarian philosophy": Unity (Umoja), Self-Determination (Kujichagulia), Collective Work and Responsibility (Ujima), Cooperative Economics (Ujamaa), Purpose (Nia), Creativity (Kuumba), and Faith (Imani). Karenga's ideas culminated in the invention of the Kwanzaa festival in 1966, designed as the first specifically African-American holiday. It was to be celebrated over the Christmas/New Year period. Karenga said his goal was to "give Blacks an alternative to the existing holiday and give Blacks an opportunity to celebrate themselves and history, rather than simply imitate the practice of the dominant society.". For Karenga, a major figure in the Black Power movement of the 1960s and 1970s, the creation of the holiday also underscored an essential premise that "you must have a cultural revolution before the violent revolution. The cultural revolution gives identity, purpose and direction.".

Karenga, center, with wife Tiamoyo at left, celebrating Kwanzaa at the Rochester Institute of Technology on December 12, 2003.

During the early years of Kwanzaa, Karenga said it was meant to be a black alternative to Christmas. Karenga, a secular humanist, challenged the sanity of Jesus and declared Christianity a "White religion" that black people should shun..

The Black Panthers and US had different aims and tactics but often found themselves competing for potential recruits. This rivalry came to a head in 1969, when the two groups supported different candidates to head the Afro-American Studies Center at the University of California, Los Angeles. On January 17, 1969, a gun battle between the groups on the UCLA campus ended in the deaths of two Black Panthers: John Huggins and Alprentice "Bunchy" Carter. This led to a series of retaliatory shootings that lasted for months. Later in 1969, two other Black Panther members were killed and one other was wounded by US members. The Panthers referred to the US organization as the "United Slaves", a name never actually used by members of US but which is often mistaken for the group's official name. In 1971, Karenga, Louis Smith, and Luz Maria Tamayo were convicted of felony assault. Karenga was sentenced to one to ten years in prison on counts of felony assault and false imprisonment. Karenga was imprisoned at the California Men's Colony, where he studied and wrote on feminism, Pan-Africanism, and other subjects.

Black Liberation Army

The Black Liberation Army (BLA) was an underground Black Power revolutionary organisation that operated in the United States from 1970 to 1981. Composed entirely of Black Panthers (BPP) who served as members of both groups, the organisation's program was one of war against the United States government, and its stated goal was to “take up arms for the liberation and self-determination of black people in the United States.” The BLA carried out a series of bombings, killings of police officers and drug dealers, robberies (which participants termed “expropriations”), and prison breaks.

Black Liberation Army Communique-November 5 1981
Black Liberation Army Communique-November 5 1981.
1970-72: Attacks
  • According to a Justice Department report on BLA activity, the Black Liberation Army was suspected of involvement in over 70 incidents of violence between 1970 and 1976. The Fraternal Order of Police blamed the BLA for the murders of 13 police officers.
  • On October 22, 1970, the BLA was believed to have planted a bomb in St. Brendan's Church in San Francisco while it was full of mourners attending the funeral of San Francisco police officer Harold Hamilton, who had been killed in the line of duty while responding to a bank robbery. The bomb was detonated, but no one in the church suffered serious injuries.
  • On May 21, 1971, as many as five men participated in the murder of two New York City police officers, Joseph Piagentini and Waverly Jones. Those arrested and brought to trial for the shootings include Anthony Bottom (a.k.a. Jalil Muntaqim), Albert Washington, Francisco Torres, Gabriel Torres, and Herman Bell.
  • On August 29, 1971, three armed men murdered 51-year-old San Francisco police sergeant John Victor Young while he was working at a desk in his police station, which was almost empty at the time due to a bombing attack on a bank that took place earlier — only one other officer and a civilian clerk were there. Two days later, the San Francisco Chronicle received a letter signed by the BLA claiming responsibility for the attack.
  • On November 3, 1971, Officer James R. Greene of the Atlanta Police Department was shot and killed in his patrol van at a gas station. His wallet, badge, and weapon were taken, and the evidence at the scene pointed to two suspects. The first was Twymon Meyers, who was killed in a police shootout in 1973, and the second was Freddie Hilton (a.k.a. Kamau Sadiki), who evaded capture until 2002, when he was arrested in New York City on a separate charge, and was recognised as one of the men wanted in the Greene murder. Apparently, the two men had attacked the officer to gain standing with their compatriots within the Black Liberation Army.
  • On January 27, 1972, the Black Liberation Army assassinated police officers Gregory Foster and Rocco Laurie at the corner of 174 Avenue B in New York City. After the killings, a note sent to authorities portrayed the murders as a retaliation for the prisoner deaths during the 1971 Attica prison riot.
  • To date, no arrests have been made. Two of the three suspects died in “unrelated shoot-outs with cops — one in New York, and one in St. Louis, with Laurie’s gun in his car” and the third was sentenced in 2016 to 21 years for selling heroin to undercover police. Evidence found at the scene has been lost.
1972-79: Actions and flights
  • On July 31, 1972, five armed individuals hijacked Delta Air Lines Flight 841 en route from Detroit to Miami, eventually collecting a ransom of $1 million and diverting the plane, after passengers were released, to Algeria. The authorities there seized the ransom but allowed the group to flee. Four were eventually caught by French authorities in Paris, where they were convicted of various crimes, but one—George Wright—remained a fugitive until September 26, 2011, when he was captured in Portugal. Portuguese courts rejected the initial pledge for extradition. American authorities may still appeal this decision.
  • In another high-profile incident, Assata Shakur, Zayd Shakur and Sundiata Acoli were said to have opened fire on state troopers in New Jersey after being pulled over for a broken taillight. Zayd Shakur and state trooper Werner Foerster were both killed during the exchange. Following her capture, Assata Shakur was tried in six different criminal trials. According to Shakur, she was beaten and tortured during her incarceration in a number of different federal and state prisons. The charges ranged from kidnapping to assault and battery to bank robbery. Assata Shakur was found guilty of the murder of both Foerster and her companion Zayd Shakur, but escaped prison in 1979 and eventually fled to Cuba and received political asylum. Acoli was convicted of killing Foerster and sentenced to life in prison.
1981: Brinks robbery
  • The BLA was active in the US until at least 1981 when a Brinks truck robbery, conducted with support from former Weather Underground members Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, left a guard and two police officers dead. Boudin and Gilbert, along with several BLA members, were subsequently arrested.
Black Liberation Army Communiqué — A Message from the Underground’, Black Liberation Army, United States, [early 1980s].

ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE Here are the license plates sort after by the fascist state pig police. We send them in order to exhibit the potential power of oppressed people to acquire REVOLUTIONARY JUSTICE.

The armed goons of this fascist government will again meet the guns of oppressed third world peoples as long as they occupy our community and murder our brothers and sisters in the name of AMERICAN LAW AND ORDER; just as the fascist Marines and Irmy occupy Vietnam in the name of democracy and murder Vietnamese people in the name of American imperialism are confronted with the guns of the Vietnamese Lib-eration Army, the domestic armed forces of racism and oppression will be confronted with the guns of the BLACK LIBERATION ARMY, who will mete out in the tradition of Malcolm and all true revolutionaries real justice.


Comrade DEDANE OLUGBALA a/k/a ZAYD MALK SHAKUR like many other revolutionaries has paid the supreme sacrifice, for the liberation of his people. The blood was no super nigger, or super star. He was just a nigger that was tired of the racist pig cops, shooting down unarmed Brothers and Sisters in the street, such as the recent murder of 10 year old Clifford Glover.

The BRother wanted an immediate end to the murders and brutalities committed on our People by racist policemen. He felt that the only way to end such conditions as police oppression was through revolution and not a Kneegrow revolution either, but through a violent sad bloody revolution. The brother related to the teachings and speeches of Malcolm. He related to the worts of Malcolm.

Malcolm said we should speak the language of the oppressor. If the oppressor'speaks the language of a shotgun, then we should speak the language. So the Brother spoke the language of our oppressor. The blood realised that Peace was not the correct method to use against these pigs in Babylon.


We, of the Black Liberation Army do relate to the desire of the people to gain freedom, and we do condemn the efforts by the power structure to sup-press those of the Republic of New Africa (RNA) who are striving to acquire land in Hinds County Mississippi. THEIR STRUGGLE IS OUR STRUGGLE; THEIR FREEDOM IS OUR FREEDOM; THEIR BLOOD IS OUR BLOOD. So, let it be known that if one drop of Black Blood is shed, the sons and daughters of Malcolm will rise and pig blood will flow like a river wherever pigs exist. Woe unto those who cannot swim.


This is from the George Jackson Squad of the BLACK LIBERATION ARMY about the pigs wiped out in lower Manhattan last night. For too long black people have been callously murdered for the sake of property. Never again! For everyone of us that are murdered two of you will die. Thinka* boufct it! No longer will we tolerate Attica and oppression and exploitation and rape of our Black community. This is the start of our spring offensive. We also dealt with the pigs in stores and social clubs just isn't our stick.

Now we do stick up, because the revolution needs money. But we do ntt rob from our own people or any third world people. How do we look tating $&0 dollars from a grocery store, when we can go down to CHASE MANHATTAN'S and take $00thousand dollars? (Can you dig it?) Once again we deny robbing that grocery store for $SO dallars, and we also deny sticking up some social club that we were supposed to have killed some blood in. We do not rob or kill tMrd world people, it's agains our principles.

Now they don't deny killing pigs or any other oppressive forces in the Black community. Yes,we take credit for killing pigs, bank robberies, jail breaks, sky jackings, etc. We also take credit for the recent ambushes on the pigs. The ambushes were sincere attempts to take them off the count. And our reason for trying to kill them pigs was to revenge our dead comrades CHANGA QLUGBALA (Woodie Green) and KIMU OLUGBALA (Anthony White) who were murdered by pigs both whiteys and niggers, in a Brooklyn bar. Due to the unfortunate outcome of the ambushes they haven't been avenged YET!I We will say it again so there's no confusion or misunderstanding. We did not rob any blood in Harlem or at social club. In dealing with those robberies we've been so falsely accused of, let's look at it logically and be realistic sabout Banks are more feasible than grocery stores and social clubs.

The conditions under which the Black Liberation Army formed are not entirely clear. It is commonly believed that the organisation was founded by those who left the Black Panther Party after Eldridge Cleaver was expelled from the party's Central Committee. A fallout was inevitable between Cleaver and other Panther leaders after he publicly criticised the BPP, among other things accusing Panther social programs of being reformist rather than revolutionary.

New Black Panther Party

In 1989, a group calling itself the “New Black Panther Party” was formed in Dallas, Texas. Ten years later, the NBPP became home to many former Nation of Islam members when its chairmanship was taken by Khalid Abdul Muhammad. The NBPP upholds Khalid Abdul Muhammad as the de facto father of the movement. When former Nation of Islam (NOI) minister Khalid Abdul Muhammad became the national chairman of the NBPP from the late 1990s until he died in 2001, he, Shabazz, and many other breakaway members of the NOI followed Muhammad to the NBPP.

Shebaz and comrade holding guns underneath a picture of Kalid Muhammad
Shebaz and comrade holding guns underneath a picture of Kalid Muhammad.
Ring of CCTV
Shebaz makes an appearance on the front page of the Philadelphia Weekly.

I hate White people, all of them, every last iota of a cracker I hate him (next clip) You want freedom, you're going to have to kill some crackers, you're going to have to kill some of their babies.

Leader of the Philadelphia Black Panthers.

The New Black Panther Party is currently led by Krystal Muhammad. Calling the NBPP extremist, critics have cited Muhammad's Million Youth March in Harlem, a youth equivalent of the Million-Man March, in which the protest against police brutality included speakers calling for the extermination of white South Africans.

Nation of Islam (N.O.I)

The Nation of Islam (NOI), also known as the "voodoo cult" - The Voodoo Cult Among Negro Migrants in Detroit by Erdmann Doane Beynon is the largest Black nationalist organisation in the U.S, has maintained a consistent record of anti-white racism and bigotry since its founding in the 1930s. The NOI’s headquarters are located at Mosque Maryam in Chicago, IL operating numerous mosques and study groups across the U.S. and abroad. The Nation of Islam, modeled after other socio-religious groups of the early 20th century, was founded in Detroit in 1930 by Fard Muhammad, who taught his followers that he was Allah (God) incarnate. Upon Fard’s disappearance later that decade, his disciple Elijah Muhammad took over and promoted the idea that white people were created by an evil Black scientist and that Black people are the superior race.

Origin of the N.O.I

The Nation of Islam was founded in July 1930 by a door-to-door carpet salesman named Wallace Fard [Wallace Fard's real identity maybe Bolshevik József Pogány, alias John Pepper]. In 1931 Fard met migrant worker Elijah Poole (Elijah Muhammad) and is told to have educated him night and day into the “profound Secret Wisdom of the Reality of God”. The N.O.I believe Fard to be “Mahdi of Islam, as “Allah in the Flesh” and “the second coming of Jesus, the Christ, Jehovah, God, and the Son of Man”. Fard was last to be been seen by Elijah, thereafter he mysteriously disappeared, never to be heard from again.

Jim Jones and the Nation of Islam.

Elijah Muhammad adopted Fard's Detroit group, renaming it to Nation of Islam from Fard's Allah Temple of Islam. For 41 years, Elijah grew the small group into a large movement. Muhammad preached his version of Islam to his followers in the Nation. According to him, blacks were known as the 'original' human being, with 'evil' whites being an offshoot race that would go on to oppress black people for 6,000 years. He preached that the Nation of Islam's goal was to return the stolen hegemony of the inferior whites to blacks across America. At the high of his power, the N.O.I was estimated to have had at least 250,000 members; notably Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X.

Ring of CCTV
Look through the darkness to see the light reveal Malicecomelm X.

History proves that the white man is a devil.

Letters from Ernest 2X McGee, an ex-first national secretary of the NOI revealed what he knew of Fard, alleging he was John Walker of Gary who had come to America at 27 from Greece, had served prison time for stealing junk and raping a 17-year-old girl, and had died in Chicago, Illinois at 78. Letters stated blacks had been better off “from a psychological point of view” before Fard and the Messenger came along because it weaned them from Christianity to a fabricated form of Islam, both, in his opinion, were bad.

N.O.I assassination of Malcolm X

On December 1, 1963, when asked for a comment about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X said that it was a case of “chickens coming home to roost”. He added that “chickens coming home to roost never did make me sad; they've always made me glad.” Revealing the extramarital affairs of Elijah Muhammad (who attempted to justify his infidelity with biblical references), a NOI suspension (prohibited from public speaking for 90 days), and other factors caused a rift between the two men, with Malcolm X leaving the Nation of Islam in March 1964 to form his religious organisation, Muslim Mosque Inc.

Black Panthers founder Huey Newton meets Zhou Enlai
Malcolm X with Fidel Castro, a Cuban communist revolutionary politician, a Marxist-Leninist and Cuban nationalist.

On February 21, 1965, former N.O.I preacher Malcolm X (born Malcolm Little) was preparing to address the OAAU in Manhattan's Audubon Ballroom when someone in the 400-person audience yelled, “Nigger! Get your hand outta my pocket!” As Malcolm X and his bodyguards tried to quell the disturbance, a man rushed forward and shot him once in the chest with a sawed-off shotgun, and two other men charged the stage firing semi-automatic handguns. An autopsy identified 21 gunshot wounds to the chest, left shoulder, arms and legs, including ten buckshot wounds from the initial shotgun blast.

Did you put Malcolm out before the world? Was Malcolm your traitor or ours? And if we dealt with him like a nation deals with a traitor, what the hell business is it of yours?.

The main gunman was Nation of Islam member Talmadge Hayer (also known as Thomas Hagan), the other two gunmen were identified as Nation members Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson. All three were convicted of murder in March 1966 and sentenced to life in prison. In 1977 and 1978, Hayer signed affidavits reasserting Butler's and Johnson's innocence, naming four other Nation members as participants in the murder or its planning, although the affidavits did not result in the murder case being reopened. One of the convicted assassins named Butler, today known as Muhammad Abdul Aziz, was paroled in 1985 and became the head of the Nation's Harlem mosque in 1998.

Big head scientist Yakub

In the wacky published beliefs of the Nation of Islam (NOI), Yakub, sometimes spelt Yacub or Yaqub and obviously not to be confused with the fictional over factual, role reversal soul skinning antics of Zera Yacob (Crown Prince Amha Selassie) is written as a black scientist who lived “6,600 years ago” and began the creation of the white race. He is said to have done this through a form of selective breeding referred to as “grafting”, while living on the island of Patmos. However, there is no historical or scientific evidence for these beliefs. The Nation of Islam theology states that Yakub is the biblical Jacob. All other branches of Islam, as well as Christianity and Judaism, reject these assertions. The story has caused disputes within the NOI during its history.

Screenshot from bizarre Nation of Islam (NOI) animated film of mythic big-headed Scientist YAKUB; NOI alleges Yakub was maker of White Race, grafting white people from black people.
N.O.I asserts Blacks were taken from Ethiopia and miscegenation grafted on the Greek island of Patmos to create what the N.O.I calls "White Devils".

Under N.O.I's current leader Louis Farrakhan (formerly known as Louis X), the N.O.I continue to assert that the story of Yakub is true, claiming that modern science is consistent with it. The story of Yakub originated in the writings of Wallace Fard Muhammad, the founder of the Nation of Islam, in his doctrinal Q&A pamphlet Lost Found Moslem Lesson No. 2. It was developed by his successor Elijah Muhammad in several writings, most fully in a chapter entitled “The Making of Devil” in his book Message to the Blackman in America. The writings of Elijah Muhammad advise a student must learn that the white man is “Yacub's grafted Devil” and “the Skunk of the planet Earth”.

The Yakub made devils were really pale white, with really blue eyes; which we think are the ugliest of colours for a human eye. They were called Caucasian -- which means, according to some of the Arab scholars, One whose evil effect is not confined to one's self alone, but affects others.

The disturbing, racist doctrine of Yakub is told to be one of the reasons for splits in the Nation of Islam. Later in his life, in later statements, Malcolm X rejected the Yakub story, asserting that anyone of any race who intentionally deprives others of basic human rights is a “devil”. Warith Deen Mohammed, who took over the Nation of Islam after his father Elijah's death, rejected it almost immediately and tried to re-invent the Nation as a mainstream Sunni Islam movement. Louis Farrakhan reinstated the original Nation of Islam and has reasserted his belief in the literal truth of the story of Yakub.

Louis Farrakhan

Farrakhan was born Louis Eugene Walcott in The Bronx, New York; his parents were immigrants from the Anglo-Caribbean islands. Farrakhan says he never knew his biological father. In a 1996 interview with Henry Louis Gates Jr., he speculated that his father, “Gene”, may have been Jewish. Farrakhan joined the legacy Nation of Islam and followed Imam Warith Al-Deen Mohammed, and eventually became a Sunni Imam under him for ​3 1⁄2 years from 1975 to 1978. In 1978, Farrakhan and a few supporters decided to rebuild what they considered the original Nation of Islam upon the foundations established by Wallace Fard Muhammad, and Elijah Muhammad.

Farrakhan with Christian Priest
Father Death Angel Michael Pfleger's hosting of N.O.I Louis Farrakhan at St. Sabina Church, Chicago

I charge the white man with being the greatest liar on earth! I charge the white man with being the greatest drunkard on earth…. I charge the white man with being the greatest gambler on earth. I charge the white man, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, with being the greatest murderer on earth. I charge the white man with being the greatest peace-breaker on earth…. I charge the white man with being the greatest robber on earth. I charge the white man with being the greatest deceiver on earth. I charge the white man with being the greatest trouble-maker on earth. So therefore, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I ask you, bring back a verdict of guilty as charged!

Louis Farrakhan speech documented in The Hate That Hate Produced 1959.

In 1985, Farrakhan obtained working capital for $5 million, in the form of an interest-free loan from Libya's Islamic Call Society. Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi had also offered Farrahkan guns to begin a black nation. It was reported that Farrakhan said that he told Gaddafi that he preferred an economic investment in black America. At an event in Milwaukee in August 2015, Farrakhan said: “White people deserve to die, and they know, so they think it’s us coming to do it.” In 1985, Farrakhan obtained working capital of $5 million, in the form of an interest-free loan from Libya's Islamic Call Society. Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi had also offered Farrahkan guns to begin a black nation. Farrakhan claimed that he told Gaddafi that he preferred an economic investment in black America.

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali [birth name Cassius Clay] was an adherent to the doctrine of the N.O.I, in this short clip below Ali proclaims the white man is the Blue eyed, Blonde haired “Devil”. Muhammad Ali's anti-White hate speech was platformed on Michael Parkinson's chat show four times! Produced and aired by BBC's Head of “Light Entertainment”, Bill Cotton.

Muhammad Ali interview by Michael Parkinson.

Ali's “icon” posters are everywhere, white people naively view them as inert; unknowing that the anti haters who hang them wish to kill them off. I surmise the Nation of Islam was created to bring Asian Muslims into the anti-White Communist Black narrative which is clearly evident, although concealed between compartmentalisations in todays Multicultural British society.

Khalid Muhammad

Khalid Muhammad was a black nationalist leader in the United States who became a prominent figure in the Nation of Islam and later the New Black Panther Party. By 1984, Muhammad had become one of Louis Farrakhan's most trusted advisers in the Nation of Islam. He travelled to Libya on a fund-raising trip, where he became well acquainted with that country's leader, Muammar al-Gaddafi. Muhammad's dedication to Farrakhan and the message of the NOI eventually secured him the title of national spokesman, and he was named one of Louis Farrakhan's friends in 1981.

Khalid Muhammad
Khalid Muhammad accompanied by Armed Guards.

Who are the slum lords in the Black community? The so-called Jews… Who is it sucking our blood in the Black community? A white impostor Jew.

He served at Nation of Islam mosques in New York and Atlanta throughout the 1980s. A federal court convicted him in 1987 of mortgage fraud and sentenced him to nine months in prison. After his prison term, he returned to the Nation, becoming Farrakhan's national adviser in 1991.

Get out of town before sundown. I said if they don't get out of town we kill the men, we kill the women, we kill the children, we kill the babies, we kill the blind, we kill the cripple, we kill the crazy, we kill the faggots, we kill the lesbians, I said Goddam it, we kill them all. He said, well, why kill em all? why kill the women, first why kill the babies, there just little innocent blue-eyed babies because Goddam it they are going to grow up one day to rule your babies, kill them now… Why kill the women in South Africa? I said kill the women because the women are the military manufacturing centre and every nine months they down on their backs and reinforce their roles from out been their legs, so shut down the military manufacturing centre by killing the white women. Why kill old the crackers, all decrepit crackers in South Africa, how the hell do you think they got old, they got old oppressing and killing black people?

After being stripped of his position as NOI spokesman, Muhammad became the national chairman of the New Black Panther Party. In 1998, Muhammad organised the “Million Youth March” in New York City, which attracted an estimated 6,000 participants. At the march, Muhammad exhorted the rally participants to attack the oncoming police, to beat them with rails, and to shoot them with their guns. Dozens were arrested, and 30 officers and five civilians were injured. Mayor Giuliani who had initially refused the march said the march turned out to be precisely what he predicted, “filled with hatred, horrible, awful, vicious, anti-Semitic and other anti-white rhetoric, as well as exhortations to kill people, murder people … the speeches given today should not occur [at] any place.

Death Angels

The "Zebra" murders were a string of racially motivated murders and related attacks committed by a group of four Black serial killers in San Francisco, California, United States, from October 1973 to April 1974; they killed at least 15 White people and wounded eight others. Police gave the case the name "Zebra" after the special police " due to the "Z" police frequency radio band they assigned to the investigation. Some authorities believe that the Death Angels, as the perpetrators called themselves, may have killed as many as 73 or more victims since 1970.

1974 mugshots of the 4 men (l. to r. Manuel Moore, Larry Green, Jessie Lee Cooks, and J.C.X. Simon) later convicted in the Zebra murders case in California.

Larry grabbed the woman by her hair and took a machete knife and took her 20 feet from the van. He raised it over his head and sliced down on her neck. He kept chopping, chopping. He came over to where I was standing and said, 'You should have seen the blood gush out of that devil's neck.'.

Criminology professor Anthony Walsh wrote in a 2005 article that the "San Francisco–based Death Angels may have killed more people in the early- to mid-1970s than all the other serial killers operating during that period combined.". In 1974, a worker at the warehouse where the Death Angels were based testified to police for a reward, providing private details about the murders. Based on his evidence, four men were arrested in connection with the case. They were convicted in a jury trial of first-degree murder and conspiracy charges, and sentenced to life imprisonment. The informant received immunity from prosecution for his testimony, and he, along with his family, was admitted to a witness protection program.

Nearly 80 California murderous assaults, principally in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Alameda, and Sacramento counties between September of 1970 to date, have been characterised by the "DEATH ANGEL" pattern of operations, i.e. unprovoked attacks involving random shooting of Whites in the street or mutilation by heavy-bladed weapons committed by neatly dressed young Black men.

The murders caused widespread panic in San Francisco. The city suffered losses in revenue by a dramatic drop in tourist traffic; many hotel, nightclub, restaurant, and theater owners reported a decline in business. Streets were deserted at night, even in North Beach, a neighborhood with seven-night-a-week nightlife. Initial evidence related to the killings revealed a common pattern. In a hit-and-run shooting, the gunman would walk up to his victim, shoot the victim repeatedly at close range, and flee on foot. Another link among the shootings was the killers' preference for a .32 caliber pistol, based on the slugs recovered from the victims and the shell casings found at the crime scenes.

The local group is a division of a larger organisation dedicated to the murder and mutilation of Whites and dissident Blacks. The pattern of killing is by random street shooting or hacking to death with machete, cleaver or knife. Decapitation or other forms of mayhem bring special credit from the organisation for the killers. Hitchhikers are a particular prey.

By April 18, 1974, rewards totaling $30,000 were being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) involved in the murders. Just ten days later, on April 28, 1974, Anthony Harris attended a secret meeting with the mayor that led to the arrests of seven men on May 1, 1974, just six months after the killings began. The men were identified as: J. C. Simon, 29; Larry Green, 22; Manuel Moore, 23; Dwight Stallins, 28; Thomas Manney, 31; Edgar Burton, 22; Clarence Jamison, 27; the last four were released due to lack of evidence.

DEATH ANGELS," a kind of reverse Ku Klux Klan, is based on the muddled aberrations clearly outside the mainstream of Islamic religions. In my opinion, it represents as much a potential threat to Blacks as to Whites. Members are usually characterised by trim, neat appearance, and purport to live by a puritanical code of moral conduct.

In the ten hours of interrogation that was taped, he provided names, vehicle descriptions, stash locations inside of vehicles, and the center location where victims were taken for killing and dismemberment. Search warrants were issued for a Black Self-Help center where Green, Simon, and Moore worked, in Green and Simon's apartment, and in automobiles seized. At the center they collected a roll of rope, an axe, bows and arrows, a sickle, a machete, wire, plastic bags, five knives, a small hatchet, a hand saw, and a spear. In the apartment, they found two swords with scabbards and rope. Mayor Alioto, following the arrests, released a statement.

United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors

The Nuwaubian Nation or Nuwaubian movement is an American religious group founded and led by Dwight York, he is also known as Malachi Z. York, Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, Dr York. York began founding Black Muslim groups in New York in 1967. He changed his teachings and the names of his groups many times, incorporating concepts from Judaism, Christianity, and many esoteric beliefs.

Nuwaubian Cosplay
Egyptian dress up, Nuwaubian Cosplay.
Nuwaubian Cosplay
Red Indian dress up, Nuwaubian Cosplay.

I don’t believe in any of this shit. If I had to dress up like a nun, if I had to be a Jew, I’d do it for this type of money.

In July 1999, Time magazine reported on the “40-ft. pyramids, obelisks, gods, goddesses and a giant sphinx,” built by York's followers in rural Georgia in an article titled “Space Invaders”. In view of all the eygptian mythology it is difficult to not to suspect Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC) being involved in orchastrating this cult.

Nuwaubian Space Invader Compound.

White people are the devil. They say the Nuwaubians are not racist — bullcrap! I a.. White people are devils — always was, always will be.

In the late 1980s, he abandoned the Muslim theology of his movement in favour of Kemetism and UFO religion. In 1991, he took his community to settle in up state New York; then they moved near to Eatonton, the county seat of Putnam County in Georgia. His followers built an ancient Egypt-themed compound called Tama-Re and changed their name to the “United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors.”.

Nuwuabian Grand Lodge
York Dwight wearing Nuwuabian Grand Lodge sweat shirt.
Nuwuabian Grand Lodge
Jessie Jackson (Prince Hall Freemasonry) with Nuwuabian "Holy Royal Arch Masonic Order".

York was convicted in 2004 of child molestation and violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act. He is serving a 135-year sentence. His case was appealed to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which upheld the convictions on October 27, 2005. A U.S. Supreme Court appeal was denied in June 2006.

Child Molester
One Hundred and Thirty Five Years!

Beginning in Brooklyn, York had established strict sexual practices within the community, reserving for himself sexual access to many women and girls, including wives and children of followers. Anonymous letters were sent to Putnam County officials alleging child molestation at the Nuwaubian community. The FBI, which had started investigating the group in 1993, assigned a major task force to it. In 2002 York was arrested and charged with more than 100 counts of sexually molesting dozens of children, some as young as four years old. According to Bill Osinski, who wrote a 2007 book about York and the case:

Nuwaubian Cosplay
Dwight York.

When he [York] was finally indicted, state prosecutors literally had to cut back the number of counts listed — from well beyond a thousand to slightly more than 200 — because they feared a jury simply wouldn't believe the magnitude of York's evil.… [It] is believed to be the nation's largest child molestation prosecution ever directed at a single person, in terms of the number of victims and number of alleged criminal acts.

York’s “Main wife” Kathy Johnson reportedly did agree to a guilty plea and was sentenced to two years in prison. She had been accused of child molestation, procuring children for sex with York, and instructing the children on sexual techniques. In April 2004, Johnson was sentenced to two years in prison, to be followed by 18 years on probation. Three other women were initially charged, but have never been prosecuted.

Always ending in ruin… the Nuwaubian “space invaders” compound evicted and destroyed.

The Nuwaubian Nation of Moors was known for having really odd beliefs. Among their beliefs were the following “truths:”..

York believes that his betrayal, arrest, trial, and imprisonment (and eventual release) were foretold in chapter 10 of a book titled “The Wars of the Gods and the Men” by exposed Freemason and infamous worldwide published crank Zecharia Sitchin, with York assuming himself as being represented by Mar-duq in that story. Sitchin hypothesises that the gods of old Mesopotamia were actually astronauts from the planet "Nibiru", which Sitchin claims the Sumerians believed was a remote "12th planet" (counting the Sun, Moon and Pluto as planets) associated with the god Marduk. According to Sitchin, Nibiru continues to orbit the Sun on a 3,600-year elongated orbit.

York with the hairs of Zecharia's chinney chin Sitchin.

Various new religious movements including some branches of theosophy, Scientology, Raëlism, Aetherius Society, Benjamin Creme's Theosophical Maitreya and mass suicide cult Heaven's Gate believed in ancient and present-day contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. Many of these faiths see both ancient scriptures and recent revelations as connected with the action of aliens from other planetary systems; however modern astronomy has found no evidence to support Sitchin's ideas. As of 2018, Dwight York is serving his sentence (as a convicted paedophile) at the United States Penitentiary Administrative Maximum Facility (ADX) in Florence, Colorado, as Inmate # 17911-054. His projected release date is April 7, 2122.

Dwight York Publication
Dwight York Publication.
Dwight York Publication
Dwight York Publication.

York had some interesting things to say about Rastafarianism before he was incarcerated. He stated in a published pamphlet that the Emperor of Ethiopia in the 1930s has ordered As Sayyid Al Haadi Abdur Rahman Al Mahdi (Yorks alleged father) to be killed.

Haile Selassie in limo with John F Kennedy, just “six” weeks before Kennedy was sacrificed, assassinated. Kennedy was the only American President not to be related to the British Monarchy, leading many to suggest Kennedy was descended from an Irish King. Thousands of secret files have been withheld by governmental agencies from public scrutiny for almost 60 years after Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, Texas in 1963.

There is also a question as to why was the Emperor of Ethiopia at JFK's funeral, if JFK had been murdered by Communist trained assassin and spy Lee Harvey Oswald, rumour had it that JFK was from Celtic Monarch lineage, Selassie an envoy snake of the insidious Kalergi Plan.


Rastafari is a political, religious and cultural insurrection that began less than 100 years ago. It is based off Christian, traditional African beliefs, Marxism and Pan-Africanism. It began with the first literate blacks in Jamaica relating themselves into the Bible. The single most important bible verse for Rastafari is in Psalm 68, verse 32: “Princes shall come out of Egypt, Ethiopia shall soon stretch forth her hands unto God.” (Blumberg).

Rastafarian “Living God” Haile Selassie (born Lij Tafari Makonnen or Ras Tafari but known to Rastafarians as Jah) with all his family meeting and shaking hands with the world's greatest mass murderer (45 million dead in just 4 years!) Mao Zedong.

Haile Selassie

Lij Tafari Makonnen alias name Haile Selassie is written as traslating as “Power of the Trinity”, his bloodline is claimed to be Solomonic, from the Amhara Branch House of Solomon. Himself and all his decrepit descendants were of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo religion, and so were all buried at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Addis Ababa. The Cathedral is a founding member of the World Council of Churches, a worldwide organisation that has been historically and closely tied to the Russian / Communist KGB (formerly known in the Red terror years of the Holodomor Genocide as the Cheka).

Lij Tafari Makonnen (alias Haile Selassie).
Zera Yacob Amha Selassie.

Haile Selassie had made a pact with Mao Zedong and allied with mass murderers Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, and Kim Il-Sung. Selassie refused to modernise his stance from Stalinist/Maoism to a more “humane” Communism that embraced Marxist Leninism. Inevitably, this ultimately led to his overthrow and death in 1974 by a military junta named the “Derg”.

Six Unholy Truths

Jamaicans found the alleged prophecy of Rastafarianism fulfilled when Haile Selassie became crowned emperor of Ethiopia. Rastafarians boasted that not only was Selassie a black man crowned within Ethiopia, but also he was the first black man crowned in the entire world. Ethiopia became a fixation for Rastafari, and thus the “6 holy truths” were soon developed (made up):

  1. Black people are the descendants and of the early Israelites and have been exiled to Jamaica by the White man
  2. Haile Selassie is the living God
  3. The White person is inferior to the Black person
  4. Ethiopia is heaven while Babylon is hell
  5. Their God will arrange for their repatriation to Ethiopia
  6. In the future, Blacks will rule the world (Barret, pg 104, 1988)

Marcus Garvey

Many Rastas regard Jamaican political activist Marcus Garvey as a prophet, believing that he prophesied the crowning of Haile Selassie similarly to how John the Baptist prophesied the coming of Jesus Christ. Many legends and tales are told about Garvey within Jamaica's Rasta community of which attribute him with supernatural attributes, for instance, there is a tale told about him—and also independently told about the pioneering Rasta Leonard Howell—that Garvey miraculously knew that his bath had been poisoned and refused to get into it.

Marcus Garvey

Marcus Garvey was ethnocentric and committed to racial purity, Garvey was invariably against race mixing, leaving Du Bois to denounce Garvey as ‘a grand distraction’.

Other stories among Jamaica's Rastas hold that Garvey never really died and remained alive, perhaps living in Africa. Some Rastas also organise meetings, known as Nyabinghi Issemblies, to mark Garvey's birthday. To the contrary, according to scholar Barry Chevannes, Garvey would have regarded the Rastas' belief in the divinity of Haile Selassie as blasphemy. Garvey knew of the Rastas from his time in Jamaica during the 1930s, but his view of them, according to the Chevannes, “bordered on scorn”. Garvey never regarded himself as a religious visionary.

Concept of Alienation

Rastafari beliefs and Karl Marx’s early writings are undeniably similar. Marx was a conflict theorist, in that he believed that different parts of society were in constant conflict with each other, causing chaos and depression. Rastafari started in conflict with the greater society. Both are critical of and withdraw from the modern western capitalist society.

I'm gonna put on a iron shirt and chase Satan out of Earth. I'm gonna put on a iron shirt and chase the devil out of Earth. I'm gonna send him to outer space to find another race.

Marx’s concept of alienation in the workplace explains why Rastas feel capitalism was destroying their personality. Marx believed there were four steps to alienation:

  1. Alienation from the product of labour
  2. Alienation from the process of labour
  3. Alienation from co-workers
  4. Alienation from oneself (Marx 327)

Capitalism, for Rasta and Marx, objectifies the worker. Labour is no longer seen as an expression of people’s purpose. It puts him in a system where they are only valued for their material worth. This objectification leads to the bourgeois oppression of the poor.

Is purpose the anti-dote to estrangement from or loss of self.

Just as Babylon is Marx’s capitalist system, Ethiopia is his true Communism.

W. E. B duBois

Rastafarianism also draws heavily from Maoist/Communist and NAACP founder W.E.B duBois writings. For Du Bois and Rastafarians, the English language is symbolic of the oppression of black people and the African language stripped from them. Du Bois recognises that English has no regard for African decedents; it is not their language, and it is foreign and alienating. Rastafarians also recognise this, but they take it a step further. Through the concept of I and I they revoke the western use of I and me and also create new words, making the language their own. For example, the word university changes to “I-niversity”.

Du Bois shaking hands with worlds greatest mass murder Mao Zedong
CCP Chairman Mao Zedong with W. E. B. Dubois in 1959.

Another of Du Bois major tenants was the need for education. The Rasta belief started as a liberation movement, and education was the centre of it. Both Du Bois and Rasta believe that education can lead to liberation, which leads to the finding of one's self. The first is that black men have no true self-consciousness. He believes in a double-consciousness, which is, black men, see themselves through the eyes of others. “One ever feels a twoness, -an American, a negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings.” (Du Bois 45). This connects directly to Jamaicans in that they are torn between and Jamaican and African identity. Rastafari is the attempt to bridge this gap. For Du Bois, the veil is a block stopping white men from seeing black men as they are, and black men from seeing white men as they are. Neither side is the conscience of the true other. Rastafari pushes to eliminate this veil.

C. L. R. James

Trinidadian, Comintern Writer C. L. R. James (a known associate of Trotsky in exile), author of the “Black Jacobins” (In France, the Dominicans were known as Jacobins because their convent in Paris was attached to the Church of Saint-Jacques) was an obsessed with commentating Cricket. In-between his Brixton house on Railroad, he orchestrated Communism into Kennington's Rastafarian International temple, located on the ghetto street of Saint Agnes Place.

C.L.R James was Connected to Noel Ignatiev and the Dominican Order (The Order of Preachers)
C.L.R James was Connected to the Dominican Order (The Order of Preachers).
C.L.R James was Connected to Noel Ignatiev and the Dominican Order (The Order of Preachers)
C.L.R James was Connected to Noel Ignatiev.

The squalid, crack cocaine and cockroach-infested street socially housed displaced people (Spanish Anarchists and Socialist Communists) was located a mere stone throw away from Kennington's world-famous Oval cricket ground. C.L.R. James lived and died a mile away from the Rastafarian “temple” at 165 Railton Road, Brixton, a hangout of Reggae legend and Rastafarian Bob Marley.

Bob Marley

As a mulatto, Bob Marley was chosen to deliver Communist Third Worldism through promotion of Rastafarianism to the First World. There is little doubt as to who helped Communist Bob Marley with his Communist / Egalitarian lyrics, developed as a Third Worldism lyrical anthem sung to glorify the destruction of the first world that was denounced and demonised by Marley and his Communist cohorts as Babylon; Babylon ironically being written as the birthplace of King Nimrod and his soul skinning Trinitarian priesthood.

Masonic Marley
Masonic Marley
Masonic Marley

Marxist Icon of Alienating Satanism, Dark star Robert Nesta Marley.

I would say to the people, Be still, and know that His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, is the Almighty. Now, the Bible seh so, Babylon newspaper seh so, and I and I the children seh so. Yunno? So I don't see how much more reveal our people want. Wha' dem want? a white god, well God come black. True true.

Bob Marley was mixed race, his father Norval Sinclair Marley [Clan Sinclair are historically connected to the Knights Templar via Roslyn Chapel], a white Jamaican of English and rumored Syrian Jewish descent, whose father's family came from England; the family of his mother, Ellen Marley (née Bloomfield), came from the Levant. C. L. R. James lived at 165 Railton Road, a stonethrow away from Bob Marley Way. C.L.R James is linked to Maoist Third Worldism and Critical Theory professor Noel Ignatiev; who infamously is also (with John Garvey) co-editor of anti-White “Race Traitor Magazine”. The publication's motto “treason to Whiteness is loyalty to humanity” is regurgitated throughout American academia that is reengineering White Guilt through alienating indoctrination of Critical Race theory known to many as “White Privilege”.

Race Traitor
Race Traitor
Race Traitor

LoXism Magazine of the New Abolitionsim: “Race Traitor” edited by Maoist Noel Ignatiev

To understand Ignatievs hateful dismissal of Irish people identifying as White, we only need to look no further than the disproportionate race-mixing ratio outlined by the prevailing frequency of Black Jamaican Males interloping with White Irish women, first instigated by Oliver Cromwell. Seems we, in our efforts to preserve the existence of our people, have all be played out as fools by New Abolitionism, bearers of genetic inheritance defaced into compliant dupes in a mutually self-assured racial destruction does it knot?

Babylon is used in context by Third Worldist Rastafarianism as a substitute demonisation code word meaning White people.

On 4 November 1980, shortly before Marley's death, Archbishop Abuna Yesehaq baptised Marley into the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, giving him the name Berhane Selassie. Biblically Ethiopia was a son of Ham (see Genesis 10:6), so in hindsight of the "Redemption of Ham" crusading missionary miscegenation is both ascertained and asserted through Egalitarian patrons such as Saint Martin etc.

Solomon’s Songs, amorous and foolish enough, but which wrinkled fanaticism has called divine.—The compilers of the Bible have placed these songs after the book of Ecclesiastes; and the chronologists have affixed to them the aera of B.C. 1014, at which time Solomon, according to the same chronology, was nineteen years of age, and was then forming his seraglio of wives and concubines. The Bible-makers and the chronologists should have managed this matter a little better, and either have said nothing about the time, or chosen a time less inconsistent with the supposed divinity of those songs; for Solomon was then in the honey-moon of one thousand debaucheries.

Zaera Yacob Amha Selassie

The Crown Prince of Ethiopia Zaera Yacob Amha Selassie is regarded as the head of the Imperial Family of Ethiopia. Zera Yacob is written to currently live in Addis Ababa but used to live, for years, in a modest dwelling on the Isle of Dogs, London, UK. Yacob attended Eton College and graduated from Exeter College, Oxford and (as an Eritrean / Ethiopian warmonger) military educated at Sandhurst; Yacob's grandfather was Emperor Haile Selassie. When you observe this pale-faced, Solomonic “elitist” family among their primitive Ethiopian subjects, you can see significant notable difference both in physical features and tone of skin colour (melanin reduction).


Bob Marley song “Cornerstone” is certainly relevant to Freemasonry. The Biblical passages in this song taken from feature in some portions of Masonic ritual. It has been suggested that the Rastafari word for God, Jah, comes from the term Jahbulon, although the name JAH (a transliteration of YAH, shortened from Yahweh) appears in the King James Version of the Bible, in Psalm 68:4.

Unholy trinity “Jah.bul.on” of Solomonic [Knights Templar] Freemasonry.

The term “Jah” also appears throughout the Psalms in other Bible translations, for instance the Darby translation or Young's Literal translation. William David Spencer, in his 1999 Dread Jesus, proposes that Archibald Dunkley and Joseph Nathaniel Hibbert were among the preachers that inspired the Rastafari movement, and that both were members of the “Ancient Mystic Order of Ethiopia”, a fraternal order derived from Prince Hall Freemasonry. Spencer believes that several features of the Rastafari movement derive from this lodge, including the name “Jah”, from the word Jah-Bul-On.

one love is a loner's disparity, a so low moon.

Cultural appropriation

The Rastafari appear to have taken the appearance and cannabis smoking from the 8th century CE old Hindu subculture of the Indian Sadhu (who have worn their hair as thick dreadlocks named as jata for thousands of years). These Sadhus probably arrived upon West Africa as crewmen blown by merchant trade winds across the Indian Ocean towards Mauritius. The Yacubs are very close in appearance to Asians, with their North African and Arab appearance.

Rasta, smoking Cannabis through a Pipe.
Sadhu smoking Cannabis through a Chillam.

Sadhu tradition of India is thousands of years old, whilst Rastafarianism was “developed” in the 1930s.

Given the Yacubs are very close in appearance to Asians with their North African and Arab appearance, I surmise that my correspondence with India was covertly used as a multi-racial bridge in that I was skinned of my resonant ancestral flesh and crucified pursuing their yearning for an archetypal resonant God King; altercated and recast into their Solomonic lineage through Saturnalian / Trinitarian forked abstraction of Hindu Dharma.

Cultural convergence

Security service (MI5) carried out surveillance of CND members it considered to be subversive, and from the late 1960s until the mid-1970s it designated CND as subversive by virtue of its being “communist-controlled”. Communists have played an active role in the organisation, and John Cox, its chairman from 1971 to 1977, was a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain; in the late 1970s, MI5 downgraded CND from “communist-controlled” to “communist-penetrated”. During the late seventies, one group of New Age travellers splintered and came to be known as the Peace Convoy after visits to Peace camps associated with the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).

White Devil
Through the 1980s Communist Peace Convoy manipulation of Shiva worshipping New Age Travellers, the Rastafarians searched for their unwitting White Devil. Photo is from Goa “Sun Splash” reggae festival in Goa. (Goa is a Portuguese, predominantly Christian enclave located in Southern India. I believe this picture to be of a man named “Brixton Billy” an associate of Kennington (Ninjatune) record producer (Matt Coln) involved in the Kalergi Plan and connected to ageing relics of the Peace Convoy.

The Communist “Peace” Convoy eventually came into contact with the environmental movement of the early 90s, most notably with the M11 Link road protest in Leytonstone, North East London. Many New Age Travellers who had not been part of Peace Convoy but now evicted from the subculture by the Criminal Justice Bill / Act converged on various environmental protests such a M3 Tywford down and A34 Newbury Bypass protests; aligning themselves with the UK's version of America's “Earth First” campaign. New Age culture prevailed as direct action movement florished until Heroin lammed 1st gen and Ketamine tore apart the minds of 2nd gen of New Age Travellers, a cheap trick of the 90s Rave Music Scene.

White Devil
White Devil